123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939 |
- Mobs Redo API
- =============
- Welcome to the world of mobs in minetest and hopefully an easy guide to defining
- your own mobs and having them appear in your worlds.
- Quick Note
- ----------
- Since the mobs redo api checks for nodes around the mob to function, it relies on a
- default node incase anything goes wrong, so in the default game this is default:dirt
- but for any custom game please make sure the following line is registered with your
- preferred dirt node of choice:
- minetest.register_alias("mapgen_dirt", "mymod:my_dirt_node")
- Registering Mobs
- ----------------
- To register a mob and have it ready for use requires the following function:
- mobs:register_mob(name, definition)
- The 'name' of a mob usually starts with the mod name it's running from followed
- by it's own name e.g.
- "mobs_monster:sand_monster" or "mymod:totally_awesome_beast"
- ... and the 'definition' is a table which holds all of the settings and
- functions needed for the mob to work properly which contains the following:
- 'nametag' contains the name which is shown above mob.
- 'type' holds the type of mob that inhabits your world e.g.
- "animal" usually docile and walking around.
- "monster" attacks player or npc on sight.
- "npc" walk around and will defend themselves if hit first, they
- kill monsters.
- 'hp_min' has the minimum health value the mob can spawn with.
- 'hp_max' has the maximum health value the mob can spawn with.
- 'armor' holds strength of mob, 100 is normal, lower is more powerful
- and needs more hits and better weapons to kill.
- 'passive' when false allows animals to defend themselves when hit,
- otherwise they amble onwards.
- 'walk_velocity' is the speed that your mob can walk around.
- 'run_velocity' is the speed your mob can run with, usually when attacking.
- 'stand_chance' has a 0-100 chance value your mob will stand from walking.
- 'walk_chance' has a 0-100 chance value your mob will walk from standing,
- set to 0 for jumping mobs only.
- 'randomly_turn' if set to false then mob will not turn to face player or
- randomly turn while walking or standing.
- 'jump' when true allows your mob to jump updwards.
- 'jump_height' holds the height your mob can jump, 0 to disable jumping.
- 'can_leap' when true obstacles like fences or pits wont stop a mob
- from trying to jump out.
- 'stepheight' height of a block that your mob can easily walk up onto,
- defaults to 1.1.
- 'fly' when true allows your mob to fly around instead of walking.
- 'fly_in' holds the node name that the mob flies (or swims) around
- in e.g. "air" or "default:water_source".
- 'keep_flying' when true mobs like birds no longer stop and stand.
- 'stay_near' when set allows mobs the chance to stay around certain nodes.
- 'nodes' string or table of nodes to stay nearby e.g. "farming:straw"
- 'chance' chance of searching for above node(s), default is 10.
- 'runaway' if true causes animals to turn and run away when hit.
- 'pushable' when true mobs can be pushed by player or other mobs.
- 'view_range' how many nodes in distance the mob can see a player.
- 'damage' how many health points the mob does to a player or another
- mob when melee attacking.
- 'damage_group' group in which damage is dealt, dedaults to "fleshy".
- 'damage_texture_modifier' applies texture modifier on hit e.g "^[brighten"
- or default when enabled is "^[colorize:#c9900070".
- 'knock_back' when true has mobs falling backwards when hit, the greater
- the damage the more they move back.
- 'fear_height' is how high a cliff or edge has to be before the mob stops
- walking, 0 to turn off height fear.
- 'fall_speed' has the maximum speed the mob can fall at, default is -10.
- 'fall_damage' when true causes falling to inflict damage.
- 'water_damage' holds the damage per second infliced to mobs when standing in
- water.
- 'air_damage' holds damage per second inflicted to mob when standing in air.
- 'lava_damage' holds the damage per second inflicted to mobs when standing
- in lava.
- 'fire_damage' holds the damage per second inflicted to mobs when standing
- in fire.
- 'light_damage' holds the damage per second inflicted to mobs when light
- level is between the min and max values below
- 'light_damage_min' minimum light value when mob is affected (default: 14)
- 'light_damage_max' maximum light value when mob is affected (default: 15)
- When set to 16 then only natural light will kill mob.
- 'suffocation' when > 0 mobs will suffocate inside solid blocks and will be
- hurt by the value given every second (0 to disable).
- 'floats' when set to 1 mob will float in water, 0 has them sink.
- 'follow' mobs follow player when holding any of the items which appear
- on this table, the same items can be fed to a mob to tame or
- breed e.g. {"farming:wheat", "default:apple", "group:fish"}
- 'reach' is how far the mob can attack player when standing
- nearby, default is 3 nodes.
- 'docile_by_day' when true has mobs wandering around during daylight
- hours and only attacking player at night or when
- provoked.
- 'attack_chance' 0 to 100 chance the mob will attack (default is 5).
- 'attack_monsters' when true mob will attack monsters.
- 'attack_animals' when true mob will attack animals.
- 'attack_npcs' when true mob will attack npcs within range.
- 'attack_players' when true mob will attack players nearby.
- 'owner_loyal' when true non-docile tamed mobs attack anything player
- punches when nearby.
- 'group_attack' when true has same mob type grouping together to attack
- offender.
- 'group_helper' string containing mob name that attacks alongside
- current mob when group attacking.
- mob is attacking in groups.
- 'attack_type' tells the api what a mob does when attacking the player
- or another mob:
- 'dogfight' is a melee attack when player is within mob reach.
- 'shoot' has mob shoot pre-defined arrows at player when inside
- view_range.
- 'dogshoot' has melee attack when inside reach and shoot attack
- when inside view_range.
- 'explode' causes mob to stop and explode when inside reach.
- 'explosion_radius' the radius of explosion node destruction,
- defaults to 1
- 'explosion_damage_radius' the radius of explosion entity & player damage,
- defaults to explosion_radius * 2
- 'explosion_timer' number of seconds before mob explodes while its target
- is still inside reach or explosion_damage_radius,
- defaults to 3.
- 'allow_fuse_reset' Allow 'explode' attack_type to reset fuse and resume
- chasing if target leaves the blast radius or line of
- sight. Defaults to true.
- 'stop_to_explode' When set to true (default), mob must stop and wait for
- explosion_timer in order to explode. If false, mob will
- continue chasing.
- 'arrow' holds the pre-defined arrow object to shoot when
- attacking.
- 'arrow_override' function that allows tweaking of arrow entity from
- inside mob definition (self) passed to function.
- 'dogshoot_switch' allows switching between attack types by using timers
- (1 for shoot, 2 for dogfight)
- 'dogshoot_count_max' contains how many seconds before switching from
- dogfight to shoot.
- 'dogshoot_count2_max' contains how many seconds before switching from shoot
- to dogfight.
- 'shoot_interval' has the number of seconds between shots.
- 'shoot_offset' holds the y position added as to where the
- arrow/fireball appears on mob.
- 'specific_attack' has a table of entity names that mob can also attack
- e.g. {"player", "mobs_animal:chicken"}.
- 'friendly_fire` when set to false, mobs will not be able to harm other
- mobs of the same type with friendly fire arrows.
- Defaults to true.
- 'runaway_from' contains a table with mob names or nodesto run away
- from, add "player" to list to runaway from player also.
- 'ignore_invisibility' When true mob will still be able to see and attack
- player even if invisible (invisibility mod only).
- 'blood_amount' contains the number of blood droplets to appear when
- mob is hit.
- 'blood_texture' has the texture name to use for droplets e.g.
- "mobs_blood.png", or table {"blood1.png", "blood2.png"}
- 'pathfinding' set to 1 for mobs to use pathfinder feature to locate
- player, set to 2 so they can build/break also (only
- works with dogfight attack and when 'mobs_griefing'
- in minetest.conf is not false). Adding {unbreakable=1}
- to node groups stops them being broken by mobs.
- 'immune_to' is a table that holds specific damage when being hit by
- certain items e.g.
- {"default:sword_wood", 0} -- causes no damage.
- {"default:gold_lump", -10} -- heals by 10 health points.
- {"default:coal_block", 20} -- 20 damage when hit on head with coal blocks.
- {"all"} -- stops all weapons causing damage apart from those on list.
- 'makes_footstep_sound' when true you can hear mobs walking.
- 'sounds' this is a table with sounds of the mob
- 'distance' maximum distance sounds can be heard, default is 10.
- 'random' random sound that plays during gameplay.
- 'war_cry' what you hear when mob starts to attack player.
- 'attack' what you hear when being attacked.
- 'shoot_attack' sound played when mob shoots.
- 'damage' sound heard when mob is hurt.
- 'death' played when mob is killed.
- 'jump' played when mob jumps.
- 'fuse' sound played when mob explode timer starts.
- 'explode' sound played when mob explodes.
- 'drops' table of items that are dropped when mob is killed, fields are:
- 'name' name of item to drop.
- 'chance' chance of drop, 1 for always, 2 for 1-in-2 chance etc.
- 'min' minimum number of items dropped, set to 0 for rare drops.
- 'max' maximum number of items dropped.
- Note: If weapon has {fire=1} damage group set then cooked items will drop.
- Note2: A function can now be passed which can also return drops table, e.g.
- drops = function(pos)
- -- do something
- return { {name = "farming:bread"}, {name = "default:dirt", chance = 2} }
- end
- 'visual' holds the look of the mob you wish to create:
- 'cube' looks like a normal node
- 'sprite' sprite which looks same from all angles.
- 'upright_sprite' flat model standing upright.
- 'wielditem' how it looks when player holds it in hand.
- 'mesh' uses separate object file to define mob.
- 'visual_size' has the size of the mob, defaults to {x = 1, y = 1}
- 'collisionbox' has the box in which mob can be interacted with the
- world e.g. {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
- 'selectionbox' has the box in which player can interact with mob
- 'textures' holds a table list of textures to be used for mob, or you
- could use multiple lists inside another table for random
- selection e.g. { {"texture1.png"}, {"texture2.png"} }
- 'child_texture' holds the texture table for when baby mobs are used.
- 'gotten_texture' holds the texture table for when self.gotten value is
- true, used for milking cows or shearing sheep.
- 'texture_mods' holds a string which overlays a texture on top of the
- mob texture e.g. "^saddle.png"
- 'mesh' holds the name of the external object used for mob model
- e.g. "mobs_cow.b3d"
- 'gotten_mesh" holds the name of the external object used for when
- self.gotten is true for mobs.
- 'rotate' custom model rotation, 0 = front, 90 = side, 180 = back,
- 270 = other side.
- 'glow' has mob glow without light source, 0 to 15 or nil to disable
- 'double_melee_attack' when true has the api choose between 'punch' and
- 'punch2' animations. [DEPRECATED]
- 'animation' holds a table containing animation names and settings for use with
- mesh models:
- 'stand_start' start frame for when mob stands still.
- 'stand_end' end frame of stand animation.
- 'stand_speed' speed of animation in frames per second.
- 'walk_start' when mob is walking around.
- 'walk_end'
- 'walk_speed'
- 'run_start' when a mob runs or attacks.
- 'run_end'
- 'run_speed'
- 'fly_start' when a mob is flying.
- 'fly_end'
- 'fly_speed'
- 'jump_start' when a mob is jumping
- 'jump_end'
- 'jump_speed'
- 'punch_start' when a mob melee attacks.
- 'punch_end'
- 'punch_speed'
- 'punch2_start' alternative melee attack animation.
- 'punch2_end'
- 'punch2_speed'
- 'shoot_start' shooting animation.
- 'shoot_end'
- 'shoot_speed'
- 'injured_start' when hit or damaged > 1 hp (if not set then 'walk' is used)
- 'injured_end'
- 'injured_speed'
- 'die_start' death animation
- 'die_end'
- 'die_speed'
- 'die_loop' when set to false stops the animation looping.
- 'die_rotate' if true mob spins during death animation.
- Using '_loop = false' setting will stop any of the above animations from
- looping.
- 'speed_normal' is used for animation speed for compatibility with some
- older mobs.
- Note: Up to 5 different animations can be used per action e.g.
- stand_start, stand_end, stand1_start, stand1_end .. up to stand4_start
- Node Replacement
- ----------------
- Mobs can look around for specific nodes as they walk and replace them to mimic
- eating.
- 'replace_what' group of items to replace e.g.
- {"farming:wheat_8", "farming:carrot_8"}
- or you can use the specific options of what, with and
- y offset by using this instead:
- {
- {"group:grass", "air", 0},
- {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt", -1}
- }
- 'replace_with' replace with what e.g. "air" or in chickens case "mobs:egg"
- 'replace_rate' how random should the replace rate be (typically 10)
- 'replace_offset' +/- value to check specific node to replace
- 'on_replace(self, pos, oldnode, newnode)' is called when mob is about to
- replace a node.
- 'self' ObjectRef of mob
- 'pos' Position of node to replace
- 'oldnode' Current node
- 'newnode' What the node will become after replacing
- If false is returned, the mob will not replace the node.
- By default, replacing sets self.gotten to true and resets the object
- properties. (DEPRECATED, use on_replace to make changes).
- Custom Definition Functions
- ---------------------------
- Along with the above mob registry settings we can also use custom functions to
- enhance mob functionality and have them do many interesting things:
- 'on_rightclick' its same as in minetest.register_entity()
- 'on_blast' is called when an explosion happens near mob when using TNT
- functions, parameters are (damage) and returns
- (do_damage, do_knockback, drops)
- 'on_spawn' is a custom function that runs on mob spawn with 'self' as
- variable, return true at end of function to run only once.
- 'after_activate' is a custom function that runs once mob has been activated
- with these paramaters (self, staticdata, def, dtime)
- 'on_breed' called when two similar mobs breed, paramaters are
- (parent1, parent2) objects, return false to stop child from
- being resized and owner/tamed flags and child textures being
- applied. Function itself must spawn new child mob.
- 'on_grown' is called when a child mob has grown up, only paramater is
- (self).
- 'do_punch' called when mob is punched with paramaters (self, hitter,
- time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction), return
- false to stop punch damage and knockback from taking place.
- 'custom_attack' when set this function is called instead of the normal mob
- melee attack, parameters are (self, to_attack) and if true
- is returned normal attack function continued.
- 'on_die' a function that is called when mob is killed (self, pos), also
- has access to self.cause_of_death table.
- 'on_flop' function called when flying or swimmimng mob is no longer in
- air/water, (self) paramater and return true to skip the built
- in api flop feature.
- 'do_custom' a custom function that is called every tick while mob is
- active and which has access to all of the self.* variables
- e.g. (self.health for health or self.standing_in for node
- status), return with 'false' to skip remainder of mob API.
- Internal Variables
- ------------------
- The mob api also has some preset variables and functions that it will remember
- for each mob.
- 'self.health' contains current health of mob (cannot exceed
- self.hp_max)
- 'self.texture_list' contains list of all mob textures
- 'self.child_texture' contains mob child texture when growing up
- 'self.base_texture' contains current skin texture which was randomly
- selected from textures list
- 'self.texture_mods' contains a list of textures to overlay above the mobs
- base texture (used for horse saddle)
- 'self.gotten' this is used for obtaining milk from cow and wool from
- sheep
- 'self.horny' when animal fed enough it is set to true and animal can
- breed with same animal
- 'self.hornytimer' background timer that controls breeding functions and
- mob childhood timings
- 'self.child' used for when breeding animals have child, will use
- child_texture and be half size
- 'self.owner' string used to set owner of npc mobs, typically used for
- dogs
- 'self.order' set to "follow" or "stand" so that npc will follow owner
- or stand it's ground
- 'self.nametag' contains the name of the mob which it can show above
- 'self.pause_timer' used to stop mob thinking when punched so that knockback
- can take effect.
- 'self.disable_falling' currently used on spider mob when climbing walls, stops
- the mob from experiencing gravity when true.
- 'self.state' Current mob state.
- "stand": no movement (except turning around)
- "walk": walk or move around aimlessly
- "attack": chase and attack enemy
- "runaway": flee from target
- "flop": bounce around aimlessly
- (for swimming mobs that have stranded)
- "die": during death
- 'self.standing_on' Node name mob is standing on.
- 'self.standing_in' Node name mob is standing inside.
- 'self.looking_at' Node name in front of mob.
- 'self.looking_above'Node name in front/above mob.
- 'self.facing_fence' True if mob facing node containing "wall", "fence", "gate"
- in it's name.
- Adding Mobs in World
- --------------------
- mobs:add_mob(pos, {
- name = "mobs_animal:chicken",
- child = true,
- owner = "singleplayer",
- nametag = "Bessy",
- ignore_count = true -- ignores mob count per map area
- })
- Returns false if mob could not be added, returns mob object if spawned ok.
- Removing Mob from World
- -----------------------
- mobs:remove(self, decrease)
- Removes mob 'self' from the world and if 'decrease' is true then the mob counter
- will also be decreased by one.
- Spawning Mobs in World
- ----------------------
- mobs:spawn({
- name = "mobs_monster:tree_monster",
- nodes = {"group:leaves"},
- max_light = 7,
- })
- Spawn functions require the following settings, some of which already have a
- default setting and can be omitted:
- 'name' is the name of the animal/monster
- 'nodes' is a list of nodenames on that the animal/monster can
- spawn on top of (defaults to {"group:dirt", "group:stone"}
- 'neighbors' is a list of nodenames on that the animal/monster will
- spawn beside (default is {"air"})
- 'interval' is same as in register_abm() (default is 30)
- 'chance' is same as in register_abm() (default is 5000)
- 'min_light' is the minimum light level (default is 0)
- 'max_light' is the maximum light (default is 15)
- 'min_height' is the minimum height a mob can spawn (default: -31000)
- 'max_height' is the maximum height a mob can spawn (default is 31000)
- 'active_object_count' number of this type of mob to spawn at one time inside
- map area (default is 1)
- 'day_toggle' true for day spawning, false for night or nil for
- anytime
- 'on_spawn' is a custom function which runs after mob has spawned
- and gives self and pos values.
- 'on_map_load' when true mobs will have a chance of spawning only
- when new areas of map are loaded, interval will not be
- used.
- The older spawn functions are still active and working but have no defaults like
- the mobs:spawn, so it is recommended to use the above instead.
- mobs:register_spawn(name, nodes, max_light, min_light, chance,
- active_object_count, max_height, day_toggle)
- mobs:spawn_specific(name, nodes, neighbors, min_light, max_light, interval,
- chance, active_object_count, min_height, max_height, day_toggle, on_spawn)
- A simpler way to handle mob spawns has been added with the mobs:spawn(def)
- command which uses above names to make settings clearer:
- For each mob that spawns with this function is a field in mobs.spawning_mobs.
- It tells if the mob should spawn or not. Default is true. So other mods can
- only use the API of this mod by disabling the spawning of the default mobs in
- this mod.
- mobs:spawn_abm_check(pos, node, name)
- This global function can be changed to contain additional checks for mobs to
- spawn e.g. mobs that spawn only in specific areas and the like. By returning
- true the mob will not spawn.
- 'pos' holds the position of the spawning mob
- 'node' contains the node the mob is spawning on top of
- 'name' is the name of the animal/monster
- Particle Effects
- ----------------
- mobs:effect(pos, amount, texture, min_size, max_size, radius, gravity, glow, fall)
- This function provides a quick way to spawn particles as an effect.
- 'pos' center position of particle effect.
- 'amount' how many particles.
- 'texture' texture filename to use for effect.
- 'min_size' smallest particle size.
- 'max_size' largest particle size.
- 'radius' how far particles spread outward from center.
- 'gravity' gravity applied to particles once they spawn.
- 'glow' number between 1 and 15 for glowing particles.
- 'fall' when true particles fall, false has them rising, nil has them scatter.
- Making Arrows
- -------------
- mobs:register_arrow(name, definition)
- This function registers a arrow for mobs with the attack type shoot.
- 'name' is the name of the arrow
- 'definition' is a table with the following values:
- 'visual' same is in minetest.register_entity()
- 'visual_size' same is in minetest.register_entity()
- 'textures' same is in minetest.register_entity()
- 'physical' same is in minetest.register_entity() [default: false]
- 'collide_with_objects' same as above
- 'velocity' the velocity of the arrow
- 'drop' if set to true any arrows hitting a node will drop as item
- 'hit_player' a function that is called when the arrow hits a player;
- this function should hurt the player, the parameters are
- (self, player)
- 'hit_mob' a function that is called when the arrow hits a mob;
- this function should hurt the mob, the parameters are
- (self, player)
- 'hit_object' a function that is called when the arrow hits an object;
- this function parameters are (self, player)
- 'hit_node' a function that is called when the arrow hits a node, the
- parameters are (self, pos, node)
- 'tail' when set to 1 adds a trail or tail to mob arrows
- 'tail_texture' texture string used for above effect
- 'tail_size' has size for above texture (defaults to between 5 and 10)
- 'expire' contains float value for how long tail appears for
- (defaults to 0.25)
- 'glow' has value for how brightly tail glows 1 to 10 (default is
- 0 for no glow)
- 'rotate' integer value in degrees to rotate arrow
- 'on_step' is a custom function when arrow is active, nil for
- default.
- 'on_punch' is a custom function when arrow is punched, nil by default
- 'collisionbox' is hitbox table for arrow, {-.1,-.1,-.1,.1,.1,.1} by default.
- 'lifetime' contains float value for how many seconds arrow exists in
- world before being removed (default is 4.5 seconds).
- Spawn Eggs
- ----------
- mobs:register_egg(name, description, background, addegg, no_creative)
- This function registers a spawn egg which can be used to properly spawn in a mob.
- Animals are spawned as tamed unless sneak/shift is held while spawning.
- 'name' this is the name of your new mob to spawn e.g. "mob:sheep"
- 'description' the name of the new egg you are creating e.g. "Spawn Sheep"
- 'background' the texture displayed for the egg in inventory
- 'addegg' would you like an egg image in front of your texture (1 = yes,
- 0 = no)
- 'no_creative' when set to true this stops spawn egg appearing in creative
- mode for destructive mobs like Dungeon Masters.
- Explosion Function
- ------------------
- mobs:explosion(pos, radius) -- DEPRECATED!!! use mobs:boom() instead
- mobs:boom(self, pos, radius, damage_radius, texture)
- 'self' mob entity
- 'pos' centre position of explosion
- 'radius' radius of explosion (typically set to 3)
- 'damage_radius' radius of damage around explosion
- 'texture' particle texture during explosion, defaults to "tnt_smoke.png"
- This function generates an explosion which removes nodes in a specific radius
- and damages any entity caught inside the blast radius. Protection will limit
- node destruction but not entity damage.
- Capturing Mobs
- --------------
- mobs:capture_mob(self, clicker, chance_hand, chance_net, chance_lasso,
- force_take, replacewith)
- This function is generally called inside the on_rightclick section of the mob
- api code, it provides a chance of capturing the mob by hand, using the net or
- lasso items, and can also have the player take the mob by force if tamed and
- replace with another item entirely.
- 'self' mob information
- 'clicker' player information
- 'chance_hand' chance of capturing mob by hand (1 to 100) 0 to disable
- 'chance_net' chance of capturing mob using net (1 to 100) 0 to disable
- 'chance_lasso' chance of capturing mob using magic lasso (1 to 100) 0 to
- disable
- 'force_take' take mob by force, even if tamed (true or false)
- 'replacewith' once captured replace mob with this item instead (overrides
- new mob eggs with saved information)
- mobs:force_capture(self, clicker)
- Same as above but does no checks, it simply captures any and all mobs and places
- inside a spawn egg containing all of the mob information.
- Feeding and Taming/Breeding
- ---------------------------
- mobs:feed_tame(self, clicker, feed_count, breed, tame)
- This function allows the mob to be fed the item inside self.follow be it apple,
- wheat or whatever a set number of times and be tamed or bred as a result.
- Will return true when mob is fed with item it likes.
- 'self' mob information
- 'clicker' player information
- 'feed_count' number of times mob must be fed to tame or breed
- 'breed' true or false stating if mob can be bred and a child created
- afterwards
- 'tame' true or false stating if mob can be tamed so player can pick
- them up
- Protecting Mobs
- ---------------
- mobs:protect(self, clicker)
- This function can be used to right-click any tamed mob with mobs:protector item,
- this will protect the mob from harm inside of a protected area from other
- players. Will return true when mob right-clicked with mobs:protector item.
- 'self' mob information
- 'clicker' player information
- Riding Mobs
- -----------
- Mobs can now be ridden by players and the following shows its functions and
- usage:
- mobs:attach(self, player)
- This function attaches a player to the mob so it can be ridden.
- 'self' mob information
- 'player' player information
- mobs:detach(player, offset)
- This function will detach the player currently riding a mob to an offset
- position.
- 'player' player information
- 'offset' position table containing offset values
- mobs:drive(self, move_animation, stand_animation, can_fly, dtime)
- This function allows an attached player to move the mob around and animate it at
- same time.
- 'self' mob information
- 'move_animation' string containing movement animation e.g. "walk"
- 'stand_animation' string containing standing animation e.g. "stand"
- 'can_fly' if true then jump and sneak controls will allow mob to fly
- up and down
- 'dtime' tick time used inside drive function
- mobs:fly(self, dtime, speed, can_shoot, arrow_entity, move_animation, stand_animation)
- This function allows an attached player to fly the mob around using directional
- controls.
- 'self' mob information
- 'dtime' tick time used inside fly function
- 'speed' speed of flight
- 'can_shoot' true if mob can fire arrow (sneak and left mouse button
- fires)
- 'arrow_entity' name of arrow entity used for firing
- 'move_animation' string containing name of pre-defined animation e.g. "walk"
- or "fly" etc.
- 'stand_animation' string containing name of pre-defined animation e.g.
- "stand" or "blink" etc.
- Note: animation names above are from the pre-defined animation lists inside mob
- registry without extensions.
- mobs:set_animation(self, name)
- This function sets the current animation for mob, defaulting to "stand" if not
- found.
- 'self' mob information
- 'name' name of animation
- Certain variables need to be set before using the above functions:
- 'self.v2' toggle switch used to define below values for the
- first time
- 'self.max_speed_forward' max speed mob can move forward
- 'self.max_speed_reverse' max speed mob can move backwards
- 'self.accel' acceleration speed
- 'self.terrain_type' integer containing terrain mob can walk on
- (1 = water, 2 or 3 = land)
- 'self.driver_attach_at' position offset for attaching player to mob
- 'self.driver_eye_offset' position offset for attached player view
- 'self.driver_scale' sets driver scale for mobs larger than {x=1, y=1}
- mobs:line_of_sight(self, pos1, pos2, stepsize) [DEPRECATED]
- This function is for use within the mobs definition for special use cases and
- returns true if a mob can see the player or victim.
- ...'self' mob information
- 'pos1' position of mob
- 'pos2' position of vistim or player
- 'stepsize' usually set to 1
- Use this instead:
- mob_class:line_of_sight(pos1, pos2, stepsize)
- mobs:can_spawn(pos, name)
- This function checks the surrounding area at [pos] to see if there is enough empty
- space to spawn mob [name], if so then a new position is returned for use,
- otherwise nil is returned.
- mobs:is_node_dangerous(mob_object, nodename)
- This function returns true if the node name given is harmful to the mob (mob_object),
- it is mainly used when a mob is near a node it has to avoid.
- Looting Level
- -------------
- If a tool is used with 'looting_level' defined under tool_capabilities then mobs can drop
- extra items per level up to a maximum of 3 levels. 'looting_level' can also be read from
- the tools own meta to override the default.
- External Settings for "minetest.conf"
- ------------------------------------
- 'mob_log_spawn' When True will log spawning position of mobs.
- 'mob_node_timer_interval' How often mobs get nodes around them (0.25 is default)
- for every 1/4 second.
- 'mob_main_timer_interval' How often mobs run main functions (1.0 is default) for
- every one second.
- 'enable_damage' if true monsters will attack players (default is true)
- 'only_peaceful_mobs' if true only animals will spawn in game (default is
- false)
- 'mobs_attack_creatura' When True mobs redo mobs will attack Creatura mod mobs.
- 'mobs_disable_blood' if false blood effects appear when mob is hit (default
- is false)
- 'mob_hit_effect' False by default, when True and mobs are hit then
- damage_texture_modifier is used to highlight mob.
- 'mobs_spawn_protected' if set to false then mobs will not spawn in protected
- areas (default is true)
- 'mobs_spawn_monster_protected' if set to false then monsters will not spawn in
- protected areas (default is true)
- 'remove_far_mobs' if true then untamed mobs that are outside players
- visual range will be removed (default is true)
- 'mobname' can change specific mob chance rate (0 to disable) and
- spawn number e.g. mobs_animal:cow = 1000,5
- 'mob_difficulty' sets difficulty level (health and hit damage
- multiplied by this number), defaults to 1.0.
- 'mob_chance_multiplier' multiplies chance of all mobs spawning and can be set
- to 0.5 to have mobs spawn more or 2.0 to spawn less.
- e.g. 1 in 7000 * 0.5 = 1 in 3500 so better odds of
- spawning.
- 'mobs_spawn' if false then mobs no longer spawn without spawner or
- spawn egg.
- 'mobs_drop_items' when false mobs no longer drop items when they die.
- 'mobs_griefing' when false mobs cannot break blocks when using either
- pathfinding level 2, replace functions or mobs:boom
- function.
- 'mob_nospawn_range' Minimum range a mob can spawn near player (def: 12)
- 'mob_active_limit' Number of active mobs in game, 0 for unlimited
- 'mob_area_spawn' When true will check surrounding area the size of the
- mob for obstructions before spawning, otherwise it
- defaults to checking the height of the mob only.
- 'mob_smooth_rotate' Enables smooth rotation when mobs turn by default.
- 'mob_height_fix' Enabled by default, increases smaller mob heights so they wont
- glitch through certain nodes.
- 'mob_pathfinding_enable' Enable pathfinding.
- 'mob_pathfinder_enable' Use pathfinder mod if available.
- 'mob_pathfinding_stuck_timeout' How long before stuck mobs start searching. (default 3.0)
- 'mob_pathfinding_stuck_path_timeout' How long will mob follow path before giving up. (default 5.0)
- 'mob_pathfinding_algorithm' Which pathfinding algorithm to use Dijkstra (default), A*_noprefetch (AStar_noprefetch) or A* (AStar)
- (A* names differ cause Minetest doesn´t allow "*" in settings)
- 'mob_pathfinding_searchdistance' max search distance from search positions (default 16)
- 'mob_pathfinding_max_jump' max jump height for pathfinding (default 4)
- 'mob_pathfinding_max_drop' max drop height for pathfinding (default 6)
- Players can override the spawn chance for each mob registered by adding a line
- to their minetest.conf file with a new value, the lower the value the more each
- mob will spawn e.g.
- mobs_animal:sheep 11000
- mobs_monster:sand_monster 100
- ...you can also change how many of a certain mob appear in an active mapblock by
- adding a comma and then a new value e.g.
- mobs_animal:cow = 8000,4 <-- 4 cows per mapblock at 8000 spawn chance
- mobs_monster:dirt_monster = ,20 <-- 20 dirt monsters per mapblock
- Rideable Horse Example Mob
- --------------------------
- mobs:register_mob("mob_horse:horse", {
- type = "animal",
- visual = "mesh",
- visual_size = {x = 1.20, y = 1.20},
- mesh = "mobs_horse.x",
- collisionbox = {-0.4, -0.01, -0.4, 0.4, 1.25, 0.4},
- animation = {
- speed_normal = 15,
- speed_run = 30,
- stand_start = 25,
- stand_end = 75,
- walk_start = 75,
- walk_end = 100,
- run_start = 75,
- run_end = 100,
- },
- textures = {
- {"mobs_horse.png"},
- {"mobs_horsepeg.png"},
- {"mobs_horseara.png"}
- },
- fear_height = 3,
- runaway = true,
- fly = false,
- walk_chance = 60,
- view_range = 5,
- follow = {"farming:wheat"},
- passive = true,
- hp_min = 12,
- hp_max = 16,
- armor = 200,
- lava_damage = 5,
- fall_damage = 5,
- water_damage = 1,
- makes_footstep_sound = true,
- drops = {
- {name = "mobs:meat_raw", chance = 1, min = 2, max = 3}
- },
- sounds = {
- random = "horse_neigh.ogg",
- damage = "horse_whinney.ogg",
- },
- do_custom = function(self, dtime)
- -- set needed values if not already present
- if not self.v2 then
- self.v2 = 0
- self.max_speed_forward = 6
- self.max_speed_reverse = 2
- self.accel = 6
- self.terrain_type = 3
- self.driver_attach_at = {x = 0, y = 20, z = -2}
- self.driver_eye_offset = {x = 0, y = 3, z = 0}
- self.driver_scale = {x = 1, y = 1}
- end
- -- if driver present allow control of horse
- if self.driver then
- mobs.drive(self, "walk", "stand", false, dtime)
- return false -- skip rest of mob functions
- end
- return true
- end,
- on_die = function(self, pos)
- -- drop saddle when horse is killed while riding
- -- also detach from horse properly
- if self.driver then
- minetest.add_item(pos, "mobs:saddle")
- mobs.detach(self.driver, {x = 1, y = 0, z = 1})
- end
- end,
- on_rightclick = function(self, clicker)
- -- make sure player is clicking
- if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then
- return
- end
- -- feed, tame or heal horse
- if mobs:feed_tame(self, clicker, 10, true, true) then
- return
- end
- -- make sure tamed horse is being clicked by owner only
- if self.tamed and self.owner == clicker:get_player_name() then
- local inv = clicker:get_inventory()
- -- detatch player already riding horse
- if self.driver and clicker == self.driver then
- mobs.detach(clicker, {x = 1, y = 0, z = 1})
- -- add saddle back to inventory
- if inv:room_for_item("main", "mobs:saddle") then
- inv:add_item("main", "mobs:saddle")
- else
- minetest.add_item(clicker.get_pos(), "mobs:saddle")
- end
- -- attach player to horse
- elseif not self.driver
- and clicker:get_wielded_item():get_name() == "mobs:saddle" then
- self.object:set_properties({stepheight = 1.1})
- mobs.attach(self, clicker)
- -- take saddle from inventory
- inv:remove_item("main", "mobs:saddle")
- end
- end
- -- used to capture horse with magic lasso
- mobs:capture_mob(self, clicker, 0, 0, 80, false, nil)
- end
- })