123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433 |
- {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds -Wno-orphans -O0 #-}
- module EmbedTestMongo (specs) where
- import MongoInit
- import Control.Exception (Exception, throw)
- import Data.List.NonEmpty hiding (insert, length)
- import qualified Data.Map as M
- import qualified Data.Set as S
- import qualified Data.Text as T
- import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
- import Database.MongoDB (genObjectId)
- import Database.MongoDB (Value(String))
- import System.Process (readProcess)
- import EntityEmbedTestMongo
- import Database.Persist.MongoDB
- data TestException = TestException
- deriving (Show, Typeable, Eq)
- instance Exception TestException
- instance PersistFieldSql a => PersistFieldSql (NonEmpty a) where
- sqlType _ = SqlString
- instance PersistField a => PersistField (NonEmpty a) where
- toPersistValue = toPersistValue . toList
- fromPersistValue pv = do
- list <- fromPersistValue pv
- case list of
- [] -> Left "PersistField: NonEmpty found unexpected Empty List"
- (l:ls) -> Right (l:|ls)
- mkPersist persistSettings [persistUpperCase|
- HasObjectId
- oid ObjectId
- name Text
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- HasArrayWithObjectIds
- name Text
- arrayWithObjectIds [HasObjectId]
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- HasArrayWithEntities
- hasEntity (Entity ARecord)
- arrayWithEntities [AnEntity]
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- OnlyName
- name Text
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- HasEmbed
- name Text
- embed OnlyName
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- HasEmbeds
- name Text
- embed OnlyName
- double HasEmbed
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- HasListEmbed
- name Text
- list [HasEmbed]
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- HasSetEmbed
- name Text
- set (S.Set HasEmbed)
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- HasMap
- name Text
- map (M.Map T.Text T.Text)
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- HasList
- list [HasListId]
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- EmbedsHasMap
- name Text Maybe
- embed HasMap
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- InList
- one Int
- two Int
- deriving Show Eq
- ListEmbed
- nested [InList]
- one Int
- two Int
- deriving Show Eq
- User
- ident Text
- password Text Maybe
- profile Profile
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- Profile
- firstName Text
- lastName Text
- contact Contact Maybe
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- Contact
- phone Int
- email T.Text
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- Account
- userIds (NonEmpty (Key User))
- name Text Maybe
- customDomains [Text] -- we may want to allow multiple cust domains. use [] instead of maybe
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- HasNestedList
- list [IntList]
- deriving Show Eq
- IntList
- ints [Int]
- deriving Show Eq
- -- We would like to be able to use OnlyNameId
- -- But (Key OnlyName) works
- MapIdValue
- map (M.Map T.Text (Key OnlyName))
- deriving Show Eq Read Ord
- -- Self refrences are only allowed as a nullable type:
- -- a Maybe or a List
- SelfList
- reference [SelfList]
- SelfMaybe
- reference SelfMaybe Maybe
- -- This failes
- -- SelfDirect
- -- reference SelfDirect
- |]
- cleanDB :: (PersistQuery backend, PersistEntityBackend HasMap ~ backend, MonadIO m) => ReaderT backend m ()
- cleanDB = do
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter HasEmbed])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter HasEmbeds])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter HasListEmbed])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter HasSetEmbed])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter User])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter HasMap])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter HasList])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter EmbedsHasMap])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter ListEmbed])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter ARecord])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter Account])
- deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter HasNestedList])
- db :: Action IO () -> Assertion
- db = db' cleanDB
- unlessM :: MonadIO m => IO Bool -> m () -> m ()
- unlessM predicate body = do
- b <- liftIO predicate
- unless b body
- specs :: Spec
- specs = describe "embedded entities" $ do
- it "simple entities" $ db $ do
- let container = HasEmbeds "container" (OnlyName "2")
- (HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "1"))
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasEmbedsName ==. "container"] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "query for equality of embeded entity" $ db $ do
- let container = HasEmbed "container" (OnlyName "2")
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasEmbedEmbed ==. OnlyName "2"] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "Set" $ db $ do
- let container = HasSetEmbed "set" $ S.fromList
- [ HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "1")
- , HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "2")
- ]
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasSetEmbedName ==. "set"] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "Set empty" $ db $ do
- let container = HasSetEmbed "set empty" $ S.fromList []
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasSetEmbedName ==. "set empty"] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "exception" $ flip shouldThrow (== TestException) $ db $ do
- let container = HasSetEmbed "set" $ S.fromList
- [ HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "1")
- , HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "2")
- ]
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasSetEmbedName ==. throw TestException] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "ListEmbed" $ db $ do
- let container = HasListEmbed "list"
- [ HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "1")
- , HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "2")
- ]
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasListEmbedName ==. "list"] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "ListEmbed empty" $ db $ do
- let container = HasListEmbed "list empty" []
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasListEmbedName ==. "list empty"] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "List empty" $ db $ do
- let container = HasList []
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "NonEmpty List wrapper" $ db $ do
- let con = Contact 123456 "foo@bar.com"
- let prof = Profile "fstN" "lstN" (Just con)
- uid <- insert $ User "foo" (Just "pswd") prof
- let container = Account (uid:|[]) (Just "Account") []
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [AccountUserIds ==. (uid:|[])] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "Map" $ db $ do
- let container = HasMap "2 items" $ M.fromList [
- ("k1","v1")
- , ("k2","v2")
- ]
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasMapName ==. "2 items"] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "Map empty" $ db $ do
- let container = HasMap "empty" $ M.fromList []
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasMapName ==. "empty"] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "Embeds a Map" $ db $ do
- let container = EmbedsHasMap (Just "non-empty map") $ HasMap "2 items" $ M.fromList [
- ("k1","v1")
- , ("k2","v2")
- ]
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [EmbedsHasMapName ==. Just "non-empty map"] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "Embeds a Map empty" $ db $ do
- let container = EmbedsHasMap (Just "empty map") $ HasMap "empty" $ M.fromList []
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [EmbedsHasMapName ==. Just "empty map"] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "Embeds a Map with ids as values" $ db $ do
- onId <- insert $ OnlyName "nombre"
- onId2 <- insert $ OnlyName "nombre2"
- let midValue = MapIdValue $ M.fromList [("foo", onId),("bar",onId2)]
- mK <- insert midValue
- Just mv <- get mK
- mv @== midValue
- it "List" $ db $ do
- k1 <- insert $ HasList []
- k2 <- insert $ HasList [k1]
- let container = HasList [k1, k2]
- contK <- insert container
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasListList `anyEq` k2] []
- res @== Entity contK container
- it "can embed an Entity" $ db $ do
- let foo = ARecord "foo"
- bar = ARecord "bar"
- _ <- insertMany [foo, bar]
- arecords <- selectList ([ARecordName ==. "foo"] ||. [ARecordName ==. "bar"]) []
- length arecords @== 2
- kfoo <- insert foo
- let hasEnts = HasArrayWithEntities (Entity kfoo foo) arecords
- kEnts <- insert hasEnts
- Just retrievedHasEnts <- get kEnts
- retrievedHasEnts @== hasEnts
- it "can embed objects with ObjectIds" $ db $ do
- oid <- liftIO $ genObjectId
- let hoid = HasObjectId oid "oid"
- hasArr = HasArrayWithObjectIds "array" [hoid]
- k <- insert hasArr
- Just v <- get k
- v @== hasArr
- describe "mongoDB filters" $ do
- it "mongo single nesting filters" $ db $ do
- let usr = User "foo" (Just "pswd") prof
- prof = Profile "fstN" "lstN" (Just con)
- con = Contact 123456 "foo@bar.com"
- uId <- insert usr
- Just r1 <- selectFirst [UserProfile &->. ProfileFirstName `nestEq` "fstN"] []
- r1 @== (Entity uId usr)
- Just r2 <- selectFirst [UserProfile &~>. ProfileContact ?&->. ContactEmail `nestEq` "foo@bar.com", UserIdent ==. "foo"] []
- r2 @== (Entity uId usr)
- it "mongo embedded array filters" $ db $ do
- let container = HasListEmbed "list" [
- (HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "1"))
- , (HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "2"))
- ]
- contK <- insert container
- let contEnt = Entity contK container
- Just meq <- selectFirst [HasListEmbedList `anyEq` HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "1")] []
- meq @== contEnt
- Just neq1 <- selectFirst [HasListEmbedList ->. HasEmbedName `nestEq` "embed"] []
- neq1 @== contEnt
- Just nne1 <- selectFirst [HasListEmbedList ->. HasEmbedName `nestNe` "notEmbed"] []
- nne1 @== contEnt
- Just neq2 <- selectFirst [HasListEmbedList ~>. HasEmbedEmbed &->. OnlyNameName `nestEq` "1"] []
- neq2 @== contEnt
- Just nbq1 <- selectFirst [HasListEmbedList ->. HasEmbedName `nestBsonEq` String "embed"] []
- nbq1 @== contEnt
- Just nbq2 <- selectFirst [HasListEmbedList ~>. HasEmbedEmbed &->. OnlyNameName `nestBsonEq` String "1"] []
- nbq2 @== contEnt
- it "regexp match" $ db $ do
- let container = HasListEmbed "list" [
- (HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "abcd"))
- , (HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "efgh"))
- ]
- contK <- insert container
- let mkReg t = (t, "ims")
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasListEmbedName =~. mkReg "ist"] []
- res @== (Entity contK container)
- it "nested anyEq" $ db $ do
- let top = HasNestedList [IntList [1,2]]
- k <- insert top
- Nothing <- selectFirst [HasNestedListList ->. IntListInts `nestEq` ([]::[Int])] []
- Nothing <- selectFirst [HasNestedListList ->. IntListInts `nestAnyEq` 3] []
- Just res <- selectFirst [HasNestedListList ->. IntListInts `nestAnyEq` 2] []
- res @== (Entity k top)
- describe "mongoDB updates" $ do
- it "mongo single nesting updates" $ db $ do
- let usr = User "foo" (Just "pswd") prof
- prof = Profile "fstN" "lstN" (Just con)
- con = Contact 123456 "foo@bar.com"
- uid <- insert usr
- let newName = "fstN2"
- usr1 <- updateGet uid [UserProfile &->. ProfileFirstName `nestSet` newName]
- (profileFirstName $ userProfile usr1) @== newName
- let newEmail = "foo@example.com"
- let newIdent = "bar"
- usr2 <- updateGet uid [UserProfile &~>. ProfileContact ?&->. ContactEmail `nestSet` newEmail, UserIdent =. newIdent]
- (userIdent usr2) @== newIdent
- (fmap contactEmail . profileContact . userProfile $ usr2) @== Just newEmail
- it "mongo embedded array updates" $ db $ do
- let container = HasListEmbed "list" [
- (HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "1"))
- , (HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "2"))
- ]
- contk <- insert container
- let _contEnt = Entity contk container
- pushed <- updateGet contk [HasListEmbedList `push` HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "3")]
- (Prelude.map (onlyNameName . hasEmbedEmbed) $ hasListEmbedList pushed) @== ["1","2","3"]
- -- same, don't add anything
- addedToSet <- updateGet contk [HasListEmbedList `addToSet` HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "3")]
- (Prelude.map (onlyNameName . hasEmbedEmbed) $ hasListEmbedList addedToSet) @== ["1","2","3"]
- pulled <- updateGet contk [HasListEmbedList `pull` HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "3")]
- (Prelude.map (onlyNameName . hasEmbedEmbed) $ hasListEmbedList pulled) @== ["1","2"]
- -- now it is new
- addedToSet2 <- updateGet contk [HasListEmbedList `addToSet` HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "3")]
- (Prelude.map (onlyNameName . hasEmbedEmbed) $ hasListEmbedList addedToSet2) @== ["1","2","3"]
- allPulled <- updateGet contk [eachOp pull HasListEmbedList
- [ HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "3")
- , HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "2")
- ] ]
- (Prelude.map (onlyNameName . hasEmbedEmbed) $ hasListEmbedList allPulled) @== ["1"]
- allPushed <- updateGet contk [eachOp push HasListEmbedList
- [ HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "4")
- , HasEmbed "embed" (OnlyName "5")
- ] ]
- (Prelude.map (onlyNameName . hasEmbedEmbed) $ hasListEmbedList allPushed) @== ["1","4","5"]
- it "re-orders json inserted from another source" $ db $ do
- let cname = T.unpack $ collectionName (error "ListEmbed" :: ListEmbed)
- liftIO $ putStrLn =<< readProcess "mongoimport" ["-d", T.unpack dbName, "-c", cname] "{ \"nested\": [{ \"one\": 1, \"two\": 2 }, { \"two\": 2, \"one\": 1}], \"two\": 2, \"one\": 1, \"_id\" : { \"$oid\" : \"50184f5a92d7ae0000001e89\" } }"
- lists <- selectList [] []
- fmap entityVal lists @== [ListEmbed [InList 1 2, InList 1 2] 1 2]