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- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}
- module GeneratorTestUtil where
- import Control.Applicative
- import Control.Monad (when)
- import Data.List (sortBy)
- import Language.Haskell.TH
- import Test.HUnit hiding (Location)
- import Yesod.EmbeddedStatic.Types
- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
- -- We test the generators by executing them at compile time
- -- and sticking the result into the GenTestResult. We then
- -- test the GenTestResult at runtime. But to test the ebDevelReload
- -- we must run the action at runtime so that is also embedded.
- -- Because of template haskell stage restrictions, this code
- -- needs to be in a separate module.
- data GenTestResult = GenError String
- | GenSuccessWithDevel (IO BL.ByteString)
- -- | Creates a GenTestResult at compile time by testing the entry.
- testEntry :: Maybe String -> Location -> IO BL.ByteString -> Entry -> ExpQ
- testEntry name _ _ e | ebHaskellName e /= (mkName <$> name) =
- [| GenError ("haskell name " ++ $(litE $ stringL $ show $ ebHaskellName e)
- ++ " /= "
- ++ $(litE $ stringL $ show name)) |]
- testEntry _ loc _ e | ebLocation e /= loc =
- [| GenError ("location " ++ $(litE $ stringL $ show $ ebLocation e)) |]
- testEntry _ _ act e = do
- expected <- runIO act
- actual <- runIO $ ebProductionContent e
- if expected == actual
- then [| GenSuccessWithDevel $(ebDevelReload e) |]
- else [| GenError "production content" |]
- testOneEntry :: Maybe String -> Location -> IO BL.ByteString -> [Entry] -> ExpQ
- testOneEntry name loc ct [e] = testEntry name loc ct e
- testOneEntry _ _ _ _ = [| GenError "not exactly one entry" |]
- -- | Tests a list of entries
- testEntries :: [(Maybe String, Location, IO BL.ByteString)] -> [Entry] -> ExpQ
- testEntries a b | length a /= length b = [| [GenError "lengths differ"] |]
- testEntries a b = listE $ zipWith f a' b'
- where
- a' = sortBy (\(_,l1,_) (_,l2,_) -> compare l1 l2) a
- b' = sortBy (\e1 e2 -> ebLocation e1 `compare` ebLocation e2) b
- f (name, loc, ct) e = testEntry name loc ct e
- -- | Use this at runtime to assert the 'GenTestResult' is OK
- assertGenResult :: (IO BL.ByteString) -- ^ expected development content
- -> GenTestResult -- ^ test result created at compile time
- -> Assertion
- assertGenResult _ (GenError e) = assertFailure ("invalid " ++ e)
- assertGenResult mexpected (GenSuccessWithDevel mactual) = do
- expected <- mexpected
- actual <- mactual
- when (expected /= actual) $
- assertFailure "invalid devel content"