scannable-common.toml 4.2 KB

  1. [energy]
  2. #Whether to consume energy when performing a scan. Will make the scanner a chargeable item.
  3. useEnergy = true
  4. #Amount of energy used by the common ore module per scan.
  5. #Range: > 0
  6. energyCostModuleOreCommon = 75
  7. #Amount of energy used by the animal module per scan.
  8. #Range: > 0
  9. energyCostModuleAnimal = 25
  10. #Amount of energy used by the fluid module per scan.
  11. #Range: > 0
  12. energyCostModuleFluid = 50
  13. #Amount of energy used by the monster module per scan.
  14. #Range: > 0
  15. energyCostModuleMonster = 50
  16. #Amount of energy used by the block module per scan.
  17. #Range: > 0
  18. energyCostModuleBlock = 100
  19. #Amount of energy that can be stored in a scanner.
  20. #Range: > 0
  21. energyCapacityScanner = 5000
  22. #Amount of energy used by the range module per scan.
  23. #Range: > 0
  24. energyCostModuleRange = 100
  25. #Amount of energy used by the entity module per scan.
  26. #Range: > 0
  27. energyCostModuleEntity = 75
  28. #Amount of energy used by the rare ore module per scan.
  29. #Range: > 0
  30. energyCostModuleOreRare = 100
  31. [general]
  32. #How long the results from a scan should remain visible, in milliseconds.
  33. #Range: 1000 ~ 300000
  34. scanStayDuration = 10000
  35. #The basic scan radius without range modules. Higher values mean more computational
  36. #overhead and thus potentially worse performance while scanning.
  37. #IMPORTANT: some modules such as the block and ore scanner modules will already use
  38. #a reduced radius based on this value. Specifically, the ore scanners multiply this
  39. #value by 0.25, and the block scanner multiplies it by 0.5.
  40. #Range modules will boost the range by half this value.
  41. #Range: 16 ~ 128
  42. baseScanRadius = 64
  43. [blocks]
  44. #Registry names of blocks that should be ignored.
  45. #Blocks in this list will be excluded from the default ore list based on the forge:ores
  46. #tag and it will be impossible to tune the entity module to this block.
  47. ignoredBlocks = ["minecraft:command_block"]
  48. #Tag names of block tags that should be ignored.
  49. #Blocks matching a tag in this list will be excluded from the default ore list based on the
  50. #forge:ores tag and it will be impossible to tune the entity module to this block.
  51. ignoredBlockTags = []
  52. [ores]
  53. #Registry names of blocks considered 'common ores', requiring the common ore scanner module.
  54. commonOreBlocks = ["minecraft:clay", "malum:soulstone_ore", "malum:deepslate_soulstone_ore", "the_aether:ambrosium_ore"]
  55. #Block tags of blocks considered 'rare ores', requiring the common ore scanner module.
  56. #Any block with the forge:ores tag is implicitly in this list, unless the block also
  57. #matches an ignored or common ore block tag, or is an ignored or common block.
  58. rareOreBlockTags = ["c:iridium_ores", "c:mozanite_ores", "c:salt_ores", "c:tungsten_ores", "c:uranium_ores", "c:manganese_ores", "c:adamantite_ores", "mythicmetals:aquarium_ores", "mythicmetals:carmot_ores", "mythicmetals:kyber_ores", "mythicmetals:morkite_ores", "mythicmetals:midas_gold_ores", "c:mythril_ores", "c:orichalcum_ores", "c:osmium_ores", "c:palladium_ores", "c:platinum_ores", "mythicmetals:prometheum_ores", "mythicmetals:runite_ores", "c:silver_ores", "mythicmetals:starrite_ores", "mythicmetals:stormyx_ores", "mythicmetals:unobtainium_ores"]
  59. #Block tags of blocks considered 'common ores', requiring the common ore scanner module.
  60. commonOreBlockTags = ["c:galena_ores", "c:antimony_ores", "c:bauxite_ores", "c:nickel_ores", "c:lead_ores", "c:lignite_coal_ores", "c:tin_ores", "c:ores/zinc", "mythicmetals:banglum_ores", "c:banglum_ores", "mythicmetals:quadrillum_ores", "c:quadrillum_ores", "c:ores/lignite", "c:certus_quartz_ores", "c:redstone_ores", "c:coal_ores", "c:iron_ores", "c:quartz_ores", "c:copper_ores", "c:tin_ores"]
  61. #Registry names of blocks considered 'rare ores', requiring the rare ore scanner module.
  62. rareOreBlocks = ["apollo:lunar_iron_ore", "minecraft:glowstone", "malum:blazing_quartz_ore", "things:gleaming_ore", "things:deepslate_gleaming_ore", "byg:emeraldite_ore", "the_aether:zanite_ore", "the_aether:gravitite_ore", "mythicmetals:nether_banglum_ore", "mythicmetals:end_stone_starrite_ore", "qcraft:quantum_ore", "qcraft:deepslate_quantum_ore", "purpeille:purpur_remnants", "powah:uraninite_ore_poor", "powah:uraninite_ore", "powah:uraninite_ore_dense"]
  63. [fluids]
  64. #Fluid tags of fluids that should be ignored.
  65. ignoredFluidTags = []