textile_backup.json5 2.8 KB

  1. {
  2. /*
  3. Should every world have its own backup folder?
  4. */
  5. "perWorldBackup": true,
  6. /*
  7. Time between automatic backups in seconds
  8. When set to 0 backups will not be performed automatically
  9. */
  10. "backupInterval": 3600,
  11. /*
  12. Delay in seconds between typing-in /backup restore and it actually starting
  13. */
  14. "restoreDelay": 30,
  15. /*
  16. Should backups be done even if there are no players?
  17. */
  18. "doBackupsOnEmptyServer": false,
  19. /*
  20. Should backup be made on server shutdown?
  21. */
  22. "shutdownBackup": true,
  23. /*
  24. Should world be backed up before restoring a backup?
  25. */
  26. "backupOldWorlds": true,
  27. /*
  28. A path to the backup folder
  29. */
  30. "path": "backup/",
  31. /*
  32. This setting allows you to exclude files form being backed-up.
  33. Be very careful when setting it, as it is easy corrupt your world!
  34. */
  35. "fileBlacklist": [],
  36. /*
  37. Should backups be deleted after being restored?
  38. */
  39. "deleteOldBackupAfterRestore": true,
  40. /*
  41. Maximum number of backups to keep. If set to 0 then no backup will be deleted based their amount
  42. */
  43. "backupsToKeep": 10,
  44. /*
  45. Maximum age of backups to keep in seconds.
  46. If set to 0 then backups will not be deleted based their age
  47. */
  48. "maxAge": 0,
  49. /*
  50. Maximum size of backup folder in kilo bytes (1024).
  51. If set to 0 then backups will not be deleted
  52. */
  53. "maxSize": 10000000,
  54. /*
  55. Compression level
  56. 0 - 9
  57. Only affects zip compression.
  58. */
  59. "compression": 7,
  60. /*
  61. Limit how many cores can be used for compression.
  62. 0 means that all available cores will be used
  63. */
  64. "compressionCoreCountLimit": 0,
  65. /*
  66. Available formats are:
  67. ZIP - normal zip archive using standard deflate compression
  68. GZIP - tar.gz using gzip compression
  69. BZIP2 - tar.bz2 archive using bzip2 compression
  70. LZMA - tar.xz using lzma compression
  71. TAR - .tar with no compression
  72. */
  73. "format": "ZIP",
  74. /*
  75. Minimal permission level required to run commands
  76. */
  77. "permissionLevel": 4,
  78. /*
  79. Player on singleplayer is always allowed to run command. Warning! On lan party everyone will be allowed to run it.
  80. */
  81. "alwaysSingleplayerAllowed": true,
  82. /*
  83. Players allowed to run backup commands without sufficient permission level
  84. */
  85. "playerWhitelist": [],
  86. /*
  87. Players banned from running backup commands besides their sufficient permission level
  88. */
  89. "playerBlacklist": [],
  90. /*
  91. Announce to ALL players when backup starts
  92. */
  93. "broadcastBackupStart": true,
  94. /*
  95. Announce to ALL players when backup finishes
  96. */
  97. "broadcastBackupDone": true,
  98. /*
  99. Format of date&time used to name backup files.
  100. Remember not to use '#' symbol or any other character that is not allowed by your operating system such as:
  101. ':', '\', etc...
  102. For more info: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.html
  103. */
  104. "dateTimeFormat": "yyyy.MM.dd_HH-mm-ss"
  105. }