@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Sistema para controle das mesas do Go Working da Fábrica do Futuro.
+System to aid control of desks at Fábrica do Futuo's Go Working.
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Fábrica do Futuro
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Fábrica do Futuro
@@ -18,163 +18,101 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-### v 0.1
+* [English](./README.md)
+* [Português Brasileiro](./README.pt.md)
-Data de entrega: Sexta Feira, 06 de dezembro de 2019
-#### Escopo
-* Ethiele deve conseguir visualizar as mesas do goworking;
-* Ethiele deve conseguir visualizar quais cadeiras estão ocupadas, por
- quem, de que empresa;
-* Ethiele deve conseguir editar informações sobre cadeiras, pessoas,
- empresas;
-### v 0.2
-Data de entrega: Sexta Feira, 12 de dezembro de 2019
-* Todos cadastros funcionando (habitantes e empresas, além de espaços,
- mesas e cadeiras);
-* Atualizar dados não está funcionando corretamente. Para alterar
- informações é necessário recadastrar;
-### v 0.3
-Data de entrega: Quarta Feira, 25 de dezembro de 2019
-* Editar habitantes e empresas está funcionando corretamente;
-* Somente funções pertinentes aparecem pra a Ethiele;
-* Alterações de UX específicas para a Ethiele:
- * Ao clicar em uma cadeira vazia, é exibido um botão de adicionar novo
- habitante com formulário específico para este fim;
-### v 0.4
-Data de entrega: Sexta feira, 10 de janeiro de 2020
-* Correta exibição e gravação de CPF e CNPJ;
-- [ ] Documentar como usar com pipenv
-- [ ] Aumentar de 4 para 5 colunas o esqueleto, acrescentar as cabines
-- [ ] Ampliar o escopo do sistema com novas blueprints para contemplar
- outras funcionalidades
-- [ ] Migrar login para fora da blueprint do goworking
-- [ ] Alterar nomes dos arquivos para por exemplo view_habitante.py,
- model_habitante.py, etc.
+RGSoC 2020
-Na eventualidade de algum dia alguém ler as instruções de instalação.
-### git
-Clonar o repositório com o código fonte.
- git clone https://notabug.org/fabricadofuturo/goworking-mesas.git
-### Preparar Python e Flask
-Eu uso *pipenv*. Como instalar pipenv está fora do escopo deste guia.
- mkdir instance
- cp default_config.py instance/config.py
- cp default_env .env
-Editar os arquivos `.env` e `instance/config.py` com os dados de configuração
-do Flask, do SQLAlchemy, do WTForms, etc.
-O mínimo necessário é definir os dados do banco de dados. Por exemplo, no
-arquivo *.env*:
- DATABASE_URL=mysql+pymysql://usuario:senha@localhost/goworking
+This project is part of Rails of Girls Summer of Code 2020. The offical
+page for this project is at the
+[RGSoC Teams App](https://teams.railsgirlssummerofcode.org/projects/366-improve-the-desks-control-system-for-the-coworking).
+### Description
+The "Go Working Map" started as a web form to aid the control of the
+desks at
+[Fábrica do Futuro's Go Working](https://fabricadofuturo.com/en/#terreo).
+Then it evolved to a system where all inhabitants of
+[Fábrica do Futuro](https://fabricadofuturo/en/) could find information
+on each other's startup and business, effectively providing a virtual
+place as a means for exchanges.
+Because the project wasn't meant for this purpose, the code -
+originally a simple collection of Flask-WTF html forms - needs
+refactoring. The current code base is not suited for the stakeholder's
+demands on the project.
+Ideally the website should be able to include more information about
+[Fábrica do Futuro](https://fabricadofuturo.com/en/)'s inhabitants.
+People should be able to update their own information and share it with
+others, pretty much like a regular social network. End users should be
+able to request additional functionality and the scope of the project
+shall be easily expanded on demand.
+Since this is a Libre Software project, the team shall bear in mind
+that contributions to this project could and ideally would improve
+other co-workings worldwide. So that should be taken into account in
+the development process.
+[Fábrica do Futuro](https://fabricadofuturo.com/en/) has infrastructure
+at Porto Alegre - Brasil to house the team working on the project so
+the team will be directly affected by this project, at least
+temporarily - but you're welcome to stay here after the SoC! ;) - and
+we would expect from the team much feedback on the system and that you
+participate on defining it's scope and suggest new functionalities,
+even if they will have to be implemented by others.
+Team will have full access to the
+[Fábrica do Futuro's Go Working](https://fabricadofuturo.com/en/#terreo)
+as if they were inhabitants. This includes but is not limited to
+electrical and caffeine power, access to high speed wireless internet
+(and by July gigabit ethernet on all desks), bathrooms, showers,
+meditation room, call booths, meeting rooms, living spaces, a retro
+games emulator and happy smiles everywhere.
+### Tasks and features
+Things that should be done:
+* The project needs someone who can research and implement a proper
+[ACL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access-control_list) which will be
+responsible to enforce the business rules to display information to
+logged in users;
+* Personal information of companies and individuals should be stored
+and used respecting the Brazilian pertinent legislation the
+We have mentoring on that, you don't need to do legal research;
+* We currently only have a web interface built on Flask itself. It
+would be nice to have an Android/iOS application that we could provide
+to people who prefer that interface, but that's not the main goal;
+* Users requested some sort of job board so startups could advertise to
+each other (or maybe externally?) with what and how they need help.
+Perhaps you could help to make the very code that will help you find
+your next contractor or business partner ;)
+Don't worry about taking care of all these tasks. You may freely select
+which ones you feel more comfortable working on. You may even propose
+other tasks and if they make sense, we can change the scope of the
+project accordingly.
+### Requirements
+The programming language of the project is Python since it's already
+written using the [Flask](https://flask.palletsproject.com) framework.
+For the optional Android/iOS app, you are free to choose the technology
+### Tags
+Python, Flask, LGPD, Jinja, Bootstrap, MySQL, SQLAlchemy
- user@server:goworking-mesas$ pipenv install
-### Banco de dados
-É possível usar qualquer tipo de sistema gerenciador de banco de dados que
-funcione com o Flask SQL Alchemy. Estas instruções são para usar MariaDB:
-#### Instalar MariaDB Server
-MariaDB é a versão GPL do MySQL.
-No debian: `sudo apt install mariadb-server`;
-#### Alterar usuário e senha
-Alterar o arquivo de criação do banco de dados localizado em *doc/mysql.sql*:
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON goworking.* to usuario@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'senha';
-Mudar "usuario" para algum nome de usuário e "senha" para alguma senha.
-#### Rodar script de criação
-Acessar o mariadb-client, copiar e colar os comandos ou rodar o script.
-No debian: `sudo mysql`
- MariaDB [(none)]> SOURCE doc/mysql.sql;
- Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)
- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
- MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;
- +--------------------+
- | Database |
- +--------------------+
- | goworking |
- | information_schema |
- | mysql |
- | performance_schema |
- +--------------------+
- 4 rows in set (0.001 sec)
-Se o que tiver disponível for um PHPMyAdmin ou coisa parecida, descobrir como é
-o jeito difícil de colar estes comandos simples nesse sistema complicado.
-#### flask-migrate
- user@server:goworking-mesas$ pipenv run flask db init
- Loading .env environment variables...
- user@server:goworking-mesas$ pipenv run flask db upgrade
- Loading .env environment variables...
- INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl.
- INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
- INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade -> fead50b08d21, empty message
- INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade fead50b08d21 -> dc7d560eee94, empty message
-### gunicorn
-Eu uso systemd.
-Tem um arquivo do systemd de exemplo em *doc/gunicorn-goworking.service*.
- user@server:goworking-mesas$ sudo cp gunicorn-goworking.service /lib/systemd/system/
- user@server:goworking-mesas$ sudo systemctl enable gunicorn-goworking.service
- user@server:goworking-mesas$ sudo systemctl start gunicorn-goworking.service
-### Nginx
-Arquivo de exemplo em *doc/goworking.conf*.
- user@server:goworking-mesas$ sudo cp doc/goworking.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/
- user@server:goworking-mesas$ pushd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
- user@server:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled$ sudo ln -s ../sites-available/goworking.conf
- user@server:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled$ popd
- user@server:goworking-mesas$ sudo nginx -t
- nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
- nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
- user@server:goworking-mesas$ sudo systemctl -l reload nginx.service
+TODO: Translate to english the rest of the README