#66 problems in upload from web

bsimjoo3 年之前創建 · 2 條評論

I found some problems while using upload from web:

  1. there's no feedback while server is downloading
  2. user can click download button several times while server is downloading
  3. final message icon does not change and it is an info-icon ( :information_source:) for success and failure
  4. sometimes for some errors (traceback) final message is too height and user cannot close message box
I found some problems while using upload from web: 1. there's no feedback while server is downloading 2. ~~user can click download button several times while server is downloading~~ 3. final message icon does not change and it is an info-icon ( :information_source:) for success and failure 4. ~~sometimes for some errors (traceback) final message is too height and user cannot close message box~~
bsimjoo 評論 3 年之前'

2 & 4 Fixed

2 & 4 Fixed
bsimjoo 評論 3 年之前'

1 & 3 will be fix in next version

1 & 3 will be fix in next version
bsimjoo3 年之前 關閉
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