.gitignore 474 B

  1. # intermediate build products for Windows and Linux
  2. *.o
  3. *.a
  4. # the project for MacOSX
  5. *.xcodeproj/
  6. # intermediate build products for MacOSX
  7. DerivedData
  8. # OSX-specific files
  9. .DS_Store
  10. # editor temporaries
  11. *.kate-swp
  12. *.orig
  13. # Praat temporary files
  14. *kanweg*
  15. # a file that everybody should copy explicitly from their makefiles directory
  16. # and then rename
  17. makefile.defs
  18. # executables
  19. praat
  20. Praat
  21. Praat.exe
  22. # files created by R scripts in the test folders
  23. .Rdata
  24. .Rhistory