12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 |
- IN = src/
- OUT = dist/
- TMP = temp/
- sources = $(shell find $(IN) -type f)
- sourcedirs = $(shell find $(IN) -type d)
- targetdirs = $(subst $(IN),$(OUT),$(sourcedirs))
- texsources = $(shell find $(IN) -type f -name *.tex)
- textargets = $(subst $(IN),$(OUT),$(texsources:.tex=.pdf))
- copysources = $(filter-out $(texsources),$(sources))
- copytargets = $(subst $(IN),$(OUT),$(copysources))
- all: $(copytargets) $(textargets)
- # the | means that if the timestamp of anything on the right changes, no need to rebuild
- # the two :'s mean that the implicit rule of "$(list): %.pdf: %.tex" is applied only to the targets in $(list)
- $(copytargets): $(OUT)%: $(IN)% | $(targetdirs)
- cp $< $@
- $(targetdirs):
- mkdir -p $@
- $(textargets): $(OUT)%.pdf: $(IN)%.tex | $(targetdirs)
- # $< is the name of the first prerequisit,
- # $@ is the name of the target
- mkdir -p $(TMP) && \
- texfot pdflatex -output-directory=$(TMP) $< && \
- texfot pdflatex -output-directory=$(TMP) $< && \
- mv $(TMP)$(@F) $(subst $(IN),$(OUT),$@)
- clean:
- rm -rf $(OUT) $(TMP)