Have_Control.mdwn 2.7 KB

  1. SSL's trust model is quite centralized in practice, which some people consider a
  2. weakness or a result of bad design. Although anyone can become a Certificate
  3. Authority, your web browser trusts only a specific predefined group of CAs, and
  4. they're managed by large companies which:
  5. 1. Require you to pay for most of their services (sometimes you can get free but
  6. limited service)
  7. 2. Require a lot of personal information about you
  8. Maybe the worst thing is the fact that trust is established without actually
  9. knowing each other, i.e. the fact some website is trusted by the web browser
  10. doesn't mean you can trust it. For example, the websites of Google and Facebook
  11. use signed certificates which your web browser probably trusts automatically,
  12. without asking you. At the same time, they both collect private user data, apply
  13. censorship, report to the NSA, use your pictures to create advertisiments and so
  14. on. Do they sound like people/services you can trust as a user? Probably not.
  15. The good news: You can add new certificates to the web browser! Therefore, as a
  16. client, you can decide whom you trust and whom you don't. It's not something
  17. many people do, and the interface may sometimes not be the most friendly, but
  18. it's important to have it.
  19. You may guess managing certificates manually is difficult and cumbersome, even
  20. with a GUI (like what Iceweasel and Evolution offer, for example). It's true,
  21. there are many many websites on the internet, made by many different people, and
  22. managing all the certificates manually is impossible. Instead, you can tell your
  23. browser to determine who is trusted, using [[!wikipedia PGP]].
  24. PGP allows you to use trust signatures in a *transitive* manner. In simple
  25. words, while you still mark websites you trust, you can also choose to trust
  26. people you know (e.g. your friends) and your browser will automatically trust
  27. the website they trust as well, making the work of marking trusted websites
  28. *collaborative* and much faster. If you have a community of people trusting each
  29. other in the PGP sense, using PGP for web service authentication not becomes
  30. much easier - and you don't need to rely on some potentially-greedy large
  31. companies to tell you who's okay and who isn't!
  32. Therefore, as a client you have two tools to help you use the web securely:
  33. 1. Add CA certificates manually
  34. 2. Use PGP
  35. The PGP integration is relatively new, and is implemented by a free software
  36. project called Monkeysphere.
  37. As a service provider, you can help promote the transition to a decentralized
  38. system by avoiding the centralized and commercial CAs and using your own CA
  39. instead, and by getting Monkeysphere support. This guide explains how to enable
  40. Monkeysphere for your SSL certificates.