123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291 |
- ,bench
- ,load-package linker
- ,new-package =link= linker debuginfo defpackage
- ,load scripts.scm
- (link-initial-system)
- To change between initial image starting in mini-command (MINI) and
- command (MAXI):
- 1. Definition of initial system's command module in comp-packages.scm:
- MINI: (make-mini-command scheme)
- MAXI: (make-command scheme)
- 2. Location of (define-module (make-command ...)...):
- MINI: more-packages.scm
- MAXI: comp-packages.scm
- 3. Location of (define-interface command-interface ...):
- MINI: more-interfaces.scm
- MAXI: interfaces.scm
- > ,new-package z architecture primitives packages table enumerated debug-data
- z> (let ((i 0))
- (table-walk (lambda (x y) (set! i (+ i 1)))
- location-name-table)
- i)
- 1385
- z> (vector-length (find-all-xs (name->enumerand 'location stob)))
- 1259
- (vector-length (find-all-xs (name->enumerand 'record stob)))
- 2150
- (find-all-xs (name->enumerand 'record stob))
- z> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
- (j 0 (if (package? (vector-ref rs i)) (+ j 1) j))) ((= i (vector-length rs)) j))
- 72
- z>
- > ,new-package z architecture primitives compiler table
- z> (vector-ref stob 10)
- 'template
- z> stob
- '#(pair symbol vector closure location port ratio record continuation extended-number template weak-pointer external unused-d-header1 unused-d-header2 string code-vector double bignum)
- z> (vector-ref stob 7)
- 'record
- z> (define rs (find-all-xs 7))
- z> (vector-length rs)
- 2178
- z> (define ls (find-all-xs 4))
- z> (vector-length ls)
- 1266
- z>
- To get a fresh config package:
- ,in config (define-structures ((config1 (export)))
- (open defpackage built-in-structures more-structures))
- ,config-package-is config1
- To load a linker with a fresh new compiler:
- x48 -i new-scheme48.image -h 10000000 <l.s48
- Then ,load scripts.scm or whatever.
- These are all files not belonging to any package description:
- boot-packages.scm
- comp-packages.scm
- flatload.scm
- more-packages.scm
- more-interfaces.scm
- rts-packages.scm
- scripts.scm
- interfaces.scm
- infix/
- debug/
- alt/
- link/p-features.scm
- link/p-record.scm
- link/t-features.scm
- link/t-record.scm
- misc/icon.scm
- misc/mail.scm -- related to more-thread.scm
- misc/more-thread.scm -- needs work
- misc/sicp.scm -- add to more-packages
- ,load-package rk-extensions
- ,new-package rk-user rk-extensions
- ,user-package-is rk-user
- # If initial images starts in mini-command instead of command, the
- # rule for $(IMAGE) becomes something like this:
- # (echo ,load more-interfaces.scm $(S48ROOT)/more-packages.scm; \
- # echo "(ensure-loaded command)"; \
- # echo ",go ((structure-ref command 'command-processor) batch)"; \
- ,in config (define-structures ((reification (export reify-structures)))
- (open scheme-level-2 table
- signals ;error
- packages
- features ;location-id location?
- scan) ;find-free-names-in-syntax-rules
- (files (link reify)))
- ,load-package reification
- debug-config> ,in reification reify-structures
- '#{Procedure 8447 reify-structures}
- debug-config> (define reify-structures ##)
- debug-config> make-simple-package
- Error: undefined variable
- make-simple-package
- (package debug-config)
- 1 debug-config>
- debug-config> (define-structures ((p (export start))) (open initial-system scheme-level-2 packages))
- debug-config> (define go (in p `(start ,(reify-structures (desirable-packages) (lambda (loc) `',loc)))))
- ### Small images for exercising the linker and/or runtime system
- debug/tiny.image: debug/tiny.scm $(LINKER_IMAGE)
- echo "(load \"debug/tiny-packages.scm\")"; \
- echo "(link-simple-system '(debug tiny) 'start tiny-system)") \
- debug/little.image: $(LINKER_IMAGE) $(CONFIG_FILES) $(little-files)
- echo "(load \"scripts.scm\")"; \
- echo "(link-little-system)") \
- debug/medium.image: $(LINKER_IMAGE) $(CONFIG_FILES) $(medium-files)
- echo "(load \"scripts.scm\")"; \
- echo "(link-medium-system)") \
- echo "(define l-f (package-all-filenames little-system))"; \
- echo "(define m-f (package-all-filenames medium-system))"; \
- 'little-files l-f 'medium-files m-f \
- [The following is from June 1992, and probably not quite compatible
- with the current compiler internals.]
- To eliminate use of the stack GC to implement tail recursion, change
- comp.scm as follows:
- (define (compile-unknown-call exp cenv depth cont)
- (note-source-code
- exp
- (maybe-push-continuation (sequentially
- (push-all (cdr exp) cenv 0)
- (compile (car exp)
- cenv
- (length (cdr exp))
- (fall-through-cont))
- (instruction (if (return-cont? cont)
- op/move-args-and-call
- op/call)
- (length (cdr exp))))
- depth
- cont)))
- --------------------
- Here's another cool thing. 6/28/93
- (define-interface evaluation-interface
- (export eval load eval-from-file))
- (define-structure run evaluation-interface
- (open scheme-level-2 syntactic packages scan
- environments
- signals
- locations
- features ;force-output
- table
- fluids)
- (files (debug run)))
- ,load-package run
- ,in run
- ,in package-commands (environment-for-syntax-promise)
- (define cool (make-simple-package (list scheme) eval ## 'cool))
- ,in command set-environment-for-commands!
- (## cool)
- cool> ,inspect (lambda (x) x)
- '#{Procedure 6394}
- [0: exp] '(lambda (x) x)
- [1: env] '#{Package 286 cool}
- inspect:
- inspect: q
- cool>
- (define (z s)
- (define (show-type name static)
- (write name)
- (display " : ")
- (write (static-type static))
- (newline))
- (if (package? s)
- (for-each-definition (lambda (name static loc)
- (show-type name static))
- s)
- (interface-walk (lambda (name type)
- (show-type name
- (car (structure-lookup
- s name #t))))
- (structure-interface s))))
- ; ,open expander syntactic packages reconstruction
- (define (e x)
- (let ((p (interaction-environment)))
- (let ((node (expand-form x p)))
- (write (node-type node (package->environment p)))
- (newline)
- (eval node p))))
- > (define hunk3 (lap hunk3
- 0 (check-nargs= 3)
- 2 (pop)
- 3 (make-stored-object 3 0)
- 6 (return)))
- > (hunk3 1 2 3)
- '(1 . 2)
- > (define cxr (lap cxr
- 0 (check-nargs= 2)
- 2 (pop)
- 3 (stored-object-indexed-ref 0)
- 5 (return)))
- > (cxr (hunk3 1 2 3) 2)
- 3
- >
- (define-syntax %cons
- (lambda (e r c)
- (let ((n (cadr e))
- (kind (caddr e)))
- `(,(r 'lap) (%cons ,n ,kind)
- (check-nargs= ,n)
- (pop)
- (make-stored-object ,n ,kind)
- (return)))))
- (define (& x)
- (or (node-ref x 'uid)
- (begin (set! *n* (+ *n* 1))
- (node-set! x 'uid *n*)
- *n*))
- x)
- (define (uid n) (node-ref (& n) 'uid))
- (define *n* 0)