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Name change -- Adults (NHS care) -- Surgery

Name Change {#namechange}

New Zealand grants citizens the right to change their name/gender on passports and other documents. They also allow for X gender to be specified, in the case of non-binary trans people.


Under the Births, Deaths and Marriages and Relationships Registration Act 1995, you can also change your name/gender on your birth record. If you're a child, your parents and/or guardians can apply to the New Zealand Family Court. Adults can change their details themselves.


Adults (NHS care) {#adults}

Go to your doctor and ask for gender transition services. You can get HRT prescribed by your doctor in New Zealand. TODO: add more information about procedures.

Surgery {#surgery}

Read this article. New Zealand has no surgeons at all at the moment, for MtF, FtM on non-binary surgeries. If you live in New Zealand, you will have to travel overseas and use a foreign surgeon. We're adding more surgeons to this page, as and when we find good ones.

You *can* get surgery done in Australia or Thailand. These countries are within easy travel distance to you. TODO: add information about surgery in Thailand and Australia. Thailand in particular has good services, some of the best in the world.

New Zealand needs surgeons for transgender surgeries! It is unacceptable that it does not have any qualified surgeons! If you are studying to be a surgeon, you should definitely consider studying this and becoming qualified. You will literally be saving lives.