123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626 |
- ; -*- Mode: Scheme; Syntax: Scheme; Package: Scheme; -*-
- ; Copyright (c) 1993-2008 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
- ; Scalar primitives
- (define-primitive eq? (any-> any->) vm-eq? return-boolean)
- (define-primitive char? (any->) vm-char? return-boolean)
- (define-primitive char=? (vm-char-> vm-char->) vm-char=? return-boolean)
- (define-primitive char<? (vm-char-> vm-char->) vm-char<? return-boolean)
- (define-primitive char->scalar-value (char-scalar-value->) (lambda (c) c) return-fixnum)
- ; Unicode surrogates are not scalar values
- (define (scalar-value? x)
- (and (>= x 0)
- (or (<= x #xd7ff)
- (and (>= x #xe000) (<= x #x10ffff)))))
- (define-primitive scalar-value->char
- (fixnum->)
- (lambda (x)
- (if (scalar-value? x)
- (goto return (scalar-value->char x))
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 0 (enter-fixnum x)))))
- (define-primitive scalar-value?
- (fixnum->)
- scalar-value?
- return-boolean)
- (define-syntax define-encode-char
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((define-encode-char ?name ?cont)
- (define-primitive ?name (fixnum-> char-scalar-value-> code-vector-> fixnum-> fixnum->)
- (lambda (encoding value buffer start count)
- (if (or (immutable? buffer)
- (> 0 start)
- (> 0 count)
- (> (+ start count) (code-vector-length buffer)))
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 0
- (enter-fixnum encoding)
- (scalar-value->char value)
- buffer (enter-fixnum start) (enter-fixnum count))
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (encode-scalar-value encoding value
- (address+ (address-after-header buffer) start)
- count))
- (lambda (encoding-ok? ok? out-of-space? count)
- (if encoding-ok?
- (call-with-values
- (lambda () (values ok? out-of-space? count))
- ?cont)
- (raise-exception bad-option 0
- (enter-fixnum encoding)))))))))))
- (define-encode-char encode-char
- (lambda (ok? out-of-space? count)
- (push (enter-boolean (and ok? (not out-of-space?))))
- (push (if ok? (enter-fixnum count) false))
- (goto return-values 2 null 0)))
- (define-encode-char encode-char!
- (lambda (ok? out-of-space? count)
- (goto return unspecific-value)))
- (define-syntax define-decode-char
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((define-decode-char ?name ?cont)
- (define-primitive ?name (fixnum-> code-vector-> fixnum-> fixnum->)
- (lambda (encoding buffer start count)
- (if (or (> 0 start)
- (> 0 count)
- (> (+ start count) (code-vector-length buffer)))
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 0
- (enter-fixnum encoding) buffer (enter-fixnum start) (enter-fixnum count))
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (decode-scalar-value encoding
- (address+ (address-after-header buffer) start)
- count))
- (lambda (encoding-ok? ok? incomplete? value count)
- (if (not encoding-ok?)
- (raise-exception bad-option 0
- (enter-fixnum encoding))
- (call-with-values
- (lambda () (values ok? incomplete? value count))
- ?cont))))))))))
- (define-decode-char decode-char
- (lambda (ok? incomplete? value count)
- (push (if (and ok? (not incomplete?))
- (scalar-value->char value)
- false))
- (push (if ok? (enter-fixnum count) false))
- (goto return-values 2 null 0)))
- ; this makes limited sense: we only get the exception side effect
- (define-decode-char decode-char!
- (lambda (ok? incomplete? value count)
- (goto return unspecific-value)))
- (define-primitive eof-object?
- (any->)
- (lambda (x) (vm-eq? x eof-object))
- return-boolean)
- ;----------------
- (define-primitive stored-object-has-type?
- (any->)
- (lambda (x)
- (goto continue-with-value
- (enter-boolean (stob-of-type? x (code-byte 0)))
- 1)))
- (define-primitive stored-object-length
- (any->)
- (lambda (stob)
- (let ((type (code-byte 0)))
- (if (stob-of-type? stob type)
- (goto continue-with-value
- (enter-fixnum (d-vector-length stob))
- 1)
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 1 stob (enter-fixnum type))))))
- ; for the benefit of the native-code compiler
- (define-primitive env-set!
- (any->)
- (lambda (value)
- (d-vector-set! (stack-ref (code-byte 0)) (code-byte 1) value)
- (goto continue-with-value unspecific-value 2)))
- (define-primitive big-env-set!
- (any->)
- (lambda (value)
- (d-vector-set! (stack-ref (code-offset 0)) (code-offset 1) value)
- (goto continue-with-value unspecific-value 4)))
- ; Closures
- ; This is only generated by the byte-code optimizer, and primarily for
- ; use in native code. There, we have flat closures which contain the
- ; free variables directly.
- ; Template is in *val*, free variables are on the stack
- (define-primitive make-flat-closure ()
- (lambda ()
- (let* ((free-count (code-offset 0))
- (size (+ free-count 1))
- (key (ensure-space (+ stob-overhead size)))
- (closure (make-d-vector (enum stob closure) size key)))
- (d-vector-init! closure 0 *val*)
- (do ((i free-count (- i 1)))
- ((= 0 i)
- (unspecific)) ; for the type checker
- (d-vector-init! closure i (pop)))
- (goto continue-with-value closure 2))))
- ; Constructors
- (define-primitive make-stored-object ()
- (lambda ()
- (let* ((len (code-byte 0))
- (key (ensure-space (+ stob-overhead len)))
- (new (make-d-vector (code-byte 1) len key)))
- (cond ((>= len 1)
- (d-vector-init! new (- len 1) *val*)
- (do ((i (- len 2) (- i 1)))
- ((> 0 i)
- (unspecific)) ; for the type checker!
- (d-vector-init! new i (pop)))))
- (goto continue-with-value new 2))))
- ; This is for the closed compiled versions of VECTOR and RECORD.
- ; *stack* = arg0 arg1 ... argN rest-list N+1 total-nargs
- (define-primitive closed-make-stored-object ()
- (lambda ()
- (let* ((len (extract-fixnum (pop)))
- (key (ensure-space (+ stob-overhead len)))
- (new (make-d-vector (code-byte 0) len key))
- (stack-nargs (extract-fixnum (pop)))
- (rest-list (pop)))
- (do ((i (- stack-nargs 1) (- i 1)))
- ((> 0 i)
- (unspecific)) ; for the type checker!
- (d-vector-init! new i (pop)))
- (do ((i stack-nargs (+ i 1))
- (rest-list rest-list (vm-cdr rest-list)))
- ((vm-eq? rest-list null)
- (unspecific)) ; for the type checker!
- (d-vector-init! new i (vm-car rest-list)))
- (goto continue-with-value new 1))))
- (define-primitive make-vector-object (any-> any->)
- (lambda (len init)
- (let ((type (code-byte 0)))
- (if (fixnum? len)
- (let* ((len (extract-fixnum len))
- (size (vm-vector-size len)))
- (if (or (< len 0)
- (> size max-stob-size-in-cells))
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 1
- (enter-fixnum type) (enter-fixnum len) init)
- (begin
- (save-temp0! init)
- (let* ((v (maybe-make-d-vector+gc type len))
- (init (recover-temp0!)))
- (if (false? v)
- (raise-exception heap-overflow 1
- (enter-fixnum type) (enter-fixnum len)
- init)
- (begin
- (do ((i (- len 1) (- i 1)))
- ((< i 0))
- (d-vector-set! v i init))
- (goto continue-with-value v 1)))))))
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 1
- (enter-fixnum type) len init)))))
- ; Doubles
- (define-primitive make-double ()
- (lambda ()
- (let* ((len 8) ; IEEE 754 double precision
- (new (maybe-make-b-vector+gc (enum stob double) len)))
- (if (false? new)
- (raise-exception heap-overflow 0
- (enter-fixnum (enum stob double)))
- (begin
- ; (do ((i (- len 1) (- i 1)))
- ; ((< i 0))
- ; (b-vector-set! new i 0))
- (goto return new))))))
- ; Strings and byte vectors
- (define-primitive string-length
- (string->)
- (lambda (string)
- (goto return-fixnum (vm-string-length string))))
- (define-primitive byte-vector-length
- (code-vector->)
- (lambda (byte-vector)
- (goto return-fixnum (code-vector-length byte-vector))))
- (define (make-byte-ref ref length returner)
- (lambda (vector index)
- (if (valid-index? index (length vector))
- (goto returner (ref vector index))
- (raise-exception index-out-of-range 0 vector (enter-fixnum index)))))
- (let ((proc (make-byte-ref vm-string-ref vm-string-length return-scalar-value-char)))
- (define-primitive string-ref (string-> fixnum->) proc))
- (let ((proc (make-byte-ref code-vector-ref code-vector-length return-fixnum)))
- (define-primitive byte-vector-ref (code-vector-> fixnum->) proc))
- (define (make-byte-setter setter length enter-elt)
- (lambda (vector index char)
- (cond ((immutable? vector)
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 0
- vector (enter-fixnum index) (enter-elt char)))
- ((valid-index? index (length vector))
- (setter vector index char)
- (goto no-result))
- (else
- (raise-exception index-out-of-range 0
- vector (enter-fixnum index) (enter-elt char))))))
- (let ((proc (make-byte-setter vm-string-set! vm-string-length scalar-value->char)))
- (define-primitive string-set! (string-> fixnum-> char-scalar-value->) proc))
- (let ((proc (make-byte-setter code-vector-set! code-vector-length enter-fixnum)))
- (define-primitive byte-vector-set! (code-vector-> fixnum-> fixnum->) proc))
- (define (byte-vector-maker size bytes type initialize setter enter-elt)
- (lambda (len init)
- (let ((size (size len)))
- (if (or (< len 0)
- (> size max-stob-size-in-cells))
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument
- 0
- (enter-fixnum len)
- (enter-elt init))
- (let ((vector (maybe-make-b-vector+gc type (bytes len))))
- (if (false? vector)
- (raise-exception heap-overflow
- 0
- (enter-fixnum len)
- (enter-elt init))
- (begin
- (initialize vector len)
- (do ((i (- len 1) (- i 1)))
- ((< i 0))
- (setter vector i init))
- (goto return vector))))))))
- (let ((proc (byte-vector-maker vm-string-size
- scalar-value-units->bytes
- (enum stob string)
- (lambda (string length)
- 0)
- vm-string-set!
- scalar-value->char)))
- (define-primitive make-string (fixnum-> char-scalar-value->) proc))
- (let ((proc (byte-vector-maker code-vector-size
- (lambda (len) len)
- (enum stob byte-vector)
- (lambda (byte-vector length) 0)
- code-vector-set!
- enter-fixnum)))
- (define-primitive make-byte-vector (fixnum-> fixnum->) proc))
- (define-primitive copy-string-chars! (string-> fixnum-> string-> fixnum-> fixnum->)
- (lambda (from from-index to to-index count)
- (cond ((not (and (okay-copy-string? from from-index count)
- (okay-copy-string? to to-index count)
- (not (immutable? to))
- (<= 0 count)))
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 0
- from (enter-fixnum from-index)
- to (enter-fixnum to-index)
- (enter-fixnum count)))
- (else
- (copy-vm-string-chars! from from-index to to-index count)
- (goto continue-with-value unspecific-value 0)))))
- (define (okay-copy-string? s index count)
- (and (<= 0 index)
- (<= (+ index count)
- (vm-string-length s))))
- ; Locations & mutability
- (define-primitive location-defined? (location->)
- (lambda (loc)
- (return-boolean (or (not (undefined? (contents loc)))
- (= (contents loc) unassigned-marker)))))
- (define-primitive set-location-defined?! (location-> boolean->)
- (lambda (loc value)
- (cond ((not value)
- (set-contents! loc unbound-marker))
- ((undefined? (contents loc))
- (set-contents! loc unassigned-marker))))
- return-unspecific)
- (define-primitive immutable? (any->) immutable? return-boolean)
- (define-primitive make-immutable! (any->)
- (lambda (thing)
- (make-immutable! thing)
- (goto return thing)))
- (define-primitive make-weak-pointer (any->)
- (lambda (init)
- (let ((weak-pointer (make-weak-pointer init weak-pointer-size)))
- (goto continue-with-value
- weak-pointer
- 0))))
- ;----------------
- ; Misc
- (define-primitive false ()
- (lambda ()
- (goto return false)))
- (define-primitive eof-object ()
- (lambda ()
- (goto return eof-object)))
- (define-primitive trap (any->)
- (lambda (arg)
- (raise-exception trap 0 arg)))
- (define-primitive find-all (fixnum->)
- (lambda (type)
- (let loop ((first? #t))
- (let ((vector (s48-find-all type)))
- (cond ((not (false? vector))
- (goto return vector))
- (first?
- ;; if the result vector couldn't be created force a
- ;; major collection and try again once.
- (s48-collect #t)
- (loop #f))
- (else
- (raise-exception heap-overflow 0 (enter-fixnum type))))))))
- (define-primitive find-all-records (any->)
- (lambda (type)
- (let loop ((first? #t) (type type))
- (let ((vector (s48-find-all-records type)))
- (cond ((not (false? vector))
- (goto return vector))
- (first?
- (save-temp0! type)
- (s48-collect #t)
- (loop #f (recover-temp0!)))
- (else
- (raise-exception heap-overflow 0 type)))))))
- (define-primitive collect ()
- (lambda ()
- ;; does a major collection in any case
- (set! *val* unspecific-value)
- (s48-collect #t)
- (goto continue 0)))
- (define-consing-primitive add-finalizer! (any-> any->)
- (lambda (n) (* 2 vm-pair-size))
- (lambda (stob proc key)
- (cond ((not (and (stob? stob)
- (closure? proc)))
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 0 stob proc))
- ; This would be useful but could get quite expensive
- ; ((vm-assq stob *finalizer-alist*)
- ; (raise-exception has-finalizer 0 stob proc))
- (else
- (get-proposal-lock!)
- (shared-set! *finalizer-alist*
- (vm-cons (vm-cons stob proc key)
- (shared-ref *finalizer-alist*)
- key))
- (release-proposal-lock!)
- (goto no-result)))))
- (define-primitive memory-status (fixnum-> any->)
- (lambda (key other)
- (enum-case memory-status-option key
- ((pointer-hash)
- (goto return (descriptor->fixnum other)))
- ((available)
- (goto return-fixnum (s48-available)))
- ((heap-size)
- (goto return-fixnum (bytes->cells (s48-heap-size))))
- ((max-heap-size)
- (goto return-fixnum (s48-max-heap-size)))
- ((stack-size)
- (goto return-fixnum (stack-size)))
- ((gc-count)
- (goto return-fixnum (s48-gc-count)))
- ((expand-heap!)
- (raise-exception unimplemented-instruction 0 (enter-fixnum key) other))
- (else
- (raise-exception bad-option 0 (enter-fixnum key) other)))))
- (define-primitive time (fixnum-> any->)
- (lambda (option other)
- (enum-case time-option option
- ((cheap-time)
- (goto return-fixnum (cheap-time)))
- ((run-time)
- (receive (seconds mseconds)
- (run-time)
- (goto return-time-value option seconds mseconds)))
- ((real-time)
- (receive (seconds mseconds)
- (real-time)
- (goto return-time-value option seconds mseconds)))
- ((gc-run-time)
- (receive (seconds mseconds)
- (s48-gc-run-time)
- (goto return-time-value option seconds mseconds)))
- (else
- (raise-exception bad-option 0 (enter-fixnum option) other)))))
- ; The largest number of seconds that can be converted into a fixnum number
- ; of milliseconds.
- (define maximum-seconds (quotient (- greatest-fixnum-value 1000) 1000))
- (define (return-time-value option seconds mseconds)
- (if (> seconds maximum-seconds)
- (raise-exception arithmetic-overflow 0
- (enter-fixnum option)
- (enter-fixnum seconds)
- (enter-fixnum mseconds))
- (goto return-fixnum (+ (* seconds 1000) mseconds))))
- (define-primitive schedule-interrupt (fixnum->)
- (lambda (delta)
- (clear-interrupt! (enum interrupt alarm))
- (goto return-fixnum (schedule-interrupt delta))))
- ; Convert from the user's exponent to the system's.
- ;(define (adjust-time mantissa exponent)
- ; (let ((system (clock-exponent)))
- ; (cond ((= exponent system)
- ; mantissa)
- ; ((> system exponent)
- ; (quotient mantissa (expt 10 (- system exponent))))
- ; (else
- ; (* mantissa (expt 10 (- exponent system)))))))
- (define-primitive system-parameter (fixnum->)
- (lambda (key)
- (enum-case system-parameter-option key
- ((host-architecture)
- (goto return (enter-string+gc host-architecture)))
- ((os-string-encoding)
- (goto return (enter-string+gc (get-os-string-encoding))))
- (else
- (raise-exception bad-option 0 (enter-fixnum key))))))
- (define-enumeration vm-extension-status
- (okay
- exception
- ))
- (define s48-*extension-value*)
- (define-primitive vm-extension (fixnum-> any->)
- (lambda (key value)
- (let ((status (extended-vm key value)))
- (cond ((vm-eq? status (enum vm-extension-status okay))
- (goto return s48-*extension-value*))
- ((vm-eq? status (enum vm-extension-status exception))
- (raise-exception extension-exception 0 (enter-fixnum key) value))
- (else
- (raise-exception extension-return-error 0 (enter-fixnum key) value))))))
- ; This is exported to keep s48-*EXTENSION-VALUE* from being eliminated by the
- ; compiler.
- (define (s48-set-extension-value! value)
- (set! s48-*extension-value* value))
- ; Used to indicate which stack block we are returning to. Set to FALSE if we are
- ; returning from the VM as a whole.
- (define s48-*callback-return-stack-block* false)
- (define-primitive return-from-callback (any-> any->)
- (lambda (stack-block value)
- (enable-interrupts!) ; Disabled to ensure that we return to the right
- ; stack block.
- (set! s48-*callback-return-stack-block* stack-block)
- value)) ; the interpreter returns this value
- (define-primitive current-thread ()
- (lambda () *current-thread*)
- return-any)
- (define-primitive set-current-thread! (any->)
- (lambda (state)
- (set! *current-thread* state))
- return-unspecific)
- (define-primitive session-data ()
- (lambda () (shared-ref *session-data*))
- return-any)
- (define-primitive set-session-data! (any->)
- (lambda (state)
- (shared-set! *session-data* state))
- return-unspecific)
- ; Unnecessary primitives
- (define-primitive string=? (string-> string->) vm-string=? return-boolean)
- ; Special primitive called by the reader.
- ; Primitive for the sake of speed. Probably should be flushed.
- (define-consing-primitive reverse-list->string (any-> fixnum->)
- (lambda (n) (vm-string-size (extract-fixnum n)))
- (lambda (l n k)
- (if (not (or (vm-pair? l) (vm-eq? l null)))
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 0 l (enter-fixnum n))
- (let ((obj (vm-make-string n k)))
- (do ((l l (vm-cdr l))
- (i (- n 1) (- i 1)))
- ((< i 0)
- (goto return obj))
- (vm-string-set! obj i (char->scalar-value (vm-car l))))))))
- (define-primitive string-hash (string->) vm-string-hash return-fixnum)
- ; Messy because we have to detect circular lists (alternatively we
- ; could check for interrupts and then pclsr). ***
- (define-primitive assq (any-> any->)
- (lambda (thing list)
- (let ((lose (lambda ()
- (raise-exception wrong-type-argument 0 thing list))))
- (let loop ((list list) (slow list) (move-slow? #t))
- (cond ((vm-eq? list null)
- (goto return-boolean #f))
- ((not (vm-pair? list))
- (lose))
- (else
- (let ((head (vm-car list)))
- (cond ((not (vm-pair? head))
- (lose))
- ((vm-eq? (vm-car head) thing)
- (goto return head))
- (else
- (let ((list (vm-cdr list)))
- (cond ((eq? list slow)
- (lose))
- (move-slow?
- (loop list (vm-cdr slow) #f))
- (else
- (loop list slow #t)))))))))))))
- ; Eventually add make-table, table-ref, table-set! as primitives?
- ; No -- write a compiler instead.
- ; *** Our entry for the obscure comment of the year contest.
- ;
- ; Pclsring is the term in ITS for the mechanism that makes the operating system
- ; appear to be a virtual machine. The paradigm is that of the BLT instruction
- ; on the PDP-10: its arguments are in a set of registers, and if the instruction
- ; gets interrupted in the middle, the registers reflect the intermediate state;
- ; the PC is set to the BLT instruction itself, and the process can be resumed
- ; in the usual way.
- ; For more on pclsring see `Pclsring: Keeping Process State Modular' by Alan
- ; Bawden (ftp.ai.mit.edu:pub/alan/pclsr.memo).