#51 Upload button disappears after you upload something

farooqkz atvēra 3 gadi atpakaļ · 0 komentāri

Steps to reproduce:

  • Login
  • Select Upload button and upload something
  • After upload was complete and you press Okay button you see that there is no Upload button anymore.

Another bug which appears in the same situation is that the page is not reloaded.

Note that if you reload page the button re-appears and the page must be reloaded after an upload

Steps to reproduce: - Login - Select Upload button and upload something - After upload was complete and you press Okay button you see that there is no Upload button anymore. Another bug which appears in the same situation is that the page is not reloaded. __Note that if you reload page the button re-appears and the page must be reloaded after an upload__
Farooq Karimi Zadeh pieminēja šo problēmu revīzijā 3 gadi atpakaļ
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