.gitignore 802 B

  1. *.csv
  2. !redirects.csv
  3. .env
  4. _build/
  5. *~
  6. .directory
  7. .vs/
  8. .vscode/
  9. *.mo
  10. # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
  11. __pycache__/
  12. *.py[cod]
  13. *$py.class
  14. # Common environment files
  15. .env
  16. .venv
  17. env/
  18. venv/
  19. ENV/
  20. env.bak/
  21. venv.bak/
  22. # User created Python virtual environment as described in the docs
  23. godot-docs-venv/
  24. # Vim temp files
  25. *.swo
  26. *.swp
  27. # Geany/geany-plugins files
  28. *.geany
  29. .geanyprj
  30. # Finder (macOS) makes these automatically.
  31. .DS_Store
  32. __MACOSX
  33. # Windows image file caches
  34. [Tt]humbs.db
  35. [Tt]humbs.db:encryptable
  36. ehthumbs.db
  37. ehthumbs_vista.db
  38. # Windows shortcuts
  39. *.lnk
  40. # Windows folder config file
  41. [Dd]esktop.ini
  42. # Windows Recycle Bin used on file shares
  44. logo.h
  45. *.autosave
  46. # Output of list-unused-images.sh tool
  47. tmp-unused-images
  48. tmp-unused-images-history
  49. # Jetbrains IDE files
  50. /.idea/