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- declare namespace stripJsonComments {
- interface Options {
- /**
- Replace comments with whitespace instead of stripping them entirely.
- @default true
- */
- readonly whitespace?: boolean;
- }
- }
- /**
- Strip comments from JSON. Lets you use comments in your JSON files!
- It will replace single-line comments `//` and multi-line comments `/**\/` with whitespace. This allows JSON error positions to remain as close as possible to the original source.
- @param jsonString - Accepts a string with JSON.
- @returns A JSON string without comments.
- @example
- ```
- const json = `{
- // Rainbows
- "unicorn": "cake"
- }`;
- JSON.parse(stripJsonComments(json));
- //=> {unicorn: 'cake'}
- ```
- */
- declare function stripJsonComments(
- jsonString: string,
- options?: stripJsonComments.Options
- ): string;
- export = stripJsonComments;