schemetoc-features.scm 3.1 KB

  1. ; Part of Scheme 48 1.9. See file COPYING for notices and license.
  2. ; Authors: Richard Kelsey, Jonathan Rees, Mike Sperber
  3. ; BUG: (+ (expt 2 28) (expt 2 28)), (* (expt 2 28) 2)
  4. (define-external schemetoc-error ;(schemetoc-error symbol format-string . args)
  5. "scdebug" "error_v")
  6. (eval-when (eval)
  7. (define schemetoc-error error))
  8. ; SIGNALS
  9. (define (error who message . irritants)
  10. (if (symbol? message)
  11. (apply schemetoc-error message irritants)
  12. (apply schemetoc-error
  13. "Error:"
  14. (apply string-append
  15. message
  16. (map (lambda (x) "~% ~s")
  17. irritants))
  18. irritants)))
  19. (define (assertion-violation who message . irritants)
  20. (apply error who message irritants))
  21. (define (implementation-restriction-violation who message . irritants)
  22. (apply error who message irritants))
  23. (define (warning who message . irritants)
  24. (display-error-message "Warning: " message irritants))
  25. (define (note who message . irritants)
  26. (display-error-message "Note: " message irritants))
  27. (define (display-error-message heading message irritants)
  28. (display heading)
  29. (display message)
  30. (newline)
  31. (let ((spaces (list->string
  32. (map (lambda (c) #\space) (string->list heading)))))
  33. (for-each (lambda (irritant)
  34. (display spaces)
  35. (write irritant)
  36. (newline))
  37. irritants)))
  38. (define (syntax-violation who message form . maybe-subform)
  39. (apply warning who message form maybe-subform)
  40. ''syntax-error)
  41. ; FEATURES
  42. (define force-output flush-buffer)
  43. (define (string-hash s)
  44. (let ((n (string-length s)))
  45. (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
  46. (h 0 (+ h (char->ascii (string-ref s i)))))
  47. ((>= i n) h))))
  48. (define (make-immutable! thing) thing)
  49. (define (immutable? thing) #f)
  50. ; BITWISE
  51. (define (arithmetic-shift x n)
  52. (if (< x 0)
  53. (let ((r (- -1 (arithmetic-shift (- -1 x) n))))
  54. (if (> n 0)
  55. (- r (- (arithmetic-shift 1 n) 1))
  56. r))
  57. (if (>= n 0) ;shift left?
  58. (if (and (<= n 8)
  59. (exact? x)
  60. (< x 4194304))
  61. (bit-lsh x n)
  62. (* x (expt 2 n)))
  63. (if (and (<= n 28) (exact? x))
  64. (bit-rsh x (- n))
  65. (floor (* x (expt 2. n)))))))
  66. (define (bitwise-and x y)
  67. (if (and (< x 0) (< y 0))
  68. (- -1 (bit-or (- -1 x) (- -1 y)))
  69. (bit-and x y)))
  70. (define (bitwise-ior x y)
  71. (if (or (< x 0) (< y 0))
  72. (- -1 (bit-and (- -1 x) (- -1 y)))
  73. (bit-or x y)))
  74. (define (bitwise-not x) (- -1 x))
  75. ; ASCII
  76. (define char->ascii char->integer)
  77. (define ascii->char integer->char)
  78. (define ascii-limit 256)
  79. (define ascii-whitespaces '(32 10 9 12 13))
  80. ; CODE-VECTORS (= alt/code-vectors.scm)
  81. (define *code-vector-marker* (list '*code-vector-marker*))
  82. (define (make-code-vector len init)
  83. (let ((t (make-vector (+ len 1) init)))
  84. (vector-set! t 0 *code-vector-marker*)
  85. t))
  86. (define (code-vector? obj)
  87. (and (vector? obj)
  88. (> (vector-length obj) 0)
  89. (eq? (vector-ref obj 0) *code-vector-marker*)))
  90. (define (code-vector-length t) (- (vector-length t) 1))
  91. (define (code-vector-ref t i) (vector-ref t (+ i 1)))
  92. (define (code-vector-set! t i x) (vector-set! t (+ i 1) x))
  93. (define (write-byte byte port)
  94. (write-char (ascii->char byte) port))