123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578 |
- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
- module Yesod.Auth
- ( -- * Subsite
- Auth
- , AuthRoute
- , Route (..)
- , AuthPlugin (..)
- , getAuth
- , YesodAuth (..)
- , YesodAuthPersist (..)
- -- * Plugin interface
- , Creds (..)
- , setCreds
- , setCredsRedirect
- , clearCreds
- , loginErrorMessage
- , loginErrorMessageI
- -- * User functions
- , AuthenticationResult (..)
- , defaultMaybeAuthId
- , defaultLoginHandler
- , maybeAuthPair
- , maybeAuth
- , requireAuthId
- , requireAuthPair
- , requireAuth
- -- * Exception
- , AuthException (..)
- -- * Helper
- , AuthHandler
- -- * Internal
- , credsKey
- , provideJsonMessage
- , messageJson401
- , asHtml
- ) where
- import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
- import Control.Monad (when)
- import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
- import Yesod.Auth.Routes
- import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
- import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8With)
- import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
- import Data.Text (Text)
- import qualified Data.Text as T
- import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as Map
- import Data.Monoid (Endo)
- import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, Request, withResponse, Response, BodyReader)
- import qualified Network.Wai as W
- import Yesod.Core
- import Yesod.Core.Types (HandlerT(..), unHandlerT)
- import Yesod.Persist
- import Yesod.Auth.Message (AuthMessage, defaultMessage)
- import qualified Yesod.Auth.Message as Msg
- import Yesod.Form (FormMessage)
- import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
- import Control.Exception (Exception)
- import Network.HTTP.Types (Status, internalServerError500, unauthorized401)
- import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResourceBase)
- import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as Writer
- import Control.Monad (void)
- type AuthRoute = Route Auth
- type AuthHandler master a = YesodAuth master => HandlerT Auth (HandlerT master IO) a
- type Method = Text
- type Piece = Text
- -- | The result of an authentication based on credentials
- --
- -- Since 1.4.4
- data AuthenticationResult master
- = Authenticated (AuthId master) -- ^ Authenticated successfully
- | UserError AuthMessage -- ^ Invalid credentials provided by user
- | ServerError Text -- ^ Some other error
- data AuthPlugin master = AuthPlugin
- { apName :: Text
- , apDispatch :: Method -> [Piece] -> AuthHandler master TypedContent
- , apLogin :: (Route Auth -> Route master) -> WidgetT master IO ()
- }
- getAuth :: a -> Auth
- getAuth = const Auth
- -- | User credentials
- data Creds master = Creds
- { credsPlugin :: Text -- ^ How the user was authenticated
- , credsIdent :: Text -- ^ Identifier. Exact meaning depends on plugin.
- , credsExtra :: [(Text, Text)]
- }
- class (Yesod master, PathPiece (AuthId master), RenderMessage master FormMessage) => YesodAuth master where
- type AuthId master
- -- | specify the layout. Uses defaultLayout by default
- authLayout :: WidgetT master IO () -> HandlerT master IO Html
- authLayout = defaultLayout
- -- | Default destination on successful login, if no other
- -- destination exists.
- loginDest :: master -> Route master
- -- | Default destination on successful logout, if no other
- -- destination exists.
- logoutDest :: master -> Route master
- -- | Perform authentication based on the given credentials.
- --
- -- Default implementation is in terms of @'getAuthId'@
- --
- -- Since: 1.4.4
- authenticate :: Creds master -> HandlerT master IO (AuthenticationResult master)
- authenticate creds = do
- muid <- getAuthId creds
- return $ maybe (UserError Msg.InvalidLogin) Authenticated muid
- -- | Determine the ID associated with the set of credentials.
- --
- -- Default implementation is in terms of @'authenticate'@
- --
- getAuthId :: Creds master -> HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthId master))
- getAuthId creds = do
- auth <- authenticate creds
- return $ case auth of
- Authenticated auid -> Just auid
- _ -> Nothing
- -- | Which authentication backends to use.
- authPlugins :: master -> [AuthPlugin master]
- -- | What to show on the login page.
- --
- -- By default this calls 'defaultLoginHandler', which concatenates
- -- plugin widgets and wraps the result in 'authLayout'. Override if
- -- you need fancy widget containers, additional functionality, or an
- -- entirely custom page. For example, in some applications you may
- -- want to prevent the login page being displayed for a user who is
- -- already logged in, even if the URL is visited explicitly; this can
- -- be done by overriding 'loginHandler' in your instance declaration
- -- with something like:
- --
- -- > instance YesodAuth App where
- -- > ...
- -- > loginHandler = do
- -- > ma <- lift maybeAuthId
- -- > when (isJust ma) $
- -- > lift $ redirect HomeR -- or any other Handler code you want
- -- > defaultLoginHandler
- --
- loginHandler :: AuthHandler master Html
- loginHandler = defaultLoginHandler
- -- | Used for i18n of messages provided by this package.
- renderAuthMessage :: master
- -> [Text] -- ^ languages
- -> AuthMessage
- -> Text
- renderAuthMessage _ _ = defaultMessage
- -- | After login and logout, redirect to the referring page, instead of
- -- 'loginDest' and 'logoutDest'. Default is 'False'.
- redirectToReferer :: master -> Bool
- redirectToReferer _ = False
- -- | Return an HTTP connection manager that is stored in the foundation
- -- type. This allows backends to reuse persistent connections. If none of
- -- the backends you're using use HTTP connections, you can safely return
- -- @error \"authHttpManager\"@ here.
- authHttpManager :: master -> Manager
- -- | Called on a successful login. By default, calls
- -- @addMessageI "success" NowLoggedIn@.
- onLogin :: HandlerT master IO ()
- onLogin = addMessageI "success" Msg.NowLoggedIn
- -- | Called on logout. By default, does nothing
- onLogout :: HandlerT master IO ()
- onLogout = return ()
- -- | Retrieves user credentials, if user is authenticated.
- --
- -- By default, this calls 'defaultMaybeAuthId' to get the user ID from the
- -- session. This can be overridden to allow authentication via other means,
- -- such as checking for a special token in a request header. This is
- -- especially useful for creating an API to be accessed via some means
- -- other than a browser.
- --
- -- Since 1.2.0
- maybeAuthId :: HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthId master))
- default maybeAuthId
- :: (YesodAuthPersist master, Typeable (AuthEntity master))
- => HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthId master))
- maybeAuthId = defaultMaybeAuthId
- -- | Called on login error for HTTP requests. By default, calls
- -- @addMessage@ with "error" as status and redirects to @dest@.
- onErrorHtml :: (MonadResourceBase m) => Route master -> Text -> HandlerT master m Html
- onErrorHtml dest msg = do
- addMessage "error" $ toHtml msg
- fmap asHtml $ redirect dest
- -- | runHttpRequest gives you a chance to handle an HttpException and retry
- -- The default behavior is to simply execute the request which will throw an exception on failure
- --
- -- The HTTP 'Request' is given in case it is useful to change behavior based on inspecting the request.
- -- This is an experimental API that is not broadly used throughout the yesod-auth code base
- runHttpRequest :: Request -> (Response BodyReader -> HandlerT master IO a) -> HandlerT master IO a
- runHttpRequest req inner = do
- man <- authHttpManager <$> getYesod
- HandlerT $ \t -> withResponse req man $ \res -> unHandlerT (inner res) t
- {-# MINIMAL loginDest, logoutDest, (authenticate | getAuthId), authPlugins, authHttpManager #-}
- {-# DEPRECATED getAuthId "Define 'authenticate' instead; 'getAuthId' will be removed in the next major version" #-}
- -- | Internal session key used to hold the authentication information.
- --
- -- Since 1.2.3
- credsKey :: Text
- credsKey = "_ID"
- -- | Retrieves user credentials from the session, if user is authenticated.
- --
- -- This function does /not/ confirm that the credentials are valid, see
- -- 'maybeAuthIdRaw' for more information.
- --
- -- Since 1.1.2
- defaultMaybeAuthId
- :: (YesodAuthPersist master, Typeable (AuthEntity master))
- => HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthId master))
- defaultMaybeAuthId = runMaybeT $ do
- s <- MaybeT $ lookupSession credsKey
- aid <- MaybeT $ return $ fromPathPiece s
- _ <- MaybeT $ cachedAuth aid
- return aid
- cachedAuth
- :: (YesodAuthPersist master, Typeable (AuthEntity master))
- => AuthId master -> HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthEntity master))
- cachedAuth
- = fmap unCachedMaybeAuth
- . cached
- . fmap CachedMaybeAuth
- . getAuthEntity
- -- | Default handler to show the login page.
- --
- -- This is the default 'loginHandler'. It concatenates plugin widgets and
- -- wraps the result in 'authLayout'. See 'loginHandler' for more details.
- --
- -- Since 1.4.9
- defaultLoginHandler :: AuthHandler master Html
- defaultLoginHandler = do
- tp <- getRouteToParent
- lift $ authLayout $ do
- setTitleI Msg.LoginTitle
- master <- getYesod
- mapM_ (flip apLogin tp) (authPlugins master)
- loginErrorMessageI :: (MonadResourceBase m, YesodAuth master)
- => Route child
- -> AuthMessage
- -> HandlerT child (HandlerT master m) TypedContent
- loginErrorMessageI dest msg = do
- toParent <- getRouteToParent
- lift $ loginErrorMessageMasterI (toParent dest) msg
- loginErrorMessageMasterI :: (YesodAuth master, MonadResourceBase m, RenderMessage master AuthMessage)
- => Route master
- -> AuthMessage
- -> HandlerT master m TypedContent
- loginErrorMessageMasterI dest msg = do
- mr <- getMessageRender
- loginErrorMessage dest (mr msg)
- -- | For HTML, set the message and redirect to the route.
- -- For JSON, send the message and a 401 status
- loginErrorMessage :: (YesodAuth master, MonadResourceBase m)
- => Route master
- -> Text
- -> HandlerT master m TypedContent
- loginErrorMessage dest msg = messageJson401 msg (onErrorHtml dest msg)
- messageJson401 :: MonadResourceBase m => Text -> HandlerT master m Html -> HandlerT master m TypedContent
- messageJson401 = messageJsonStatus unauthorized401
- messageJson500 :: MonadResourceBase m => Text -> HandlerT master m Html -> HandlerT master m TypedContent
- messageJson500 = messageJsonStatus internalServerError500
- messageJsonStatus :: MonadResourceBase m
- => Status
- -> Text
- -> HandlerT master m Html
- -> HandlerT master m TypedContent
- messageJsonStatus status msg html = selectRep $ do
- provideRep html
- provideRep $ do
- let obj = object ["message" .= msg]
- void $ sendResponseStatus status obj
- return obj
- provideJsonMessage :: Monad m => Text -> Writer.Writer (Endo [ProvidedRep m]) ()
- provideJsonMessage msg = provideRep $ return $ object ["message" .= msg]
- setCredsRedirect :: YesodAuth master
- => Creds master -- ^ new credentials
- -> HandlerT master IO TypedContent
- setCredsRedirect creds = do
- y <- getYesod
- auth <- authenticate creds
- case auth of
- Authenticated aid -> do
- setSession credsKey $ toPathPiece aid
- onLogin
- res <- selectRep $ do
- provideRepType typeHtml $
- fmap asHtml $ redirectUltDest $ loginDest y
- provideJsonMessage "Login Successful"
- sendResponse res
- UserError msg ->
- case authRoute y of
- Nothing -> do
- msg' <- renderMessage' msg
- messageJson401 msg' $ authLayout $ -- TODO
- toWidget [whamlet|<h1>_{msg}|]
- Just ar -> loginErrorMessageMasterI ar msg
- ServerError msg -> do
- $(logError) msg
- case authRoute y of
- Nothing -> do
- msg' <- renderMessage' Msg.AuthError
- messageJson500 msg' $ authLayout $
- toWidget [whamlet|<h1>_{Msg.AuthError}|]
- Just ar -> loginErrorMessageMasterI ar Msg.AuthError
- where
- renderMessage' msg = do
- langs <- languages
- master <- getYesod
- return $ renderAuthMessage master langs msg
- -- | Sets user credentials for the session after checking them with authentication backends.
- setCreds :: YesodAuth master
- => Bool -- ^ if HTTP redirects should be done
- -> Creds master -- ^ new credentials
- -> HandlerT master IO ()
- setCreds doRedirects creds =
- if doRedirects
- then void $ setCredsRedirect creds
- else do auth <- authenticate creds
- case auth of
- Authenticated aid -> setSession credsKey $ toPathPiece aid
- _ -> return ()
- -- | same as defaultLayoutJson, but uses authLayout
- authLayoutJson :: (YesodAuth site, ToJSON j)
- => WidgetT site IO () -- ^ HTML
- -> HandlerT site IO j -- ^ JSON
- -> HandlerT site IO TypedContent
- authLayoutJson w json = selectRep $ do
- provideRep $ authLayout w
- provideRep $ fmap toJSON json
- -- | Clears current user credentials for the session.
- --
- -- Since 1.1.7
- clearCreds :: YesodAuth master
- => Bool -- ^ if HTTP redirect to 'logoutDest' should be done
- -> HandlerT master IO ()
- clearCreds doRedirects = do
- y <- getYesod
- onLogout
- deleteSession credsKey
- when doRedirects $ do
- redirectUltDest $ logoutDest y
- getCheckR :: AuthHandler master TypedContent
- getCheckR = lift $ do
- creds <- maybeAuthId
- authLayoutJson (do
- setTitle "Authentication Status"
- toWidget $ html' creds) (return $ jsonCreds creds)
- where
- html' creds =
- [shamlet|
- $newline never
- <h1>Authentication Status
- $maybe _ <- creds
- <p>Logged in.
- $nothing
- <p>Not logged in.
- |]
- jsonCreds creds =
- Object $ Map.fromList
- [ (T.pack "logged_in", Bool $ maybe False (const True) creds)
- ]
- setUltDestReferer' :: AuthHandler master ()
- setUltDestReferer' = lift $ do
- master <- getYesod
- when (redirectToReferer master) setUltDestReferer
- getLoginR :: AuthHandler master Html
- getLoginR = setUltDestReferer' >> loginHandler
- getLogoutR :: AuthHandler master ()
- getLogoutR = setUltDestReferer' >> redirectToPost LogoutR
- postLogoutR :: AuthHandler master ()
- postLogoutR = lift $ clearCreds True
- handlePluginR :: Text -> [Text] -> AuthHandler master TypedContent
- handlePluginR plugin pieces = do
- master <- lift getYesod
- env <- waiRequest
- let method = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode $ W.requestMethod env
- case filter (\x -> apName x == plugin) (authPlugins master) of
- [] -> notFound
- ap:_ -> apDispatch ap method pieces
- -- | Similar to 'maybeAuthId', but additionally look up the value associated
- -- with the user\'s database identifier to get the value in the database. This
- -- assumes that you are using a Persistent database.
- --
- -- Since 1.1.0
- maybeAuth :: ( YesodAuthPersist master
- , val ~ AuthEntity master
- , Key val ~ AuthId master
- , PersistEntity val
- , Typeable val
- ) => HandlerT master IO (Maybe (Entity val))
- maybeAuth = runMaybeT $ do
- (aid, ae) <- MaybeT maybeAuthPair
- return $ Entity aid ae
- -- | Similar to 'maybeAuth', but doesn’t assume that you are using a
- -- Persistent database.
- --
- -- Since 1.4.0
- maybeAuthPair :: (YesodAuthPersist master, Typeable (AuthEntity master))
- => HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthId master, AuthEntity master))
- maybeAuthPair = runMaybeT $ do
- aid <- MaybeT maybeAuthId
- ae <- MaybeT $ cachedAuth aid
- return (aid, ae)
- newtype CachedMaybeAuth val = CachedMaybeAuth { unCachedMaybeAuth :: Maybe val }
- deriving Typeable
- -- | Class which states that the given site is an instance of @YesodAuth@
- -- and that its @AuthId@ is a lookup key for the full user information in
- -- a @YesodPersist@ database.
- --
- -- The default implementation of @getAuthEntity@ assumes that the @AuthId@
- -- for the @YesodAuth@ superclass is in fact a persistent @Key@ for the
- -- given value. This is the common case in Yesod, and means that you can
- -- easily look up the full information on a given user.
- --
- -- Since 1.4.0
- class (YesodAuth master, YesodPersist master) => YesodAuthPersist master where
- -- | If the @AuthId@ for a given site is a persistent ID, this will give the
- -- value for that entity. E.g.:
- --
- -- > type AuthId MySite = UserId
- -- > AuthEntity MySite ~ User
- --
- -- Since 1.2.0
- type AuthEntity master :: *
- type AuthEntity master = KeyEntity (AuthId master)
- getAuthEntity :: AuthId master -> HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthEntity master))
- #if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,5,0)
- default getAuthEntity
- :: ( YesodPersistBackend master ~ backend
- , PersistRecordBackend (AuthEntity master) backend
- , Key (AuthEntity master) ~ AuthId master
- , PersistStore backend
- )
- => AuthId master -> HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthEntity master))
- #else
- default getAuthEntity
- :: ( YesodPersistBackend master
- ~ PersistEntityBackend (AuthEntity master)
- , Key (AuthEntity master) ~ AuthId master
- , PersistStore (YesodPersistBackend master)
- , PersistEntity (AuthEntity master)
- )
- => AuthId master -> HandlerT master IO (Maybe (AuthEntity master))
- #endif
- getAuthEntity = runDB . get
- type family KeyEntity key
- type instance KeyEntity (Key x) = x
- -- | Similar to 'maybeAuthId', but redirects to a login page if user is not
- -- authenticated or responds with error 401 if this is an API client (expecting JSON).
- --
- -- Since 1.1.0
- requireAuthId :: YesodAuth master => HandlerT master IO (AuthId master)
- requireAuthId = maybeAuthId >>= maybe handleAuthLack return
- -- | Similar to 'maybeAuth', but redirects to a login page if user is not
- -- authenticated or responds with error 401 if this is an API client (expecting JSON).
- --
- -- Since 1.1.0
- requireAuth :: ( YesodAuthPersist master
- , val ~ AuthEntity master
- , Key val ~ AuthId master
- , PersistEntity val
- , Typeable val
- ) => HandlerT master IO (Entity val)
- requireAuth = maybeAuth >>= maybe handleAuthLack return
- -- | Similar to 'requireAuth', but not tied to Persistent's 'Entity' type.
- -- Instead, the 'AuthId' and 'AuthEntity' are returned in a tuple.
- --
- -- Since 1.4.0
- requireAuthPair :: (YesodAuthPersist master, Typeable (AuthEntity master))
- => HandlerT master IO (AuthId master, AuthEntity master)
- requireAuthPair = maybeAuthPair >>= maybe handleAuthLack return
- handleAuthLack :: Yesod master => HandlerT master IO a
- handleAuthLack = do
- aj <- acceptsJson
- if aj then notAuthenticated else redirectLogin
- redirectLogin :: Yesod master => HandlerT master IO a
- redirectLogin = do
- y <- getYesod
- setUltDestCurrent
- case authRoute y of
- Just z -> redirect z
- Nothing -> permissionDenied "Please configure authRoute"
- instance YesodAuth master => RenderMessage master AuthMessage where
- renderMessage = renderAuthMessage
- data AuthException = InvalidFacebookResponse
- deriving (Show, Typeable)
- instance Exception AuthException
- instance YesodAuth master => YesodSubDispatch Auth (HandlerT master IO) where
- yesodSubDispatch = $(mkYesodSubDispatch resourcesAuth)
- asHtml :: Html -> Html
- asHtml = id