921 B


A CUDA miner for yggdrasil network addresses

Warning: this is an alpha version software. Bugs are to be expected.


OpenCL engine requires OpenCL C++ headers (opencl-clhpp-headers on Ubuntu, opencl-clhpp on Archlinux, dev-libs/clhpp on Gentoo, etc.).

The GPU's compute capability should be specified for optimal performance. It can be obtained from CUDA capabilities.

cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=<your CUDA capability, i.e 61 for Pascal 1060 GTX>
cmake --build build

Currently there are two engines: CUDA and OpenCL. By default both are built, but it's possible to select only one via YGG_BRUTE_ENGINES variable:

# Select only the CUDA engine
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DYGG_BRUTE_ENGINES=cuda
# Select only the OpenCl engine
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DYGG_BRUTE_ENGINES=opencl


ygg-brute --help