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- \begin{document}
- \title{Toy-Window API Reference}
- \maketitle
- \noindent This document describes the API of the ConcurrentML toy
- window system~\cite{Reppy1999} for Scheme~48 and Scsh.
- \section{Module \texttt{toy-geometry}}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item\texttt{(make-point x y) => point}
- returns a value that represents a point or vector. The origin of
- coordinate plane is located in the upper left corner with the y-axis
- growing down.
- \item\texttt{(point+ point1 point2) => point}
- adds two points by adding the corresponding coordinates.
- \item\texttt{(point+ point1 point2) => point}
- subtracts two points by subsctracting the corresponding coordinates.
- \item\texttt{(point<? point1 point2) => boolean}
- compares two points by comparing the corresponding coordinates.
- \item\texttt{(make-rectangle x y width height) => rectangle}
- returns a value representing a rectangle.
- \item\texttt{(rectangle-origin rectangle) => point}
- returns the origin of a rectangle.
- \item\texttt{(rectangle-x rectangle) => int}
- returns the x-axis coordinate of the rectangle's origin.
- \item\texttt{(rectangle-y rectangle) => int}
- returns the y-axis coordinate of the rectangle's origin.
- \item\texttt{(rectangle-width rectangle) => int}
- returns a rectangle's width.
- \item\texttt{(rectangle-height rectangle) => int}
- returns a rectangle's height.
- \item\texttt{(point-in-rectangle? point rectangle) => boolean}
- checks whether \texttt{point} is located inside \texttt{rectangle}.
- \item\texttt{(rectangle+ rectangle point) => rectangle}
- returns a rectangle that is displaced by \texttt{point}.
- \item\texttt{(rectangle- rectangle point) => rectangle}
- returns a rectangle that is displaced by \texttt{-point}.
- \item\texttt{(rectangle-within rectangle1 rectangle2) =>
- rectangle}
- fits a rectangle with the size of \texttt{rectangle2} into
- \texttt{rectangle1} and returns the rectangle.
- \end{itemize}
- \section{Module \texttt{toy-display-system}}
- \subsection{Bitmaps}
- Drawing functions take a \texttt{raster-op} as argument which
- specifies how the color values of the source and destination pixels
- are combined. The following symbols are valid operations:
- \texttt{copy}, \texttt{xor}, \texttt{or}, \texttt{and}, \texttt{clear}
- and \texttt{set}.
- \begin{itemize}
- \item\texttt{(make-bitmap bitmap rectangle) => bitmap}
- creates a new bitmap with the dimensions of \texttt{rectangle} and
- displays it. The new bitmap is a child of \texttt{bitmap} and lies
- on top of \texttt{bitmap}'s siblings.
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-to-front! bitmap)}
- moves \texttt{bitmap} to the top among its siblings.
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-to-back! bitmap)}
- moves \texttt{bitmap} to the back among its siblings.
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-move! bitmap point)}
- moves \texttt{bitmap} with respect to \texttt{bitmap}'s parent to
- \texttt{point}. As a side effect, \texttt{bitmap} becomes the top
- bitmap among its siblings.
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-delete! bitmap)}
- deletes the Bitmap \texttt{bitmap}.
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-clear bitmap)}
- deletes the contents of \texttt{bitmap}.
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-draw-line bitmap raster-op point1
- point2)}
- draws a line between \texttt{point1} and \texttt{point2}.
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-draw-rectangle bitmap raster-op rectangle)}
- draws a rectangle inside \texttt{bitmap} that is displaced by one
- pixel to right and below (with respect to \texttt{rectangle}).
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-fill-rectangle bitmap raster-op texture
- rectangle)}
- fills \texttt{rectangle} with the texture \texttt{texture}. At the
- moment there is only one texture: \texttt{texture-solid}.
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-bitblt bitmap1 raster-op point1 bitmap2
- rectangle1})
- copies rectangle \texttt{rectangle1} from \texttt{bitmap2} to
- \texttt{point1} in \texttt{bitmap1}.
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-draw-text bitmap raster-op point text)}
- draws the string \texttt{text} at position \texttt{point}.
- \texttt{Point} is the left edge on the baseline of the text.
- \item\texttt{(bitmap-text-size bitmap text) => width height
- ascent}
- calculates the extents of \texttt{text}. \texttt{Ascent} is the
- height of \texttt{text} above the baseline.
- \end{itemize}
- \subsection{Initializing Toy-Window}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item\texttt{(make-display label width height) => bitmap
- mouse-channel keyboard-channel}
- initializes the display system, create a new X11-window with the
- dimensions \texttt{width} and \texttt{height} and \texttt{label} as
- its title. It returns a bitmap that fills the whole window and
- synchronous channels for mouse and keyboard events.
- \end{itemize}
- \subsection{mouse messages}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item\texttt{(mouse-message-up? message) => boolean}
- returns false if the mouse button is pressed, true otherwise.
- \item\texttt{(mouse-message-down? message) => boolean}
- returns true if the mouse button in pressed, false otherwise.
- \item\texttt{(mouse-message-position message) => point}
- returns the position of the mouse cursor.
- \item\texttt{(mouse-message-translate point message) =>
- mouse-message}
- calculates the mouse cursor position of \texttt{message} relative to
- \texttt{point}.
- \end{itemize}
- \subsection{keyboard message}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item\texttt{(key-message-down? message) => boolean}
- returns wether the key has been pressed or not.
- \item\texttt{(key-message-keycode message) => integer}
- returns the X11 key code of the key.
- \item\texttt{(key-message-string message) => string}
- returns the string corresponding to the key or an empty string for a
- control key.
- \end{itemize}
- \section{Module \texttt{toy-window-system}}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item\texttt{(make-widget-env bitmap mouse-channel keyboard-channel
- control-in-channel\\ control-out-channel) => widget-env}
- returns a widget-environment. All channels are synchronous, except
- for \texttt{control-out-channel} which is an asynchronous channel.
- \item\texttt{(make-vanilla-widget-env bitmap) => widget-env}
- returns a widget-environment with fresh channels.
- \item\texttt{(widget-env-bitmap widget-env) => bitmap}
- returns the bitmap of a widget-environment.
- \item\texttt{(widget-env-mouse-channel widget-env) => channel}
- returns the mouse channel of \texttt{widget-env}.
- \item\texttt{(widget-env-keyboard-channel widget-env) => channel}
- returns the keyboard channel of \texttt{widget-env}.
- \item\texttt{(widget-env-control-in-channel widget-env) =>
- channel}
- returns the control in channel of \texttt{widget-env}.
- \item\texttt{(widget-env-control-out-channel widget-env) =>
- async-channel}
- returns the control out channel of \texttt{widget-env}, which is an
- asynchronous channel.
- \item\texttt{(make-channel-sink channel)}
- creates a sink for the synchronous \texttt{channel} which consumes
- all values sent to \texttt{channel}.
- \item\texttt{(realize-widget bitmap rectangle realization-proc) =>
- value}
- returns a fresh widget-environment that is located inside the parent
- bitmap \texttt{bitmap} at \texttt{rectangle}. Then, it calls
- \texttt{realization-proc} with the new widget-environment. The
- return value of \texttt{realize-widget} is the return value of the
- call to \texttt{realization-proc}.
- \item\texttt{(make-window-system label width height) => widget-env}
- initializes the window system and calls \texttt{make-display}.
- Creates and returns an initial widget-environment that fills the
- whole window.
- \end{itemize}
- \section{Module \texttt{toy-button}}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item\texttt{(make-button label thunk widget-env) =>
- widget-env}
- draws a button with label \texttt{label} inside \texttt{widget-env}.
- Pressing the button calls \texttt{thunk}.
- \end{itemize}
- \section{Module \texttt{toy-frame}}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item\texttt{(make-frame realize widget-env) => frame value}
- draws a frame inside \texttt{widget-env} and puts the widget created
- by calling \texttt{realize} inside this frame. \texttt{Realize} is
- called with a new widget-environment. All channels connected to
- \texttt{widget-env} are connected to the new widget-environment.
- \texttt{Make-frame} returns the a representation for the frame and
- the return value of \texttt{realize}.
- \end{itemize}
- \bibliographystyle{plain}
- \bibliography{toy-window}
- \end{document}