#11 disable notifications between tracks

vor 3 Jahren geöffnet von bikepunk · 1 Kommentare
bikepunk kommentierte vor 3 Jahren

I find the notification between 2 tracks annoying (it actually vibrate and make noise) If I disable campfire notifications in Android settings, then campfire crashes :-/ would be super neat to be able to play bandcamp stuff without notifications

I find the notification between 2 tracks annoying (it actually vibrate and make noise) If I disable campfire notifications in Android settings, then campfire crashes :-/ would be super neat to be able to play bandcamp stuff without notifications
fynngodau kommentierte vor 3 Jahren

Right, it is possible to tell Android not to make noise from the app's side. I don't think campfire does that right now, whereas it really should!

Unfortunately it is not possible to do that for existing users after an update, but you should be able to disable vibrations and sound for just the campfire app from the Android settings as well.

Right, it is possible to tell Android not to make noise from the app's side. I don't think campfire does that right now, whereas it really should! Unfortunately it is not possible to do that for existing users after an update, but you should be able to disable vibrations and sound for just the campfire app from the Android settings as well.
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