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- Ethereal Fishing Rod API
- Usage:
- ethereal.add_item(fish, junk, bonus)
- Example:
- The fish, junk and bonus entries can all be entered or used seperately e.g.
- ..add fish:
- ethereal.add_item("mymod:myfish", "", "")
- ..add fish and junk:
- ethereal.add_item("mymod:myfish", "mymod:myjunk", "")
- You may also use a table that not only adds an item but the biome it can be found in:
- ..add fish only found in 'grassy_ocean' biome:
- ethereal.add_item({"mymod:myfish", "grassy_ocean"}, "", "")
- ..add special item only found in 'frost' biome waters:
- ethereal.add_item("", "", {"ethereal:crystal_spike", "frost"})
- Please note that only Ethereal biome names can be used for specific finds.