123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163 |
- {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
- -- | A module providing a means of creating multiple input forms, such as a
- -- list of 0 or more recipients.
- module Yesod.Form.MassInput
- ( inputList
- , massDivs
- , massTable
- ) where
- import Yesod.Form.Types
- import Yesod.Form.Functions
- import Yesod.Form.Fields (checkBoxField)
- import Yesod.Core
- import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS (get, put, ask)
- import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
- import Data.Text.Read (decimal)
- import Control.Monad (liftM)
- import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
- import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
- import qualified Data.Map as Map
- import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
- down :: Monad m => Int -> MForm m ()
- down 0 = return ()
- down i | i < 0 = error "called down with a negative number"
- down i = do
- is <- get
- put $ IntCons 0 is
- down $ i - 1
- up :: Monad m => Int -> MForm m ()
- up 0 = return ()
- up i | i < 0 = error "called down with a negative number"
- up i = do
- is <- get
- case is of
- IntSingle _ -> error "up on IntSingle"
- IntCons _ is' -> put is' >> newFormIdent >> return ()
- up $ i - 1
- -- | Generate a form that accepts 0 or more values from the user, allowing the
- -- user to specify that a new row is necessary.
- inputList :: (m ~ HandlerT site IO, xml ~ WidgetT site IO (), RenderMessage site FormMessage)
- => Html
- -- ^ label for the form
- -> ([[FieldView site]] -> xml)
- -- ^ how to display the rows, usually either 'massDivs' or 'massTable'
- -> (Maybe a -> AForm (HandlerT site IO) a)
- -- ^ display a single row of the form, where @Maybe a@ gives the
- -- previously submitted value
- -> Maybe [a]
- -- ^ default initial values for the form
- -> AForm (HandlerT site IO) [a]
- inputList label fixXml single mdef = formToAForm $ do
- theId <- lift newIdent
- down 1
- countName <- newFormIdent
- addName <- newFormIdent
- (menv, _, _) <- ask
- let readInt t =
- case decimal t of
- Right (i, "") -> Just i
- _ -> Nothing
- let vals =
- case menv of
- Nothing -> map Just $ fromMaybe [] mdef
- Just (env, _) ->
- let toAdd = maybe False (const True) $ Map.lookup addName env
- count' = fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup countName env >>= listToMaybe >>= readInt
- count = (if toAdd then 1 else 0) + count'
- in replicate count Nothing
- let count = length vals
- (res, xmls, views) <- liftM fixme $ mapM (withDelete . single) vals
- up 1
- return (res, [FieldView
- { fvLabel = label
- , fvTooltip = Nothing
- , fvId = theId
- , fvInput = [whamlet|
- $newline never
- ^{fixXml views}
- <p>
- $forall xml <- xmls
- ^{xml}
- <input .count type=hidden name=#{countName} value=#{count}>
- <input type=checkbox name=#{addName}>
- Add another row
- |]
- , fvErrors = Nothing
- , fvRequired = False
- }])
- withDelete :: (xml ~ WidgetT site IO (), RenderMessage site FormMessage)
- => AForm (HandlerT site IO) a
- -> MForm (HandlerT site IO) (Either xml (FormResult a, [FieldView site]))
- withDelete af = do
- down 1
- deleteName <- newFormIdent
- (menv, _, _) <- ask
- res <- case menv >>= Map.lookup deleteName . fst of
- Just ("yes":_) -> return $ Left [whamlet|
- $newline never
- <input type=hidden name=#{deleteName} value=yes>
- |]
- _ -> do
- (_, xml2) <- aFormToForm $ areq checkBoxField FieldSettings
- { fsLabel = SomeMessage MsgDelete
- , fsTooltip = Nothing
- , fsName = Just deleteName
- , fsId = Nothing
- , fsAttrs = []
- } $ Just False
- (res, xml) <- aFormToForm af
- return $ Right (res, xml $ xml2 [])
- up 1
- return res
- fixme :: (xml ~ WidgetT site IO ())
- => [Either xml (FormResult a, [FieldView site])]
- -> (FormResult [a], [xml], [[FieldView site]])
- fixme eithers =
- (res, xmls, map snd rest)
- where
- (xmls, rest) = partitionEithers eithers
- res = sequenceA $ map fst rest
- massDivs, massTable
- :: [[FieldView site]]
- -> WidgetT site IO ()
- massDivs viewss = [whamlet|
- $newline never
- $forall views <- viewss
- <fieldset>
- $forall view <- views
- <div :fvRequired view:.required :not $ fvRequired view:.optional>
- <label for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
- $maybe tt <- fvTooltip view
- <div .tooltip>#{tt}
- ^{fvInput view}
- $maybe err <- fvErrors view
- <div .errors>#{err}
- |]
- massTable viewss = [whamlet|
- $newline never
- $forall views <- viewss
- <fieldset>
- <table>
- $forall view <- views
- <tr :fvRequired view:.required :not $ fvRequired view:.optional>
- <td>
- <label for=#{fvId view}>#{fvLabel view}
- $maybe tt <- fvTooltip view
- <div .tooltip>#{tt}
- <td>^{fvInput view}
- $maybe err <- fvErrors view
- <td .errors>#{err}
- |]