123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384 |
- module Database.Persist.Redis.Internal
- ( toKey
- , unKey
- , mkEntity
- , toKeyId
- , toKeyText
- , toInsertFields
- , toB
- ) where
- import qualified Data.ByteString as B
- import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as U
- import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
- import qualified Data.Text as T
- import Database.Persist.Class
- import Database.Persist.Types
- import Database.Persist.Redis.Parser
- toLabel :: FieldDef -> B.ByteString
- toLabel = U.fromString . unpack . unDBName . fieldDB
- toEntityString :: PersistEntity val => val -> Text
- toEntityString = unDBName . entityDB . entityDef . Just
- toEntityName :: EntityDef -> B.ByteString
- toEntityName = U.fromString . unpack . unDBName . entityDB
- mkEntity :: (Monad m, PersistEntity val) => Key val -> [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> m (Entity val)
- mkEntity key fields = do
- let values = redisToPerisistValues fields
- let v = fromPersistValues values
- case v of
- Right body -> return $ Entity key body
- Left a -> fail (unpack a)
- zipAndConvert :: PersistField t => [FieldDef] -> [t] -> [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)]
- zipAndConvert [] _ = []
- zipAndConvert _ [] = []
- zipAndConvert (e:efields) (p:pfields) =
- let pv = toPersistValue p
- in
- if pv == PersistNull then zipAndConvert efields pfields
- else (toLabel e, toValue pv) : zipAndConvert efields pfields
- -- | Create a list for create/update in Redis store
- toInsertFields :: PersistEntity val => val -> [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)]
- toInsertFields record = zipAndConvert entity fields
- where
- entity = entityFields $ entityDef $ Just record
- fields = toPersistFields record
- underscoreBs :: B.ByteString
- underscoreBs = U.fromString "_"
- -- | Make a key for given entity and id
- toKeyText :: PersistEntity val => val -> Integer -> Text
- toKeyText val k = toEntityString val `T.append` T.pack "_" `T.append` T.pack (show k)
- toB :: Text -> B.ByteString
- toB = U.fromString . unpack
- -- | Create a string key for given entity
- toObjectPrefix :: PersistEntity val => val -> B.ByteString
- toObjectPrefix val = B.append (toEntityName $ entityDef $ Just val) underscoreBs
- idBs :: B.ByteString
- idBs = U.fromString "id"
- -- | Construct an id key, that is incremented for access
- toKeyId :: PersistEntity val => val -> B.ByteString
- toKeyId val = B.append (toObjectPrefix val) idBs
- unKey :: (PersistEntity val) => Key val -> B.ByteString
- unKey = toValue . head . keyToValues
- toKey :: (Monad m, PersistEntity val) => Text -> m (Key val)
- toKey x = case q of
- Right z -> return z
- Left a -> fail (unpack a)
- where
- q = keyFromValues [PersistText x]