#64 Contribution note

otvorené 4 rokov pred užívateľom TheOneWithTheBraid · 3 komentárov

May we create a Contribution.md-file containing instructions for contributors like how the API is designed etc.?

May we create a Contribution.md-file containing instructions for contributors like how the API is designed etc.?
fynngodau okomentoval 4 rokov pred

I could enable the built-in wiki where we could create pages like "How to write a Reader" and such, yes.

I could enable the built-in wiki where we could create pages like "How to write a Reader" and such, yes.
fynngodau okomentoval 4 rokov pred

I am at this moment writing a document called "Contributing – How to write a Reader" while making the Reader interface more clean and less error-prone to use.

I am at this moment writing a document called "Contributing – How to write a Reader" while making the `Reader` interface more clean and less error-prone to use.
fynngodau okomentoval 3 rokov pred

Since #80 is now merged, I have completed and pushed the documentation I had written to the wiki.

For concrete improvement suggestions, you can clone the wiki at https://notabug.org/fynngodau/DSBDirect.wiki.git, commit changes, generate a patch using git format-patch HEAD~ and email it to me.

Since #80 is now merged, I have completed and pushed the documentation I had written to the wiki. For concrete improvement suggestions, you can clone the wiki at `https://notabug.org/fynngodau/DSBDirect.wiki.git`, commit changes, generate a patch using `git format-patch HEAD~` and email it to me.
fynngodau sa odvolal na túto issue z commitu 3 rokov pred
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