menuSpeed.praat 537 B

  1. pitch = Create TextGrid: 0, 1, "Mary John bell", "bell"
  2. sound = Create Sound as pure tone: "tone", 1, 0, 0.4, 44100, 440, 0.2, 0.01, 0.01
  3. intens = To Intensity: 100, 0, "yes"
  4. Down to IntensityTier
  5. To AmplitudeTier
  6. selectObject: sound
  7. ;harm = To Harmonicity (cc): 0.01, 75, 0.1, 1
  8. stopwatch
  9. for i to 1000000
  10. x = i
  11. endfor
  12. t1 = stopwatch
  13. stopwatch
  14. for i to 1000000
  15. x = Get duration
  16. endfor
  17. t2 = stopwatch
  18. writeInfoLine: round ((t2 - t1) * 1000), " nanoseconds"
  19. removeObject: pitch, sound, intens, "IntensityTier tone", "AmplitudeTier tone"