manual_references.cpp 15 KB

  1. /* manual_references.cpp
  2. *
  3. * Copyright (C) 1992-2008,2010,2011,2014-2017 Paul Boersma
  4. *
  5. * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  7. * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
  8. * your option) any later version.
  9. *
  10. * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  11. * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  13. * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  14. *
  15. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  16. * along with this work. If not, see <>.
  17. */
  18. #include "ManPagesM.h"
  19. void manual_references_init (ManPages me);
  20. void manual_references_init (ManPages me) {
  21. MAN_BEGIN (U"Archangeli & Pulleyblank (1994)", U"ppgb", 19971021)
  22. NORMAL (U"Diana Archangeli & Douglas Pulleyblank (1994): %%Grounded phonology%. "
  23. "Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.")
  24. MAN_END
  25. MAN_BEGIN (U"Boersma (1993)", U"ppgb", 20030312)
  26. NORMAL (U"Paul Boersma (1993): \"Accurate short-term analysis of the fundamental frequency "
  27. "and the harmonics-to-noise ratio of a sampled sound.\" "
  28. "%%Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences% #17: 97\\--110. University of Amsterdam.")
  29. NORMAL (U"Can be downloaded as a PDF file from")
  30. MAN_END
  31. MAN_BEGIN (U"Boersma (1997)", U"ppgb", 19981219)
  32. NORMAL (U"Paul Boersma (1997): \"How we learn variation, optionality, and probability.\" "
  33. "%%Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences% #21: 43\\--58. University of Amsterdam.")
  34. NORMAL (U"Available from Equals chapter 15 of @@Boersma (1998)@.")
  35. NORMAL (U"A less correct version (demoting and promoting a single pair of constraints, instead of them all) "
  36. "is available as Rutgers Optimality Archive #221,")
  37. MAN_END
  38. MAN_BEGIN (U"Boersma (1998)", U"ppgb", 20041020)
  39. NORMAL (U"Paul Boersma (1998): %%Functional Phonology% [%%LOT International Series% ##11#]. "
  40. "The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics. Pages i-ix, 1-493. [Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam]")
  41. NORMAL (U"This book can be downloaded as a PDF file from ##, "
  42. "where you can also find many Praat scripts for the simulations and pictures in this book. "
  43. "A paperback version is also available from the author (paul.boersma\\@")
  44. MAN_END
  45. MAN_BEGIN (U"Boersma (2000)", U"ppgb", 20001027)
  46. NORMAL (U"Paul Boersma (2000): \"Learning a grammar in Functional Phonology.\" "
  47. "In Joost Dekkers, Frank van der Leeuw, & Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.): "
  48. "%%Phonology, Syntax, and Acquisition in Optimality Theory%. Oxford University Press.")
  49. NORMAL (U"An extended version is chapter 14 of @@Boersma (1998)@.")
  50. MAN_END
  51. MAN_BEGIN (U"Boersma (2009a)", U"ppgb", 20100330)
  52. NORMAL (U"Paul Boersma (2009): \"Should jitter be measured by peak picking or by waveform matching?\" "
  53. "%%Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica% #61: 305\\--308.")
  54. NORMAL (U"Can be downloaded as a PDF file from")
  55. MAN_END
  56. MAN_BEGIN (U"Boersma (2009b)", U"ppgb", 20100330)
  57. NORMAL (U"Paul Boersma (2009b): \"Some correct error-driven versions of the Constraint Demotion algorithm.\" "
  58. "%%Linguistic Inquiry% #40: 667\\--686.")
  59. NORMAL (U"Can be downloaded as a PDF file from")
  60. MAN_END
  61. MAN_BEGIN (U"Boersma & Escudero (2008)", U"ppgb", 20100331)
  62. NORMAL (U"Paul Boersma & Paola Escudero (2008): \"Learning to perceive a smaller L2 vowel inventory: "
  63. "an Optimality Theory account.\" In Peter Avery, Elan Dresher & Keren Rice (eds.), "
  64. "%%Contrast in phonology: theory, perception, acquisition%. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. 271\\--301.")
  65. NORMAL (U"Can be downloaded as a PDF file from")
  66. MAN_END
  67. MAN_BEGIN (U"Boersma & Hayes (2001)", U"ppgb", 20020511)
  68. NORMAL (U"Paul Boersma & Bruce Hayes (2001): \"Empirical tests of the Gradual Learning Algorithm.\" "
  69. "%%Linguistic Inquiry% #32: 45\\--86.")
  70. NORMAL (U"Can be downloaded as a PDF file from")
  71. MAN_END
  72. MAN_BEGIN (U"Boersma & Kovacic (2006)", U"ppgb", 20061203)
  73. NORMAL (U"Paul Boersma & Gordana Kovacic (2006): "
  74. "\"Spectral characteristics of three styles of Croatian folk singing.\" "
  75. "%%Journal of the Acoustical Society of America% #119: 1805\\--1816.")
  76. NORMAL (U"Can be downloaded as a PDF file from")
  77. MAN_END
  78. MAN_BEGIN (U"Boersma & Pater (2008)", U"ppgb", 20100331)
  79. NORMAL (U"Paul Boersma & Joe Pater (2008): "
  80. "\"Convergence properties of a gradual learning algorithm for Harmonic Grammar.\" "
  81. "%%Rutgers Optimality Archive% #970,")
  82. NORMAL (U"Can be downloaded as a PDF file from")
  83. MAN_END
  84. MAN_BEGIN (U"Childers (1978)", U"ppgb", 20030515)
  85. NORMAL (U"%%Modern spectrum analysis%. IEEE Press.")
  86. NORMAL (U"The Burg algorithm for linear prediction coefficients is described on pages 252-255.")
  87. MAN_END
  88. MAN_BEGIN (U"Deliyski (1993)", U"ppgb", 20030312)
  89. NORMAL (U"Dimitar D. Deliyski: \"Acoustic model and evaluation of pathological voice production.\" "
  90. "%%Proceedings Eurospeech '93%, Vol. 3, 1969\\--1972.")
  91. MAN_END
  92. MAN_BEGIN (U"Escudero & Boersma (2004)", U"ppgb", 20050427)
  93. NORMAL (U"Paola Escudero & Paul Boersma (2004): \"Bridging the gap between L2 speech perception "
  94. "and phonological theory.\" %%Studies in Second Language Acquisition% #26: 551\\--585.")
  95. MAN_END
  96. MAN_BEGIN (U"Fant (1960)", U"ppgb", 19980201)
  97. NORMAL (U"Gunnar Fant (1960): %%Acoustic theory of speech production.% Mouton, The Hague.")
  98. MAN_END
  99. MAN_BEGIN (U"Fischer (2005)", U"ppgb", 20100331)
  100. NORMAL (U"Markus Fischer (2005): \"A Robbins-Monro type learning algorithm for an entropy maximizing version "
  101. "of stochastic Optimality Theory.\" Master’s thesis, Humboldt University, Berlin. "
  102. "[%%Rutgers Optimality Archive% #767,]")
  103. MAN_END
  104. MAN_BEGIN (U"Flanagan & Landgraf (1968)", U"ppgb", 19980201)
  105. NORMAL (U"James L. Flanagan & L.L. Landgraf (1968): \"Self-oscillating source for vocal-tract synthesizers.\" "
  106. "%%IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics% ##AU-16#: 57-64. "
  107. "Reprinted in: James L. Flanagan & Lawrence R. Rabiner (eds.) (1973): "
  108. "%%Speech synthesis%, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg.")
  109. NORMAL (U"The authors show that if we model each vocal cord as a single mass-spring system, "
  110. "the vocal cords will vibrate passively as a result of the interaction with a glottal airflow.")
  111. MAN_END
  112. MAN_BEGIN (U"Hayes & MacEachern (1998)", U"ppgb", 19981219)
  113. NORMAL (U"Bruce P. Hayes & Margaret MacEachern (1998): \"Quatrain form in English folk verse.\" "
  114. "%Language #74: 473\\--507.")
  115. MAN_END
  116. MAN_BEGIN (U"Ishizaka & Flanagan (1972)", U"ppgb", 19980201)
  117. NORMAL (U"Kenzo Ishizaka & James L. Flanagan (1972): \"Synthesis of voiced sounds from a two-mass model "
  118. "of the vocal cords.\" %%Bell System Technical Journal% #51: 1233-1268. "
  119. "Reprinted in: James L. Flanagan & Lawrence R. Rabiner (eds.) (1973): "
  120. "%%Speech Synthesis%, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg.")
  121. NORMAL (U"The authors show that if we model each vocal cord as two coupled mass-spring systems, "
  122. "the passive vibration that results from the interaction with a glottal airflow "
  123. "will show more realistic behaviour than with the one-mass model of @@Flanagan & Landgraf (1968)@, "
  124. "at least for a male speaker.")
  125. MAN_END
  126. MAN_BEGIN (U"Jäger (2003)", U"ppgb", 20070423)
  127. NORMAL (U"Gerhard Jäger (2003): \"Maximum Entropy Models and Stochastic Optimality Theory.\" "
  128. "To appear in Jane Grimshaw, Joan Maling, Chris Manning, Jane Simpson, and Annie Zaenen (eds.): "
  129. "%%Architectures, rules, and preferences: A Festschrift for Joan Bresnan%, "
  130. "CSLI Publications, Stanford.")
  131. MAN_END
  132. MAN_BEGIN (U"Jesteadt, Wier & Green (1977)", U"ppgb", 20021215)
  133. NORMAL (U"W. Jesteadt, G.C. Wier, & D.M. Green (1977): \"Intensity discrimination as a function "
  134. "of frequency and sensation level.\" %%Journal of the Acoustical Society of America% #61: 169\\--177.")
  135. MAN_END
  136. MAN_BEGIN (U"Klatt & Klatt (1990)", U"ppgb", 20050712)
  137. NORMAL (U"D.H. Klatt & L.C. Klatt (1990): \"Analysis, synthesis and perception of voice quality "
  138. "variations among male and female talkers.\" "
  139. "%%Journal of the Acoustical Society of America% #87: 820\\--856.")
  140. MAN_END
  141. MAN_BEGIN (U"Ladefoged (2001)", U"ppgb", 20140325)
  142. NORMAL (U"Peter Ladefoged (2001). %%Vowels and consonants%: %%an introduction to the sounds of languages%. "
  143. "Oxford: Blackwell. [second edition: 2005; third edition with Sandra Disner: 2012]")
  144. NORMAL (U"A very readable introduction to phonetics, mainly acoustic and articulatory. "
  145. "Has lots of spectrograms of the sounds of the world's languages. Comes with a CD that has all those "
  146. "sounds and includes training material for transcription (from another book).")
  147. NORMAL (U"For a more encyclopaedic treatment of the sounds of the world's languages, "
  148. "see @@Ladefoged & Maddieson (1996)@ instead.")
  149. MAN_END
  150. MAN_BEGIN (U"Ladefoged & Maddieson (1996)", U"ppgb", 20030316)
  151. NORMAL (U"Peter Ladefoged & Ian Maddieson (1996). %%The sounds of the world's languages%. "
  152. "Oxford: Blackwell.")
  153. NORMAL (U"An extensive reference source for the articulation and acoustics of `all' vowels and consonants "
  154. "that occur in the world's languages. If you don't find the answer in this book, you will find the "
  155. "answer in the articles referred to in this book. "
  156. "The book uses lots of spectrograms, palatograms, and other techniques.")
  157. NORMAL (U"The book is not an introductory text. For that, see @@Ladefoged (2001)@ instead.")
  158. MAN_END
  159. MAN_BEGIN (U"McCarthy & Prince (1995)", U"ppgb", 20021105)
  160. NORMAL (U"John J. McCarthy & Alan Prince (1995): Faithfulness and reduplicative identity. "
  161. "In Jill Beckman, Laura Walsh Dickey & Suzanne Urbanczyk (eds.), %%Papers in Optimality Theory%. "
  162. "%%University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers% #18. Amherst, Mass.: Graduate Linguistic Student Association. "
  163. "pp. 249\\--384. [Rutgers Optimality Archive #60,]")
  164. MAN_END
  165. MAN_BEGIN (U"Moulines & Charpentier (1990)", U"ppgb", 20070722)
  166. NORMAL (U"Eric Moulines & Francis Charpentier (1990): Pitch-synchronous waveform processing techniques for text-to-speech synthesis using diphones. "
  167. "%%Speech Communication% #9: 453\\--467.")
  168. MAN_END
  169. MAN_BEGIN (U"Nagarajan, Wang, Merzenich, Schreiner, Johnston, Jenkins, Miller & Tallal (1998)", U"ppgb", 20101026)
  170. NORMAL (U"Srikantan S. Nagarajan, Xiaoqin Wang, Michael M. Merzenich, Christoph E. Schreiner, Paul Johnston, William M. Jenkins, "
  171. "Steven Miller & Paula Tallal (1998): Speech modifications algorithms used for training language learning-impaired children. "
  172. "%%IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering% ##6(3)#: 257\\--268.")
  173. MAN_END
  174. MAN_BEGIN (U"Pater (2008)", U"ppgb", 20100331)
  175. NORMAL (U"Joe Pater (2008): \"Gradual learning and convergence.\" %%Linguistic Inquiry% #39: 334\\--345.")
  176. MAN_END
  177. MAN_BEGIN (U"Pater, Potts & Bhatt (2007)", U"ppgb", 20080331)
  178. NORMAL (U"Joe Pater, Christopher Potts & Rajesh Bhatt (2007): \"Harmonic Grammar with linear programming.\" "
  179. "Manuscript, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. %%Rutgers Optimality Archive% #872.")
  180. MAN_END
  181. MAN_BEGIN (U"Patterson & Wightman (1976)", U"ppgb", 20021215)
  182. NORMAL (U"R. Patterson & F. Wightman (1976): \"Residue pitch as a function of component spacing.\" "
  183. "%%Journal of the Acoustical Society of America% #59: 1450\\--1459.")
  184. MAN_END
  185. MAN_BEGIN (U"Plomp (1967)", U"ppgb", 20021215)
  186. NORMAL (U"Reinier Plomp (1967): \"Frequencies dominant in the perception of pitch of complex sounds.\" "
  187. "%%Journal of the Acoustical Society of America% #42: 191\\--198.")
  188. MAN_END
  189. MAN_BEGIN (U"Prince & Smolensky (1993)", U"ppgb", 19971021)
  190. NORMAL (U"Alan Prince & Paul Smolensky (1993): %%Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in Generative Grammar.% "
  191. "Rutgers University Center for Cognitive Science Technical Report #2.")
  192. MAN_END
  193. MAN_BEGIN (U"Rosenberg (1971)", U"ppgb", 20050712)
  194. NORMAL (U"A. Rosenberg (1971): \"Effect of glottal pulse shape on the quality of natural vowels.\" "
  195. "%%Journal of the Acoustical Society of America% #49: 583\\--590.")
  196. MAN_END
  197. MAN_BEGIN (U"Rosenblatt (1962)", U"ppgb", 20070423)
  198. NORMAL (U"Frank Rosenblatt (1962): "
  199. "%%Principles of neurodynamics; perceptrons and the theory of brain mechanisms%. Washington: Spartan Books.")
  200. MAN_END
  201. MAN_BEGIN (U"Smolensky (1986)", U"ppgb", 20100331)
  202. NORMAL (U"Paul Smolensky (1986): \"Information processing in dynamical systems: foundations of Harmony Theory.\" "
  203. "In @@Rumelhart & McClelland (1986)@, pp. 194\\--281.")
  204. MAN_END
  205. MAN_BEGIN (U"Rumelhart & McClelland (1986)", U"ppgb", 20100331)
  206. NORMAL (U"David Rumelhart, James L. McClelland, and the PDP Research Group (eds., 1986): "
  207. "%%Parallel Distributed Processing: explorations in the microstructure of cognition%. MIT Press, Cambridge.")
  208. MAN_END
  209. MAN_BEGIN (U"Smolensky & Legendre (2006)", U"ppgb", 20100331)
  210. NORMAL (U"Paul Smolensky & G\\e'raldine Legendre (2006): %%The harmonic mind.% "
  211. "MIT Press.")
  212. NORMAL (U"These two books contain all material on connectionism by Smolensky and colleagues from the late eighties on, "
  213. "with extensive editing to make it into a coherent work, plus much new material.")
  214. NORMAL (U"This book can be seen in many respects as the predecessor of @@Prince & Smolensky (1993)@.")
  215. NORMAL (U"If you want to read a single chapter, I recommend @@Soderstrom, Mathis & Smolensky (2006)@.")
  216. MAN_END
  217. MAN_BEGIN (U"Soderstrom, Mathis & Smolensky (2006)", U"ppgb", 20070423)
  218. NORMAL (U"Melanie Soderstrom, Donald Mathis & Paul Smolensky (2006): "
  219. "\"Abstract genomic encoding of Universal Grammar in Optimality Theory.\" "
  220. "In @@Smolensky & Legendre (2006)@, pp. 403\\--471.")
  221. MAN_END
  222. MAN_BEGIN (U"Tesar & Smolensky (1998)", U"ppgb", 20100331)
  223. NORMAL (U"Bruce Tesar & Paul Smolensky (1998): \"Learnability in Optimality Theory.\" "
  224. "%%Linguistic Inquiry% #29: 229\\--268.")
  225. NORMAL (U"The first version of the constraint-demotion algorithm appeared in:")
  226. NORMAL (U"Bruce Tesar & Paul Smolensky (1993): \"The learnability of Optimality Theory: "
  227. "an algorithm and some basic complexity results.\" "
  228. "Manuscript Department of Computer Science & Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado at Boulder. "
  229. "Available as Rutgers Optimality Archive #2,")
  230. NORMAL (U"The Error-Driven Constraint Demotion algorithm (EDCD) can be found in:")
  231. NORMAL (U"Bruce Tesar & Paul Smolensky (1996): \"Learnability in Optimality Theory (long version)\". "
  232. "Technical Report ##96-3#, Department of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. "
  233. "Available as Rutgers Optimality Archive #156,")
  234. NORMAL (U"A corrected version of EDCD appeared in @@Boersma (2009b)@.")
  235. MAN_END
  236. MAN_BEGIN (U"Willems (1986)", U"ppgb", 20021215)
  237. NORMAL (U"Lei Willems (1986): \"Robust formant analysis.\" %%IPO report% #529: 1\\--25. "
  238. "Eindhoven: Institute for Perception Research.")
  239. MAN_END
  240. }
  241. /* End of file manual_references.cpp */