#70 Please make mount point configable

3 سال پیش باز شده توسط bsimjoo · 2 دیدگاه

Could you please make cherrypy mount point configurable? I need to run multiple cherrypy servers on my ngnix sock file and I need to change PotatoEgg to some thing like

Could you please make cherrypy mount point configurable? I need to run multiple cherrypy servers on my ngnix sock file and I need to change PotatoEgg to some thing like ``` http://bsimjoo.example.com/cloud ```

It either is not possible to is not minor if possible... You do this manually yourself. Or we should create an external script to manage CherryPy applications.

It either is not possible to is not minor if possible... You do this manually yourself. Or we should create an external script to manage CherryPy applications.

Maybe close this?

Maybe close this?
bsimjoo 3 سال پیش بسته شد
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