yesod-static.cabal 4.0 KB

  1. name: yesod-static
  2. version:
  3. license: MIT
  4. license-file: LICENSE
  5. author: Michael Snoyman <>
  6. maintainer: Michael Snoyman <>, Greg Weber <>
  7. synopsis: Static file serving subsite for Yesod Web Framework.
  8. category: Web, Yesod
  9. stability: Stable
  10. cabal-version: >= 1.8
  11. build-type: Simple
  12. homepage:
  13. description: API docs and the README are available at <>
  14. extra-source-files:
  15. sample.hs
  16. sample-embed.hs
  17. test/*.hs
  18. test/fs/bar/baz
  19. test/fs/tmp/ignored
  20. test/fs/.ignored
  21. test/fs/foo
  22. test/embed-dir/foo
  23. test/embed-dir/lorem.txt
  24. test/embed-dir/abc/def.txt
  27. library
  28. build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5
  29. , containers >= 0.2
  30. , old-time >= 1.0
  31. , yesod-core >= 1.4 && < 1.5
  32. , base64-bytestring >=
  33. , byteable >= 0.1
  34. , bytestring >=
  35. , template-haskell
  36. , directory >= 1.0
  37. , transformers >= 0.2.2
  38. , wai-app-static >= 3.1
  39. , wai >= 1.3
  40. , text >= 0.9
  41. , file-embed >= && < 0.5
  42. , http-types >= 0.7
  43. , unix-compat >= 0.2
  44. , conduit >= 0.5
  45. , conduit-extra
  46. , cryptohash-conduit >= 0.1
  47. , cryptohash >= 0.11
  48. , data-default
  49. , mime-types >= 0.1
  50. , hjsmin
  51. , filepath >= 1.3
  52. , resourcet >= 0.4
  53. , unordered-containers >= 0.2
  54. , process
  55. , async
  56. , attoparsec >= 0.10
  57. , blaze-builder >= 0.3
  58. , css-text >= 0.1.2
  59. , hashable >= 1.1
  60. exposed-modules: Yesod.Static
  61. Yesod.EmbeddedStatic
  62. Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Generators
  63. Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Types
  64. Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Css.AbsoluteUrl
  65. other-modules: Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Internal
  66. Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Css.Util
  67. ghc-options: -Wall
  68. extensions: TemplateHaskell
  69. test-suite tests
  70. hs-source-dirs: ., test
  71. main-is: tests.hs
  72. type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
  73. cpp-options: -DTEST_EXPORT
  74. build-depends: base
  75. , hspec >= 1.3
  76. , yesod-test >= 1.4
  77. , wai-extra
  78. , HUnit
  79. -- copy from above
  80. , containers
  81. , old-time
  82. , yesod-core
  83. , base64-bytestring
  84. , bytestring
  85. , byteable
  86. , template-haskell
  87. , directory
  88. , transformers
  89. , wai-app-static
  90. , wai
  91. , text
  92. , file-embed
  93. , http-types
  94. , unix-compat
  95. , conduit
  96. , cryptohash-conduit
  97. , cryptohash
  98. , data-default
  99. , mime-types
  100. , hjsmin
  101. , filepath
  102. , resourcet
  103. , unordered-containers
  104. , async
  105. , process
  106. , conduit-extra
  107. ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
  108. extensions: TemplateHaskell
  109. source-repository head
  110. type: git
  111. location: