#1 yesod devel doesn't notice when a partial is modified

öppnade 6 år sedan av chreekat · 3 kommentarer
chreekat kommenterad 6 år sedan

Ideally, Sass partials (i.e. helper files that start with underscore, like _foo.sass) would get registered as dependent files, so that their changes would cause an immediate rebuild of the generated css.

Ideally, Sass partials (i.e. helper files that start with underscore, like `_foo.sass`) would get registered as dependent files, so that their changes would cause an immediate rebuild of the generated css.
fr33domlover kommenterad 6 år sedan

Does this still happen?

Does this still happen?
Henri Jones kommenterad 6 år sedan

Changing an imported file correctly triggers a rebuild, so I don't think this is a problem any more.

Changing an imported file correctly triggers a rebuild, so I don't think this is a problem any more.
fr33domlover kommenterad 6 år sedan

Wonderful! Closing this for now, reopen if issue appears again.

Wonderful! Closing this for now, reopen if issue appears again.
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