persistent-test.cabal 3.6 KB

  1. name: persistent-test
  2. version:
  3. license: MIT
  4. license-file: LICENSE
  5. author: Michael Snoyman <>
  6. maintainer: Michael Snoyman <>
  7. synopsis: Tests for Persistent
  8. description: Tests for Persistent. This is only for use in developing libraries that should conform to the persistent interface, not for users of the persistent suite of database libraries.
  9. category: Database, Yesod
  10. stability: Stable
  11. cabal-version: >= 1.10
  12. build-type: Simple
  13. homepage:
  14. bug-reports:
  15. library
  16. exposed-modules: CompositeTest
  17. CustomPersistField
  18. CustomPersistFieldTest
  19. CustomPrimaryKeyReferenceTest
  20. DataTypeTest
  21. EmbedTest
  22. EmbedOrderTest
  23. EmptyEntityTest
  24. EntityEmbedTest
  25. EquivalentTypeTest
  26. HtmlTest
  27. Init
  28. LargeNumberTest
  29. MaxLenTest
  30. MigrationColumnLengthTest
  31. MigrationIdempotencyTest
  32. MigrationOnlyTest
  33. MigrationTest
  34. MpsNoPrefixTest
  35. PersistentTest
  36. PersistentTestModels
  37. PersistTestPetType
  38. PersistTestPetCollarType
  39. PersistUniqueTest
  40. PrimaryTest
  41. RawSqlTest
  42. ReadWriteTest
  43. RenameTest
  44. Recursive
  45. SumTypeTest
  46. TransactionLevelTest
  47. TreeTest
  48. UniqueTest
  49. UpsertTest
  50. hs-source-dirs: src
  51. build-depends: base >= 4.9 && < 5
  52. , persistent
  53. , persistent-template
  54. , aeson >= 1.0
  55. , blaze-html >= 0.9
  56. , bytestring >= 0.10
  57. , conduit >= 1.2.12
  58. , containers >= 0.5
  59. , exceptions >= 0.8
  60. , hspec >= 2.4
  61. , hspec-expectations
  62. , HUnit
  63. , monad-control
  64. , monad-logger >= 0.3.25
  65. , path-pieces >= 0.2
  66. , QuickCheck >= 2.9
  67. , quickcheck-instances >= 0.3
  68. , random >= 1.1
  69. , resourcet >= 1.1
  70. , text >= 1.2
  71. , time >= 1.6
  72. , transformers >= 0.5
  73. , transformers-base
  74. , unliftio
  75. , unliftio-core
  76. , unordered-containers
  77. default-language: Haskell2010
  78. default-extensions:
  79. ExistentialQuantification
  80. FlexibleContexts
  81. FlexibleInstances
  82. MultiParamTypeClasses
  83. OverloadedStrings
  84. QuasiQuotes
  85. TemplateHaskell
  86. TypeFamilies
  87. source-repository head
  88. type: git
  89. location: git://