A collaboration to deal with The Great Cloudwall (AKA Cloudflare).

Jeff Cliff 9de3570336 broken links, some for #77 il y a 5 ans
bcma 2bd7d5880e Add 'bcma/README.md' il y a 6 ans
globalist 820023341b Convert port to string. il y a 6 ans
image fa5dd4bc74 Upload files to 'image' il y a 5 ans
ismitmlink c94928a793 Upload files to 'ismitmlink' il y a 6 ans
not_cloudflare 5347fc4a43 Merge branch 'master' of sidetracked/cloudflare-tor into master il y a 5 ans
split 082a283f59 advisoryexcellence.com is both hosted on siteground and also a (tor-whitelisted) cloudflare site, and it gives 403 forbidden to web.archive.org il y a 5 ans
LICENSE.md 0db74e1799 Update 'LICENSE.md' il y a 5 ans
NEWS.md c7c697adb3 cf caught collecting iphone data il y a 5 ans
PEOPLE.md 9de3570336 broken links, some for #77 il y a 5 ans
README.md b80b1a4506 Update 'README.md' il y a 5 ans
article.txt d10986cba5 Merge branch 'master' of http://notabug.org/themusicgod1/cloudflare-tor il y a 6 ans
cloudflare-philosophy.md 2fd070bd57 Update 'cloudflare-philosophy.md' il y a 5 ans
cloudflare_CIDR_v4.txt dc27a15a0a Update 'cloudflare_CIDR_v4.txt' il y a 6 ans
cloudflare_CIDR_v6.txt 02e9d42834 Update 'cloudflare_CIDR_v6.txt' il y a 6 ans
cloudflare_corp_members.txt a4eee618e6 Update 'cloudflare_corp_members.txt' il y a 5 ans
cloudflare_owned_ASN.txt 5d613176de sync with searxes il y a 6 ans
cloudflare_owned_NS.txt ce5321f0fe Update 'cloudflare_owned_NS.txt' il y a 5 ans
cloudflare_owned_domains.txt b1cdb1de56 Update 'cloudflare_owned_domains.txt' il y a 5 ans
cloudflare_owned_onions.txt 5d613176de sync with searxes il y a 6 ans
cloudflare_range_v4.txt 86ea970614 Upload files to '' il y a 6 ans
ex_cloudflare_users.txt ac61cad624 Update 'ex_cloudflare_users.txt' il y a 6 ans
faq.md 5182a63b84 Update 'faq.md' il y a 6 ans
history.md 39165caf10 Update 'history.md' il y a 6 ans
instructions.md 1b90e24719 Update 'instructions.md' il y a 5 ans
what-to-do.md 62641c90cd License il y a 5 ans


The Great Cloudwall

"The Great Cloudwall" is CloudFlare, the world's largest MITM proxy(reverse proxy).

It is called this in reference to the Great Firewall of China which does a comparable job of filtering out some people from seeing web content (ie everyone in mainland China and some people outside) while at the same time those not affected to see a dratically different web, a web free of censorship of such images as "tank man".

Cloudflare similarly prevents those in southeast asia and elsewhere who have poor internet connectivity from accessing the websites behind it (for example, they could be behind 7+ layers of NAT) unless they solve multiple image CAPTCHAs. Cloudflare also has a massive harassment problem. Tor users and VPN users are a victim.

And their DNS service,, is also filtering out users from visiting the website by returning fake IP address owned by Cloudflare or just return nothing. See NEWS.md for more information.

And here you might think, "I am not using Tor or VPN, why should I care?". If you visit website which use Cloudflare, you are sharing your information not only to website owner but also Cloudflare. It is impossible to analyze without decrypting TLS traffic. Cloudflare knows all your data such as raw password. Cloudbeed can happen anytime. Do you really want to share your data with Cloudflare, and also 3-letter agency?

Cloudflare also offer FREE VPN service called "Cloudflare Warp". If you use it, all your smartphone connections are sent to Cloudflare servers. Cloudflare can know which website you've read, what comment you've posted, who you've talked to, etc. You are voluntary giving all your information to Cloudflare. If you think "Are you joking? Cloudflare is secure." then you need to learn how VPN works.

You might already know about the PRISM scandal. It is true that AT&T lets NSA to copy all internet data for surveillance. Let's say you're working at the NSA, and you want every citizen's internet profile. You know most of them are blindly trusting Cloudflare and using it to proxy their personal website, chat website, forum website, bank website, insurance website, search engine, secret member-only website, auction website, shopping, video website, NSFW website, and illegal website. You also know they use Cloudflare's DNS service ("") and VPN service ("Cloudflare Warp") for "Secure! Faster! Better!" internet experience. Combining them with user's IP address, browser fingerprint, cookies and RAY-ID will be useful to build target's online profile. You want their data. What will you do?

Cloudflare is a honeypot. Free honey for everyone. Some strings attached.

Do not use Cloudflare.

Decentralize the internet.

This repository is a list of websites that are behind The Great Cloudwall, and also actively blocking Tor users.

Domain list


There are more details of why what they are doing is wrong available here. Also see Frequently Asked Questions.

What can you do?


There are other lists, but this one is one where every entry on the list a human being has actually tried to go to, and has been blocked. Human is not a robot.

WARNING: Github.com is very hostile to Tor users. If you create an account on Github via Tor, your account will be automatically flagged for spam and will be deleted. See "List of services blocking Tor" for details.

Who uses this list?