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  87. <h1 class="p-name">That magic moment</h1>
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  90. Just want to stay there for a while. Pause, feel and repeat. The feel changes all of a sudden isn’t it? As if it
  91. were just another…
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  100. <h3 name="7e74" id="7e74" class="graf graf--h3 graf--leading graf--title">That magic moment</h3>
  101. <p name="6dd4" id="6dd4" class="graf graf--p graf-after--h3 graf--trailing">Just want to stay there for a
  102. while. Pause, feel and repeat. The feel changes all of a sudden isn’t it? As if it were just another
  103. transient experience. If we just allow ourselves to be, then it just <em
  104. class="markup--em markup--p-em">floats</em>. Our experience of time comes to a stand still and we just
  105. float. Floating in the pool of random happenings and fathoming the abyss.</p>
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  115. <p name="f1c1" id="f1c1" class="graf graf--p graf--leading graf--trailing">Sometimes, it is just there
  116. beside you and feels that it’s there throbbing your being in every possible way. Waiting for it to utter
  117. even though there’s no reason at all. Uttering words for a made-up reason or something just jeweled right
  118. in there for that moment. Crazy and stupid as it may sound, this happens under some elaborate scheme to
  119. spring up a magical moment. Feels like saying, anything, doesn’t need to make any sense or convey an
  120. emotion or thought. Just being there <em class="markup--em markup--p-em">in</em> the moment. The moment
  121. which makes the time to cease. It could be like one of those brief encounters with beauty. Encounters of
  122. anomaly perhaps. An anomaly in the usual sequence of events. They are those precious little oases where
  123. the juice of life overflows and splurges into radiance. Fills every void of existence, so filled with
  124. suspense of unknown, mysterious and the enchanting. Rationale, logic and sanity behold: There is a space
  125. of enigma that mesmerizes this being to the ever ecstatic.</p>
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  135. <p name="7977" id="7977" class="graf graf--p graf--leading graf--trailing">It’s just when we start paying
  136. attention to something that we start losing focus from it. The meaning of ‘attention’ is strongly
  137. connected with holding on to a thought. Being more than concerned about it. Human tendency has always been
  138. to escape towards higher levels of entropy. Escapism from every real happening. What is more realistic
  139. than the existence of our very being?</p>
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  149. <p name="17c9" id="17c9" class="graf graf--p graf--leading">It seems that magic that existed through a small
  150. orifice of the anomaly in this space and time continuum ceased to perpetuate. It’s constricted. There was
  151. something that was waited upon and it is just a coincidence that in some happening we’ve found a new
  152. experience blossoming.</p>
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  157. data-is-featured="true" src="assets/img/Enigma.jpeg">
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  159. <figcaption class="imageCaption">Enigma — Resin artwork designed and created by Sue Findlay</figcaption>
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