123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515 |
- ; Part of Scheme 48 1.9. See file COPYING for notices and license.
- ; Authors: Richard Kelsey, Jonathan Rees, Mike Sperber
- ; Structures 'n' packages.
- ; --------------------
- ; Structures
- ;
- ; A structure is a map from names to binding records, determined by an
- ; interface (a set of names) and a package (a map from names to binding
- ; records).
- ;
- ; The interface is specified as a thunk. This removes dependencies on the
- ; order in which structures are defined. Also, if the interface is redefined,
- ; re-evaluating the thunk produces the new, correct interface (see
- ; env/pedit.scm).
- ;
- ; Clients are packages that import the structure's bindings.
- (define-record-type structure :structure-type ; avoid name conflict with :STRUCTURE type
- (really-make-structure package interface-thunk interface clients name)
- structure?
- (interface-thunk structure-interface-thunk)
- (interface structure-interface-really set-structure-interface!)
- (package structure-package)
- (clients structure-clients)
- (name structure-name set-structure-name!))
- (define-record-discloser :structure-type
- (lambda (structure)
- (list 'structure
- (package-uid (structure-package structure))
- (structure-name structure))))
- ; Get the actual interface, calling the thunk if necessary.
- (define (structure-interface structure)
- (or (structure-interface-really structure)
- (begin (initialize-structure! structure)
- (structure-interface-really structure))))
- (define (initialize-structure! structure)
- (let ((int ((structure-interface-thunk structure))))
- (if (interface? int)
- (begin (set-structure-interface! structure int)
- (note-reference-to-interface! int structure))
- (assertion-violation 'initialize-structure!
- "invalid interface" structure))))
- ; Make a structure over PACKAGE and the interface returned by INT-THUNK.
- (define (make-structure package int-thunk . name-option)
- (if (not (package? package))
- (assertion-violation 'make-structure
- "invalid package" package int-thunk))
- (let ((struct (really-make-structure package
- (if (procedure? int-thunk)
- int-thunk
- (lambda () int-thunk))
- #f
- (make-population)
- #f)))
- (if (not (null? name-option))
- (note-structure-name! struct (car name-option)))
- (add-to-population! struct (package-clients package))
- struct))
- ; Make a structure by using COMMANDS to modify the STRUCTURE's interface.
- ; We parse the commands first so that errors are detected before the new
- ; structure is installed anywhere.
- (define (make-modified-structure structure commands)
- (let* ((interface-maker (make-modified-interface-maker commands))
- (new-struct (make-structure (structure-package structure)
- (lambda ()
- (interface-maker
- (structure-interface structure)))
- (structure-name structure))))
- (if (structure-unstable? structure)
- (add-to-population! new-struct (structure-clients structure)))
- new-struct))
- ; STRUCT has name NAME. NAME can then also be used to refer to STRUCT's
- ; package.
- (define (note-structure-name! struct name)
- (if (and name (not (structure-name struct)))
- (begin (set-structure-name! struct name)
- (note-package-name! (structure-package struct) name))))
- ; A structure is unstable if its package is. An unstable package is one
- ; where new code may be added, possibly modifying the exported bindings.
- (define (structure-unstable? struct)
- (package-unstable? (structure-package struct)))
- ; The #F returned for compile-time environments is conservative. You could
- ; look up the name of interest and see where it came from. It might come
- ; from a lexical binding or a stable package or structure. A procedure to
- ; do this could go in cenv.scm.
- (define (environment-stable? env)
- (cond ((package? env)
- (not (package-unstable? env)))
- ((structure? env)
- (not (structure-unstable? env)))
- ((compiler-env? env)
- #f) ; conservative
- (else
- (assertion-violation 'environment-stable? "invalid environment" env))))
- ; Map PROC down the the [name type binding] triples provided by STRUCT.
- (define (for-each-export proc struct)
- (let ((int (structure-interface struct)))
- (for-each-declaration
- (lambda (name base-name want-type)
- (let ((binding (real-structure-lookup struct base-name want-type #t)))
- (proc name
- (if (and (binding? binding)
- (eq? want-type undeclared-type))
- (let ((type (binding-type binding)))
- (if (variable-type? type)
- (variable-value-type type)
- type))
- want-type)
- binding)))
- int)))
- ; --------------------
- ; Packages
- (define-record-type package :package
- (really-make-package uid
- opens-thunk opens accesses-thunk
- definitions
- undefineds
- undefined-but-assigneds
- get-location
- cached
- clients
- unstable?
- integrate?
- file-name reader clauses loaded?)
- package?
- (uid package-uid)
- ;; #f if not initialized, then list of structures
- (opens package-opens-really set-package-opens!)
- ;; name-table name -> binding
- (definitions package-definitions)
- (unstable? package-unstable?)
- ;; value of integrate clause; use integration in this packages
- (integrate? package-integrate? set-package-integrate?!)
- ;; For EVAL and LOAD (which can only be done in unstable packages)
- ;; package name -> location
- (get-location package-get-location set-package-get-location!)
- (file-name package-file-name)
- (reader package-reader set-package-reader!)
- (clauses package-clauses)
- (loaded? package-loaded? set-package-loaded?!)
- ;; compiler environment
- (env package->environment set-package->environment!)
- ;; For package mutation
- (opens-thunk package-opens-thunk set-package-opens-thunk!)
- ;; thunk -> (list (pair name struct))
- (accesses-thunk package-accesses-thunk)
- ;; locations introduced for missing values
- ;; name-table name -> location
- (undefineds package-real-undefineds set-package-undefineds!)
- ;; locations introduced for missing cells
- ;; name-table name -> location
- (undefined-but-assigneds
- package-real-undefined-but-assigneds
- set-package-undefined-but-assigneds!)
- (clients package-clients)
- ;; locations used here that were supposed to have been provided by someone else
- ;; name-table name -> place, see binding.scm
- (cached package-cached))
- (define-record-discloser :package
- (lambda (package)
- (let ((name (package-name package)))
- (if name
- (list 'package (package-uid package) name)
- (list 'package (package-uid package))))))
- (define (make-package opens-thunk accesses-thunk unstable? tower file clauses
- uid name)
- (let ((new (really-make-package
- (if uid
- (begin (if (>= uid *package-uid*)
- (set! *package-uid* (+ uid 1)))
- uid)
- (new-package-uid))
- opens-thunk
- #f ;opens
- accesses-thunk ;thunk returning alist
- (make-name-table) ;definitions
- #f ;undefineds
- #f ;undefined-but-assigned
- (fluid-cell-ref $get-location)
- ;procedure for making new locations
- (make-name-table) ;bindings cached in templates
- (make-population) ;structures
- unstable? ;unstable (suitable for EVAL)?
- #t ;integrate?
- file ;file containing DEFINE-STRUCTURE form
- read
- clauses ;misc. DEFINE-STRUCTURE clauses
- #f))) ;loaded?
- (note-package-name! new name)
- (set-package->environment! new (really-package->environment new tower))
- new))
- ; TOWER is a promise that is expected to deliver, when forced, a
- ; pair (eval . env).
- (define (really-package->environment package tower)
- (make-compiler-env (lambda (name)
- (package-lookup package name))
- (lambda (name type . maybe-static)
- (cond
- ((and (symbol? name) ; generated names are hopefully of no interest here
- (opened-structure-for-name package name))
- => (lambda (struct)
- (warning 'package-define!
- "name from opened structure redefined"
- package name struct))))
- (package-define! package
- name
- type
- #f
- (if (null? maybe-static)
- #f
- (car maybe-static))))
- tower
- package)) ; interim hack
- (define (opened-structure-for-name package name)
- (let loop ((opens (package-opens-really package)))
- (cond
- ((null? opens)
- #f)
- ((structure-lookup (car opens) name #t)
- (car opens))
- (else
- (loop (cdr opens))))))
- ; Two tables that we add lazily.
- (define (lazy-table-accessor slot-ref slot-set!)
- (lambda (package)
- (or (slot-ref package)
- (let ((table (make-name-table)))
- (slot-set! package table)
- table))))
- (define package-undefineds
- (lazy-table-accessor package-real-undefineds
- set-package-undefineds!))
- (define package-undefined-but-assigneds
- (lazy-table-accessor package-real-undefined-but-assigneds
- set-package-undefined-but-assigneds!))
- ; Unique id's
- (define (new-package-uid)
- (let ((uid *package-uid*)) ;unique identifier
- (set! *package-uid* (+ *package-uid* 1))
- uid))
- (define *package-uid* 0)
- ; Package names
- (define package-name-table (make-table))
- (define (package-name package)
- (table-ref package-name-table (package-uid package)))
- (define (note-package-name! package name)
- (if name
- (let ((uid (package-uid package)))
- (if (not (table-ref package-name-table uid))
- (table-set! package-name-table uid name)))))
- (define (package-opens package)
- (initialize-package-if-necessary! package)
- (package-opens-really package))
- (define (initialize-package-if-necessary! package)
- (if (not (package-opens-really package))
- (initialize-package! package)))
- (define (package-accesses package) ;=> alist
- ((package-accesses-thunk package)))
- ; --------------------
- ; A simple package has no ACCESSes or other far-out clauses.
- (define (make-simple-package opens unstable? tower . name-option)
- (if (not (list? opens))
- (assertion-violation 'make-simple-package "invalid package opens list" opens))
- (let ((package (make-package (lambda () opens)
- (lambda () '()) ;accesses-thunk
- unstable?
- tower
- "" ;file containing DEFINE-STRUCTURE form
- '() ;clauses
- #f ;uid
- (if (null? name-option)
- #f
- (car name-option)))))
- (set-package-loaded?! package #t)
- package))
- ; --------------------
- ; The definitions table
- ; Each entry in the package-definitions table is a binding.
- (define (package-definition package name)
- (initialize-package-if-necessary! package)
- (let ((probe (table-ref (package-definitions package) name)))
- (if probe
- (maybe-fix-place! probe)
- #f)))
- (define (package-define! package name type place static)
- (let ((probe (table-ref (package-definitions package) name)))
- (if probe
- (begin
- (clobber-binding! probe type place static)
- (binding-place (maybe-fix-place! probe)))
- (let ((place (or place (get-new-location package name))))
- (table-set! (package-definitions package)
- name
- (make-binding type place static))
- place))))
- (define (package-add-static! package name static)
- (let ((probe (table-ref (package-definitions package) name)))
- (if probe
- (clobber-binding! probe
- (binding-type probe)
- (binding-place probe)
- static)
- (assertion-violation 'package-add-static!
- "internal error: name not bound" package name))))
- (define (package-refine-type! package name type)
- (let ((probe (table-ref (package-definitions package) name)))
- (if probe
- (clobber-binding! probe
- type
- (binding-place probe)
- (binding-static probe))
- (assertion-violation 'package-refine-type!
- "internal error: name not bound" package name))))
- ; --------------------
- ; Lookup
- ; Look up a name in a package. Returns a binding if bound or #F if not.
- (define (package-lookup package name)
- (really-package-lookup package name (package-integrate? package)))
- (define (really-package-lookup package name integrate?)
- (let ((probe (package-definition package name)))
- (cond (probe
- (if integrate?
- probe
- (forget-integration probe)))
- ((generated? name)
- ; Access path is (generated-parent-name name)
- (generic-lookup (generated-env name)
- (generated-name name)))
- (else
- (search-opens (package-opens-really package) name integrate?)))))
- ; Look for NAME in structures OPENS.
- (define (search-opens opens name integrate?)
- (let loop ((opens opens))
- (if (null? opens)
- #f
- (or (structure-lookup (car opens) name integrate?)
- (loop (cdr opens))))))
- (define (structure-lookup struct name integrate?)
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (interface-ref (structure-interface struct) name))
- (lambda (base-name type)
- (if type
- (real-structure-lookup struct base-name type integrate?)
- #f))))
- (define (real-structure-lookup struct name type integrate?)
- (impose-type type
- (really-package-lookup (structure-package struct)
- name
- integrate?)
- integrate?))
- (define (generic-lookup env name)
- (cond ((package? env)
- (package-lookup env name))
- ((structure? env)
- (or (structure-lookup env
- name
- (package-integrate? (structure-package env)))
- (assertion-violation 'generic-lookup "not exported" env name)))
- ((compiler-env? env)
- (lookup env name))
- (else
- (assertion-violation 'generic-lookup "invalid environment" env name))))
- ; --------------------
- ; Package initialization
- (define (initialize-package! package)
- (let ((opens ((package-opens-thunk package))))
- (set-package-opens! package opens)
- (check-for-duplicates! package)
- (for-each (lambda (struct)
- (if (structure-unstable? struct)
- (add-to-population! package (structure-clients struct))))
- opens))
- (for-each (lambda (name+struct)
- ;; Cf. CLASSIFY method for STRUCTURE-REF
- (package-define! package
- (car name+struct)
- structure-type
- #f
- (cdr name+struct)))
- (package-accesses package)))
- (define (check-for-duplicates! package)
- (let ((imported-names (make-symbol-table)) ; maps names to pair of first binding, lists of structures
- (duplicates '()))
- (for-each (lambda (struct)
- (for-each-export
- (lambda (name type binding)
- (cond
- ((table-ref imported-names name)
- => (lambda (p)
- (if (not (same-denotation? (car p) binding))
- (begin
- (set! duplicates (cons name duplicates))
- (if (not (memq struct (cdr p)))
- (set-cdr! p (cons struct (cdr p))))))))
- (else
- (table-set! imported-names name (cons binding (list struct))))))
- struct))
- (package-opens package))
- (for-each (lambda (duplicate)
- (apply warning 'check-for-duplicates!
- "duplicate name in opened structure"
- duplicate
- package
- (cdr (table-ref imported-names duplicate))))
- duplicates)))
- ; (define (package->environment? env)
- ; (eq? env (package->environment
- ; (extract-package-from-comp-env env))))
- ; --------------------
- ; For implementation of INTEGRATE-ALL-PRIMITIVES! in scanner, etc.
- (define (for-each-definition proc package)
- (table-walk (lambda (name binding)
- (proc name (maybe-fix-place! binding)))
- (package-definitions package)))
- ; --------------------
- ; Locations
- (define (get-new-location package name)
- ((package-get-location package) package name))
- ; Default new-location method for new packages
- (define (make-new-location package name)
- (let ((uid *location-uid*))
- (set! *location-uid* (+ *location-uid* 1))
- (table-set! location-info-table uid
- (make-immutable!
- (cons (name->symbol name) (package-uid package))))
- (make-undefined-location uid)))
- (define $get-location (make-fluid (make-cell make-new-location)))
- (define *location-uid* 5000) ; 1510 in initial system as of 1/22/94
- (define location-info-table (make-table))
- (define (flush-location-names)
- (set! location-info-table (make-table))
- ;; (set! package-name-table (make-table)) ;hmm, not much of a space saver
- )
- ; (put 'package-define! 'scheme-indent-hook 2)