123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604 |
- ; -*- Mode: Scheme; Syntax: Scheme; Package: Scheme; -*-
- ; Copyright (c) 1993-2008 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
- ; This is file arch.scm.
- ;;;; Architecture description
- (define architecture-version "Vanilla 34")
- ; Things that the VM and the runtime system both need to know.
- (define bits-used-per-byte bits-per-byte)
- (define byte-limit (expt 2 bits-used-per-byte))
- (define two-byte-limit (* byte-limit byte-limit))
- ; Bytecodes: for compiler and interpreter
- ; Instruction specification is
- ; (op . args)
- ; OP may be a name or a list of names
- ; ARGS are
- ; byte - A byte used for some random purpose
- ; two-bytes - ditto, but two bytes
- ; nargs - number of arguments on the stack
- ; two-byte-nargs - ditto, but two bytes
- ; stack-index - A one-byte index into the stack
- ; two-byte-stack-index - ditto, but two bytes
- ; index - A index into some stob
- ; two-byte-index - ditto, but two bytes
- ; literal - a one-byte value
- ; offset - two bytes giving an offset into the current instruction stream
- ; offset- - same thing, negative offset
- ; stob - a byte specifying a type for a stored object
- ; env-data - environment specification with one-byte values
- ; big-env-data - environment specification with two-byte values
- ; moves-data - specification of stack shuffle moves
- ; big-moves-data - specification of stack shuffle moves
- ; cont-data - cont-data specification
- ; protocol - protocol specification
- ; 0 1 2 ... - the number of non-instruction-stream arguments (some
- ; instructions take a variable number of arguments; the first
- ; number is the argument count implemented by the VM)
- ; + - any number of additional arguments are allowed
- (define-syntax define-instruction-set
- (lambda (form rename compare)
- (let ((data (do ((data (reverse (cdr form)) (cdr data))
- (new '() (let ((next (car data)))
- (if (pair? (car next))
- (append (map (lambda (op)
- (cons op (cdr next)))
- (car next))
- new)
- (cons next new)))))
- ((null? data) new))))
- `(begin (define-enumeration op
- ,(map car data))
- (define opcode-arg-specs
- '#(,@(map cdr data)))))))
- ; Instructions marked *EXP* are experimental and are not normally used by
- ; byte-code compiler.
- (define-instruction-set
- (protocol protocol) ; first opcode in a procedure, never actually
- ; executed
- (integer-literal literal) ; optimization for one-byte integers (also
- ; used in the closed-compiled +, *)
- (push+integer-literal literal) ; preceded by a push
- (integer-literal+push literal) ; followed by a push
- (global two-byte-stack-index two-byte-index) ; first is template, second within template
- (set-global! two-byte-stack-index two-byte-index 1) ; first is template, second within template
- (make-flat-env env-data) ; make new environment from env-data
- (make-big-flat-env big-env-data) ; same, but with two-byte size and offsets
- ; the following four emitted from the byte-code optimizer, for the
- ; benefit of the native-code compiler
- (env-set! stack-index index 1) ; set environment slot
- (big-env-set! two-byte-stack-index two-byte-index 1)
- (template-ref stack-index index) ; same thing as stack-indirect
- (big-template-ref two-byte-stack-index two-byte-index) ; same thing as stack-indirect
- (make-flat-closure two-bytes) ; create flat closure
- (push 1) ; push *val* onto stack
- (push-false) ; a common combination
- (pop) ; pop top of stack into *val*
- (pop-n two-bytes) ; remove the top N values from the stack
- ; leaving *val* unchanged
- (push-n two-bytes) ; allocate space for N values on stack
- ; leaving *val* unchanged
- (stack-ref stack-index) ; index'th element of stack into *val*
- (push+stack-ref stack-index) ; preceded by a push
- (stack-ref+push stack-index) ; followed by a push
- (big-stack-ref two-byte-stack-index)
- (stack-set! stack-index 1) ; *val* to index'th element of stack
- (big-stack-set! two-byte-stack-index 1)
- (stack-indirect stack-index index) ; first is index into stack, second is index
- ; into what you find there
- (push+stack-indirect stack-index index) ; preceded by a push
- (stack-indirect+push stack-index index) ; followed by a push
- (big-stack-indirect two-byte-stack-index two-byte-index)
- (stack-shuffle! moves-data) ; shuffle stack elements around
- (big-stack-shuffle! big-moves-data) ; shuffle stack elements around with two-byte offsets
- (current-cont) ; copy *cont* to *val*, use WITH-CONTINUATION
- ; to use copied continuation
- (cont-data cont-data) ; continuation data; never executed
- ;; Different ways to call procedures
- (call offset nargs 1 +) ; last argument is the procedure to call,
- ; offset is to return pointer
- (tail-call nargs 1 +) ; same, no return pointer, moves arguments
- (big-call offset two-byte-nargs 1 +) ; ditto, nargs counts are two bytes
- (poll)
- (apply offset two-byte-nargs 2 +) ; last argument is procedure to call, second to
- ; last is a list of additional arguments, next
- ; two bytes are the number of stack arguments
- (closed-apply 2 +) ; arguments are as for Scheme's APPLY, with
- ; the number of non-list arguments pushed on
- ; the top of the stack
- (with-continuation 2) ; first arg is cont, second is procedure
- ;; Three different ways to return from calls
- (return 1) ; return one value
- (values two-bytes +) ; values are on stack, count is next two bytes
- (closed-values +) ; values are on stack, count is pushed on stack
- ;; Six different ways to jump
- (goto-template two-byte-index) ; jump to another template (*EXP*)
- ; does not poll for interrupts
- (call-template offset two-byte-stack-index two-byte-index nargs)
- ; call a template instead of a procedure
- ; nargs is needed for interrupt handling
- (jump-if-false offset 1) ; boolean in *val*
- (jump offset)
- (jump-back offset-) ; same, but subtract the offset
- (computed-goto byte offset 1) ; jump using delta specified by *val*
- ; defaults to instruction after deltas (*EXP*)
- ;; For the closed-compiled definitions of n-ary arithmetic functions.
- ;; The opcode sequences used are:
- ;; binary-reduce1 binary-op binary-reduce2 return
- ;; and
- ;; binary-reduce1 binary-op binary-comparison-reduce2 return
- ((binary-reduce1 binary-reduce2 binary-comparison-reduce2))
- ;; Scalar primitives
- (eq? 2)
- ((number? integer? rational? real? complex? exact?) 1)
- ((exact->inexact inexact->exact) 1)
- ((+ *) 2 0 1 +)
- ((- /) 2 1)
- ((= < > <= >=) 2 +)
- ((quotient remainder) 2)
- ((floor numerator denominator
- real-part imag-part
- exp log sin cos tan asin acos sqrt
- angle magnitude)
- 1)
- (atan1 1)
- (atan2 2)
- ((make-polar make-rectangular) 2)
- (bitwise-not 1)
- (bit-count 1)
- ((bitwise-and bitwise-ior bitwise-xor) 2)
- (arithmetic-shift 2)
- (char? 1)
- ((char=? char<?) 2)
- ((char->scalar-value scalar-value->char scalar-value?) 1)
- (eof-object? 1)
- ;; Data manipulation
- (stored-object-has-type? stob 1)
- (stored-object-length stob 1)
- (make-stored-object byte stob)
- (closed-make-stored-object stob) ; size pushed on stack
- (stored-object-ref stob index 1)
- (stored-object-set! stob index byte 2) ; byte = 0
- ; means not to log in the proposal
- (make-vector-object stob 2) ; size + init
- ; If the byte = 0 then do not log in the current proposal
- (stored-object-indexed-ref stob byte 2) ; vector + offset
- (stored-object-indexed-set! stob byte 3) ; vector + offset + value
- (make-double)
- (make-byte-vector 2)
- (byte-vector-length 1)
- (byte-vector-ref 2)
- (byte-vector-set! 3)
- (make-string 2)
- (string-length 1)
- (string-ref 2)
- (string-set! 3)
- (copy-string-chars! 5)
- (intern 1)
- (location-defined? 1)
- (set-location-defined?! 2)
- ((immutable? make-immutable!) 1)
- ;; channels (unbuffered, non-blocking I/O)
- (open-channel 4)
- (close-channel 1)
- (channel-maybe-read 5)
- (channel-maybe-write 4)
- (channel-parameter 1)
- (channel-ready? 1)
- (channel-abort 1) ; stop channel operation
- (open-channels-list) ; return a list of the open channels
- ;; weak-pointers
- (make-weak-pointer 1)
- ;; Optimistic concurrency
- (current-proposal)
- (set-current-proposal! 1)
- (maybe-commit)
- (stored-object-logging-ref stob index 1)
- (copy-bytes! byte 5) ; byte = 0 -> don't log
- (byte-vector-logging-ref 2)
- (byte-vector-logging-set! 3)
- ;; Misc
- ((unassigned unspecific))
- (trap 1) ; raise exception
- (false) ; return #f (for bootstrapping)
- (eof-object) ; hard to get otherwise
- (write-image-low 4)
- (collect)
- (string-hash 1) ; used by the static linker for the initial table
- (add-finalizer! 2)
- (memory-status 2)
- (find-all 1) ; makes a vector of all objects of a given type
- (find-all-records 1) ; makes a vector of all records of a given type
- (current-thread)
- (set-current-thread! 1)
- (session-data) ; session specific data
- (set-session-data! 1)
- (set-exception-handlers! 1)
- (return-from-exception 1)
- (return-from-native-exception 1)
- (set-interrupt-handlers! 1)
- (set-enabled-interrupts! 1)
- (resume-interrupted-opcode-to-byte-code)
- (resume-interrupted-call-to-native-code)
- (resume-native-poll)
- (schedule-interrupt 1)
- (wait 2) ; do nothing until something happens
- (call-external-value 1 +)
- (lookup-shared-binding 2)
- (undefine-shared-binding 2)
- (find-undefined-imported-bindings)
- (time 2)
- (system-parameter 1)
- (vm-extension 2) ; access to extensions of the virtual machine
- (return-from-callback 2) ; return from an callback
- ;; Unnecessary primitives
- (string=? 2)
- (reverse-list->string 2)
- (assq 2)
- (unassigned-check 1)
- ; If the byte = 0 then do not log in the current proposal
- (checked-record-ref index 3)
- (checked-record-set! index 4)
- (encode-char 5)
- (encode-char! 5)
- (decode-char 4)
- (decode-char! 4)
- ;; ports (buffered I/O) - these are all unnecessary
- ;; byte = 0 -> port is supplied
- ;; = 1 -> get port from dynamic environment
- ((read-byte peek-byte) byte 1 0)
- (write-byte byte 2 1)
- ((read-char peek-char) byte 1 0)
- (write-char byte 2 1)
- (os-error-message 1)
- ;; For writing informative messages when debugging
- (message 1)
- )
- (define-enumeration interrupt
- (alarm ; order matters - higher priority first
- keyboard
- ;; "Major" means the collector made a maximal effort to reclaim
- ;; memory; everything else is "minor".
- post-minor-gc post-major-gc ; handler is passed a list of finalizers
- i/o-completion ; handler is passed channel, error flag and status
- os-signal
- external-event ; handler is passed event type uid
- ))
- ; Possible problems
- (define-enumeration exception
- (unassigned-local
- undefined-global
- unbound-global
- bad-procedure
- wrong-number-of-arguments
- wrong-type-argument
- arithmetic-overflow
- index-out-of-range
- heap-overflow
- out-of-memory
- cannot-open-channel
- channel-os-index-already-in-use
- closed-channel
- buffer-full/empty
- unimplemented-instruction
- trap
- proceeding-after-exception
- bad-option
- unbound-external-name
- too-many-arguments-to-external-procedure
- too-many-arguments-in-callback
- callback-return-uncovered
- extension-exception
- extension-return-error
- os-error
- gc-protection-mismatch
- no-current-proposal
- native-code-not-supported
- illegal-exception-return
- ))
- ; Used by (READ-BYTE) and (WRITE-BYTE) to get the appropriate ports from
- ; the fluid environment.
- (define-enumeration current-port-marker
- (current-input-port
- current-output-port))
- ;----------------
- ; Call and return protocols
- ;
- ; Protocols 0..maximum-stack-args are just the number of arguments sitting on
- ; the stack.
- (define maximum-stack-args 63)
- (define *last-protocol* maximum-stack-args)
- (define (next-protocol)
- (set! *last-protocol* (+ *last-protocol* 1))
- *last-protocol*)
- ; The next two bytes gives the expected number of arguments.
- (define two-byte-nargs-protocol (next-protocol))
- ; Used for all n-ary procedures. The next two bytes gives the minimum
- ; number of arguments.
- (define two-byte-nargs+list-protocol (next-protocol))
- ; Drop any and all arguments on the floor. The compiler doesn't use this
- ; for procedures, but does generate it for continuations.
- (define ignore-values-protocol (next-protocol))
- ; Real protocol is at the end of the code vector, along with the required
- ; stack size:
- ; ... real-protocol stack-size0 stack-size1
- ; This stuff has to be at the end of the code vector because the necessary stack
- ; size is not determined until after the code vector has been assembled.
- (define big-stack-protocol (next-protocol))
- ; The rest are used only for the definitions of various Scheme primitives.
- ; Next byte is the minimum number of arguments (1 for EXT-CALL, 2 for APPLY,
- ; 0 for the rest).
- ; Stack = arg0 arg1 ... argN rest-list N+1 total-arg-count
- ; The first two arguments are always on the stack.
- (define args+nargs-protocol (next-protocol))
- ; Followed by four bytes: the offsets of code for the 3+, 0, 1, and 2 arg cases.
- ; A zero indicates that the primitive doesn't accept that number of arguments.
- ; If there are fewer than three arguments they are all on the stack. In the
- ; 3+ case the setup is the same as args+nargs above (it's first so that it can
- ; share code in the VM with args+nargs).
- (define nary-dispatch-protocol (next-protocol))
- ; The following is used to mark continuations created for the first argument
- ; to CALL-WITH-VALUES when the second argument is not a LAMBDA expression.
- ; The continuation contains a single value, the procedure to be called on the
- ; values returned by the first argument.
- (define call-with-values-protocol (next-protocol))
- ; Used to mark the continuation at the bottom of the stack cash.
- (define bottom-of-stack-protocol (next-protocol))
- ; Native protocols are the same, except with the high bit set.
- (define native-protocol-mask #x80)
- ; The maximum number of arguments that can be passed to EXTERNAL-CALL.
- ; This is determined by the C procedure `external_call()'.
- (define maximum-external-call-args 12)
- ;----------------
- ; The number of stack slots available to each procedure by default.
- ; Procedures that need more than this must use one of the two-byte-nargs
- ; protocols. All of these are given in terms of descriptors.
- (define default-stack-space 64)
- (define continuation-stack-size 4) ; header + continuation + pc + code
- (define available-stack-space 8000) ; how much stack space is available for
- ; any one procedure
- ; The number of values that the VM adds to continuations.
- (define continuation-cells 3)
- ; Offsets of saved registers in continuations
- (define continuation-pc-index 0)
- (define continuation-code-index 1)
- (define continuation-cont-index 2)
- ; Offsets in the CONT-DATA instruction
- ; -1 -2 frame size
- (define gc-mask-size-offset -3) ; -3 gc mask size
- ; -4 -5 offset
- ; -6 -7 template
- (define gc-mask-offset -8) ; -8 ... mask (low bytes first)
- ; The number of additional values that the VM adds to exception continuations.
- (define exception-continuation-cells 5)
- ; Offsets of saved registers in exception continuations. Size must come
- ; first because the VM expects it there.
- (define exception-cont-size-index (+ continuation-cells 0))
- (define exception-cont-pc-index (+ continuation-cells 1))
- (define exception-cont-code-index (+ continuation-cells 2))
- (define exception-cont-exception-index (+ continuation-cells 3))
- (define exception-cont-instruction-size-index (+ continuation-cells 4))
- ;----------------
- ; Options for op/time
- (define-enumeration time-option
- (run-time
- real-time
- cheap-time ; cheap (no system call) access to the polling clock
- gc-run-time
- ;current-time
- ))
- ; Options for op/memory-status
- (define-enumeration memory-status-option
- (available
- heap-size
- max-heap-size
- stack-size
- gc-count
- expand-heap!
- pointer-hash
- ))
- ; The two types of special channels cannot be used for normal I/O.
- (define-enumeration channel-status-option
- (closed
- input
- output
- special-input ; socket accept, ???
- special-output ; ???
- ))
- ; Indicies into a port's status word
- (define-enumeration port-status-options
- (input
- output
- open-for-input
- open-for-output
- ))
- ; Parameters that configure a channel
- (define-enumeration channel-parameter-option
- (buffer-size crlf?))
- ; Built-in text encodings
- (define-enumeration text-encoding-option
- (us-ascii
- latin-1
- utf-8
- utf-16le utf-16be
- utf-32le utf-32be))
- ; Options for op/system-parameter
- (define-enumeration system-parameter-option
- (host-architecture
- os-string-encoding))
- (define-enumeration stob
- (;; D-vector types (traced by GC)
- pair
- symbol
- vector
- closure
- location
- cell
- channel
- port
- ratnum
- record
- continuation
- extended-number
- template
- weak-pointer
- shared-binding
- unused-d-header1
- ;; B-vector types (not traced by GC)
- string ; = least b-vector type
- byte-vector
- double ; double precision floating point
- bignum
- ))
- ; This is here to try to ensure that it is changed when STOB changes.
- (define least-b-vector-type (enum stob string))
- ; (stob predicate constructor . (accessor modifier)*)
- ; If nothing else, the run-time system and the VM need to agree on
- ; which slot of a pair is the car and which is the cdr.
- (define stob-data
- '((pair pair? cons
- (car set-car!) (cdr set-cdr!))
- (symbol symbol? #f ; RTS calls op/intern/string->symbol
- (symbol->string))
- (location location? make-location
- (location-id set-location-id!)
- (contents set-contents!))
- (cell cell? make-cell
- (cell-ref cell-set!))
- (closure closure? make-closure
- (closure-template) (closure-env))
- (weak-pointer weak-pointer? #f ; make-weak-pointer is an op
- (weak-pointer-ref))
- (shared-binding shared-binding? make-shared-binding
- (shared-binding-name)
- (shared-binding-is-import?)
- (shared-binding-ref shared-binding-set!))
- (port port? make-port
- (port-handler)
- ;; either an integer from the TEXT-ENCODING-OPTION for encodings
- ;; handled by the VM, or a :TEXT-CODEC object for things handled
- ;; purely by the RTS
- (port-text-codec-spec set-port-text-codec-spec!)
- (port-crlf? set-port-crlf?!)
- (port-status set-port-status!)
- (port-lock set-port-lock!) ; used for buffer timestamps
- (port-data set-port-data!)
- (port-buffer set-port-buffer!)
- (port-index set-port-index!)
- (port-limit set-port-limit!)
- ;; for CR/LF handling
- (port-pending-cr? set-port-pending-cr?!)
- (port-pending-eof? set-port-pending-eof?!))
- (channel channel? #f
- (channel-status)
- (channel-id)
- (channel-os-index)
- (channel-close-silently?))
- ))