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% Nonbinary

Non-binary people can be assigned male or female at birth. You can look at our trans women and trans men sections to pick and mix which parts of transition you're interested in. Also look more generally on the website.

The Nonbinary wiki is a good website for non-binary trans people.

Self-medicating {#diy}

This page has info:

  • We don't have much info about it on Transit. We do not run the madgenderscience wiki.

It's difficult to recommend anything to non-binary people, because they are not binary. There is a lot more variation in non-binary people, and a lot of cross over between trans men/women.

If you want feminizaton, whatever dose you take, HRT (if you want HRT) will still cause breasts to develop. If you're dysphoric about breasts (you might not know you are until you start) or you start being so, stop all HRT immediately. We've had experiences before with people who thought they were trans women, but then decided that they were non-binary, because although they wanted feminization, breast growth increased their dysphoria, so they had to stop taking HRT. Feminization without breasts is possible, if you later get top surgery (breast removal) after a few years on HRT when breast growth has settled. You can wear a binder. It may also be possible to take a partial estrogen blocker (SERM) (e.g. Raloxifene) along with HRT, to suppress breast growth. On the other hand, some non-binary people like having breasts.

TODO: Research more about SERMs, their proper dosing and effects they cause.

If you want masculinization, taking testosterone will masculinize you also. If you want to masculinize a bit (low dose testosterone), but don't want hair growth, you might be out of luck, so you'd have to later get laser hair removal. If you want an androgynous voice, and testosterone masculinizes your voice too much, note that you can still use the same kind of voice training that trans women use, to get back to a voice that you're more comfortable with. Taking testosterone means that your voice will deepen over time, but this can be overcome.

Intersex: TODO, write about intersex people. (this has nothing to do with non-binary identity necessarily, but intersex people need different HRT treatment, if they take HRT).

Some non-binary people take spironolactone without estrogen, or with low estrogen dose (e.g. 0.5mg) because they want to not have too much of either hormone. or they take full HRT but there are certain things they don't want; e.g. they don't want hair removal (hormones will not reduce facial hair, but will reduce body hair a bit), etc. If they want to get rid of the effects of feminization, they might just use an antiestrogen (e.g. tamoxifen).

These are just some notes with a few bits of advice. We don't assume how a person is, and we recognize that non-binary people have more variation between them than binary people. You will just have to make your own mind up. Transition is more difficult for non-binary people than for binary people.