title: Basic carding show-content: 1
Carding (also known as scamming) is an art. It's basically ordering items from the Internet (cellphones, laptops, tvs, etcetera) without actually paying for it, or at least, not paying with your own money.
Now you will be wondering how we do this stuff. Well, most sites accept credit cards as a payment form. These credit cards can be obtained from mIRC or from public forums (you can just google them).
For the dummies: A creditcard is a 16 digit number, which can be used to pay some kind of bank card. These are different types of creditcards:
When you get a credit card, you'll need to recognise the type.
Some sites might ask for a CVV2, this is the three digit verfication code on the back of the card, this is also pasted on forums.
There are some tips and tricks when you want to order something:
Look for a site with a shitty layout, they'll probably have a bad security and are "cardable" (this means you can easily get stuff from the site)
Try to use Discover or AMEX (American Express), these cards are less involved with chargebacks and most merchants (payment processors) won't verify these cards, instead of visa and mastercard which have a lot of chargebacks.
Don't use a store in your own country, especifically not big ones. Ebay is one of the best cardable sites if you have the right techniques
When ordering, some sites might ask for a billing address and a shipping address.
Billing Address is the address listed on the creditcard
Shipping Address is your address, the so called "delivery address"
As you probably know, ebay is an online auction site where goods can be sold and bought by people all over the world. This site is one of the most visited shopping sites, because of its large variety of goods and prices, which can be lower than store prices.
Now the question is: How to contact the seller and arrange the fraudulent deal?.
Well, to contact the seller you'll need an ebay buyer account. You will also need to use a valid email address because you have to confirm your registration and the seller(s) will also reply to you on that email address.
If you see an item and want to buy it, first ask the seller a question, the following one will work well:
Hi I am from USA and I am interested in purchasing this item from you. I would like to pay it with my paypal, but the item is a gift for my cousin in Belgium. Can you gift wrap the package and calculate shipping costs for 2-3 days delivery?. Please reply to me with the total price and your paypal address.
Paypal is an online payment method, which is used by a lot of ebayers and can be funded by bank transfers or creditcards.
All you need for this is a USA cvv2 and a valid email address.
Fill in the form with the creditcard info (name, address, city, state, zipcode, country, etc) and the email address you are using for Ebay. On the bottom of the page, they will ask you to pick 2 security questiosn and give an answer on those questions in case you forget your password.
Pick any random question and fill it in with random info, paypal cannot verify it.
After you have signed up, go to your email inbox & click on the paypal email. Inside, you will find a link which you'll to click in order to confirm the registration, it will redirect you to another page that will ask you to confirm your paypal password.
Fill it in, click on submit and paypal will ask you to add a bank account. We are not interested in this, so click Skip. Then, you'll see your account overview. In the left menu, click on "Add a Credit Card", on that page, it'll ask you the cardholder's name, the ccnumber, the type of creditcard, the expiry date and CVV2.
If all information is valid, click on Submit and hopefully you'll get a message saying: "You have successfully added a creditcard". If you are unlucky, you will get one of the following errors:
This credit card has already been assigned to another paypal account, please use a different card.
You have entered an invalid or partial credit card number
Your card has been declined because we couldn't verify the 3-4 digit code on the back of your card
This card has been declined by your bank issuer
After you have successfully added a card, look in your email inbox for some replies from sellers which will contain a full price for the item. Go to your paypal account, click on "Send Money", fill the recipent (seller's paypal email), the amount and pick "Auction Goods" (non Ebay), on the next page, create an item number (10 digits maximum) and a buyer ID (johndoe9127 for example), as auction site select "Other".
Then, click on continue, it'll bring you to a new screen to confirm the information you entered. As funding source, you'll see that the credit card is selected.
On the bottom, ypi'll see that paypal automatically selects the credit card address as shipping address. Leave it indicated like it is, it'll give the transaction a very legit look.
Finally, click on "Confirm" and hope for the best. If your purchase was successful, you'll get a message saying that you've sent cash or you paid for an online auction.
Then return to your paypal account and log out. Go to your inbox, tell the seller the money has been sent and provide the shipping address in the mail.
Also ask him to mail you back once the package is shipped.
If everything is okay, you should have the package in one week. After a while, the seller might mail you to tell you that the payment has been reversed and asking you to send it again. Simply ignore these emails by marking them as spam.