settingtypes.txt 3.4 KB

  1. # Enable setting so that Mobs Redo mobs can attack Creatura mobs
  2. mobs_attack_creatura (Attack Creatura Mobs) bool false
  3. # How often mobs get nodes around them (default is 0.25, 1/4 second)
  4. mob_node_timer_interval (Mob Node Timer Interval) float 0.25
  5. # How often mobs run main functions (default is 1.00, 1 second)
  6. mob_main_timer_interval (Mob Node Timer Interval) float 1.00
  7. # If false then mobs no longer spawn in world without spawner or spawn egg
  8. mobs_spawn (Spawn Mobs) bool true
  9. # If enabled then monsters no longer spawn in world
  10. only_peaceful_mobs (Only spawn peaceful Mobs) bool false
  11. # If enabled then punching mobs no longer shows blood effects
  12. mobs_disable_blood (Disable Mob blood) bool false
  13. # If enabled the mobs will be highlighted when hit
  14. mob_hit_effect (Highlight Mob when Hit) bool false
  15. # If disabled then Mobs no longer destroy world blocks
  16. mobs_griefing (Griefing Mobs) bool true
  17. # If false then Mobs no longer spawn inside player protected areas
  18. mobs_spawn_protected (Spawn Mobs in protected areas) bool true
  19. # If false then Monsters no longer spawn inside player protected areas
  20. mobs_spawn_monster_protected (Spawn Monsters in protected areas) bool true
  21. # If true Mobs will be removed once a map chunk is out of view
  22. remove_far_mobs (Remove far Mobs) bool true
  23. # Sets Mob difficulty level by multiplying punch damage
  24. mob_difficulty (Mob difficulty) float 1.0
  25. # Contains a value used to multiply Mob spawn values
  26. mob_chance_multiplier (Mob chance multiplier) float 1.0
  27. # When false Mob no longer drop items when killed
  28. mobs_drop_items (Mob drops) bool true
  29. # Sets minimum distance around player that mobs cannot spawn
  30. mob_nospawn_range (Mob no-spawn range) float 12.0
  31. # Sets maximum number of active mobs in game (0 for unlimited)
  32. mob_active_limit (Mob Active Limit) float 0
  33. # Enables area check when spawning mobs
  34. mob_area_spawn (Mob Area Spawn) bool false
  35. # Enable peaceful player attack prevention
  36. enable_peaceful_player (Mobs do not attack peaceful player without reason) bool false
  37. # Enable mobs smooth rotation
  38. mob_smooth_rotate (Smooth rotation for mobs) bool true
  39. # Fix Mob Height if too low so they cannot escape through specific nodes
  40. mob_height_fix (Fix Mob Height) bool true
  41. mob_log_spawn (Log Mob Spawning) bool false
  42. [Pathfinding]
  43. # Enable pathfinding (default Enabled)
  44. mob_pathfinding_enable (Enable pathfinding) bool true
  45. # Use pathfinder mod if available (default Enabled)
  46. mob_pathfinder_enable (Use pathfinder mod if available) bool true
  47. # How long before stuck mobs starts searching (default 3.0)
  48. mob_pathfinding_stuck_timeout (How long before stuck mobs start searching) float 3.0
  49. # How long will mob follow path before giving up (default 5.0)
  50. mob_pathfinding_stuck_path_timeout (How long will mob follow path before giving up) float 5.0
  51. # Which pathfinding algorithm to use
  52. # - Dijkstra (default)
  53. # - A*_noprefetch (AStar_noprefetch)
  54. # - A* (AStar)
  55. # (A* names differ cause Minetest doesn´t allow "*" in settings)
  56. mob_pathfinding_algorithm (pathfinding algorithm) enum Dijkstra Dijkstra,AStar_noprefetch,AStar
  57. # max search distance from search positions (default 16)
  58. mob_pathfinding_searchdistance (path search distance) int 16
  59. # max jump height for pathfinding (default 4)
  60. mob_pathfinding_max_jump (path max jump height) int 4
  61. # max drop height for pathfinding (default 6)
  62. mob_pathfinding_max_drop (path max drop height) int 6