HTTP_Anonymous_Read_Access.mdwn 846 B

  1. This is an alternative to using the git protocol for anonymous access. It's
  2. slower than the git protocol, so use it only if you need to. The only reason I
  3. know of, is when you need to do anonymous read from a repository and the git
  4. protocol (port 9418) is blocked by a firewall/proxy.
  5. If you work with a laptop you carry around, this may be useful in case you
  6. sometimes connect to the internet though a network which blocks ports. The HTTP
  7. port is in general not blocked (otherwise people can't browse the web), so
  8. having HTTP access as a fallback may be a good idea.
  9. Another point to consider is that when using I2P, the picture changes and so do
  10. the considerations. See [here](http://py-i2phosts.i2p/git/) for more
  11. information.
  12. See `man git-http-backend` for information about configuring Lighttpd to
  13. support git pulls and clones over HTTP.