sparse-interpolate.scm 7.9 KB

  1. #| -*-Scheme-*-
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  19. |#
  20. ;;;; Sparse Multivariate Polynomial Interpolation
  21. ;;; a probabilistic method based on Richard Zippel's
  22. ;;; "Interpolating Polynomials From Their Values"
  23. ;;; TR89-963, Department of CS, Cornell University, January 1989
  24. ;;; coded and debugged by Gerald Jay Sussman and Dan Zuras
  25. ;;; June 1998
  26. ;;; This code differs from Zippel's in that it does not use modular
  27. ;;; arithmetic. This makes the idea stand out in stark contrast
  28. ;;; without the confusing complications introduced by those
  29. ;;; optimizations.
  30. (declare (usual-integrations))
  31. ;;; Given a polynomial function f of arity n and maximum degree d, to
  32. ;;; find a representation for the terms of the polynomial.
  33. (define (sparse-interpolate f n d)
  34. (let* ((rargs0 (generate-list (fix:- n 1) interpolate-random))
  35. (f1 (lambda (x) (apply f x rargs0)))
  36. (p1 (univariate-interpolate f1 d)))
  37. (let stagelp ;p has k vars interpolated
  38. ((k 1) (p p1) (rargs rargs0))
  39. (if (fix:= k n)
  40. p
  41. (let* ((fk
  42. (lambda (xk+1)
  43. (lambda x1-xk
  44. (apply f (append x1-xk (list xk+1) (cdr rargs))))))
  45. (xk+1s
  46. (generate-list (fix:+ d 1) interpolate-random))
  47. (ps
  48. (map (lambda (xk+1)
  49. (interpolate-skeleton (fk xk+1) p))
  50. xk+1s))
  51. (css
  52. (list-transpose
  53. (map (lambda (p)
  54. (map sparse-coefficient p))
  55. ps))))
  56. (let ((cps
  57. (let clp ((css css))
  58. (if (null? css)
  59. '()
  60. (univariate-interpolate-values xk+1s (car css)
  61. (lambda (cp) (cons cp (clp (cdr css))))
  62. (lambda () (stagelp k p rargs)))))))
  63. (stagelp (fix:+ k 1) (expand-poly p cps) (cdr rargs))))))))
  64. #|
  65. (sparse-interpolate
  66. (lambda (x y z) (+ (* 3 (square x) (cube y)) (* x y z) (* 4 z) 1))
  67. 3
  68. 4)
  69. ;Value: (((2 3 0) . 3) ((1 1 1) . 1) ((0 0 1) . 4) ((0 0 0) . 1))
  70. |#
  71. (define *interpolate-skeleton-using-vandermonde* #t)
  72. (define (interpolate-skeleton f skeleton-polynomial)
  73. (let ((skeleton (map sparse-exponents skeleton-polynomial))
  74. (arity (length (sparse-exponents (car skeleton-polynomial)))))
  75. (if *interpolate-skeleton-using-vandermonde*
  76. (let try-again ((args (generate-list arity interpolate-random)))
  77. (let* ((ones (make-list arity 1))
  78. (ks
  79. (map (lambda (exponent-list)
  80. (apply * (map expt args exponent-list)))
  81. skeleton))
  82. (ws
  83. (let lp ((i (length ks)) (argl ones) (fs '()))
  84. (if (fix:= i 0)
  85. (reverse! fs)
  86. (lp (fix:- i 1)
  87. (map * argl args)
  88. (cons (apply f argl) fs))))))
  89. (solve-vandermonde-t-system ks ws
  90. (lambda (coefficients)
  91. (filter (lambda (term)
  92. (not (zero? (sparse-coefficient term))))
  93. (map (lambda (exponent-list coefficient)
  94. (sparse-term exponent-list coefficient))
  95. skeleton
  96. coefficients)))
  97. (lambda ()
  98. (try-again (generate-list arity interpolate-random))))))
  99. (let ((new-args
  100. (lambda ()
  101. (generate-list (length skeleton-polynomial)
  102. (lambda (i)
  103. (generate-list arity interpolate-random))))))
  104. (let try-again ((trial-arglists (new-args)))
  105. (let ((matrix
  106. (matrix-by-row-list
  107. (map (lambda (argument-list)
  108. (map (lambda (exponent-list)
  109. (apply * (map expt argument-list exponent-list)))
  110. skeleton))
  111. trial-arglists)))
  112. (values
  113. (map (lambda (argl) (apply f argl))
  114. trial-arglists)))
  115. (lu-solve matrix
  116. (list->vector values)
  117. (lambda (coefficients)
  118. (filter (lambda (term)
  119. (not (zero? (sparse-coefficient term))))
  120. (map (lambda (exponent-list coefficient)
  121. (sparse-term exponent-list coefficient))
  122. skeleton
  123. (vector->list coefficients))))
  124. (lambda (ignore) (try-again (new-args))))))))))
  125. #|
  126. (interpolate-skeleton
  127. (lambda (x) (+ (* 3 (expt x 5)) (expt x 2) x 4))
  128. '(((5) . 1) ((2) . 1) ((1) . 1) ((0) . 1)))
  129. ;Value: (((5) . 3) ((2) . 1) ((1) . 1) ((0) . 4))
  130. |#
  131. (define (expand-poly p cps)
  132. (sort
  133. (apply append
  134. (map (lambda (skel-term cp)
  135. (let ((old-exponents (sparse-exponents skel-term)))
  136. (map (lambda (coeff-term)
  137. (sparse-term
  138. (append old-exponents (sparse-exponents coeff-term))
  139. (sparse-coefficient coeff-term)))
  140. cp)))
  141. p cps))
  142. sparse-term->))
  143. #|
  144. (pp (expand-poly '(((5) . 3) ((2) . 1) ((1) . 1) ((0) . 4))
  145. '( (((1) . 1) ((0) . 3))
  146. (((1) . 1))
  147. (((3) . 2) ((0) . 4))
  148. (((1) . 2) ((0) . 5)) )))
  149. (((5 1) . 1) ((5 0) . 3) ((1 3) . 2) ((2 1) . 1) ((1 0) . 4) ((0 1) . 2) ((0 0) . 5))
  150. |#
  151. ;;; f is a univariate polynomial function.
  152. ;;; d+1 is the number of unknown coefficients.
  153. ;;; (usually d is the degree of the polynomial)
  154. (define (univariate-interpolate f d)
  155. (let* ((xs (generate-list (+ d 1) interpolate-random))
  156. (fs (map f xs)))
  157. (univariate-interpolate-values
  158. xs
  159. fs
  160. (lambda (poly) poly)
  161. (lambda () (univariate-interpolate f d)))))
  162. (define (univariate-interpolate-values xs fs succeed fail)
  163. (solve-vandermonde-system xs fs
  164. (lambda (coefficients)
  165. (succeed (reverse
  166. (filter (lambda (term)
  167. (not (zero? (sparse-coefficient term))))
  168. (map (lambda (exponent coefficient)
  169. (sparse-term (list exponent)
  170. coefficient))
  171. (iota (length xs))
  172. coefficients)))))
  173. fail))
  174. (define *interpolate-size* 10000)
  175. (define (interpolate-random i)
  176. (+ (random *interpolate-size*) 1))
  177. #|
  178. (univariate-interpolate
  179. (lambda (x) (+ (* 3 (expt x 5)) (expt x 2) x 4))
  180. 6)
  181. ;Value: (((5) . 3) ((2) . 1) ((1) . 1) ((0) . 4))
  182. |#
  183. #|
  184. (define (old-univariate-interpolate-values xs fs succeed fail)
  185. (let ((n (length xs)))
  186. (assert (fix:= n (length fs)))
  187. (let* ((exponents (iota n))
  188. (matrix
  189. (matrix-by-row-list
  190. (map (lambda (x)
  191. (map (lambda (e) (expt x e))
  192. exponents))
  193. xs))))
  194. (lu-solve matrix
  195. (list->vector fs)
  196. (lambda (coefficients)
  197. (succeed (reverse
  198. (filter (lambda (term)
  199. (not (zero? (sparse-coefficient term))))
  200. (map (lambda (exponent coefficient)
  201. (sparse-term (list exponent)
  202. coefficient))
  203. exponents
  204. (vector->list coefficients))))))
  205. (lambda (ignore) (fail))))))
  206. ;;; Check that the new algorithm is equivalent to the old one, and faster
  207. (define (check m)
  208. (let ((xs (generate-list m interpolate-random))
  209. (fs (generate-list m interpolate-random)))
  210. (let ((t0 (runtime)))
  211. (univariate-interpolate-values xs fs
  212. (lambda (new-result)
  213. (let ((t1 (runtime)))
  214. (old-univariate-interpolate-values xs fs
  215. (lambda (old-result)
  216. (let ((t2 (runtime)) (e (equal? old-result new-result)))
  217. ;;(pp (list '+ (- t1 t0) (- t2 t1)))
  218. (assert e)))
  219. (lambda ()
  220. (pp (list 'old-failed-new-won xs fs new-result))))))
  221. (lambda ()
  222. (let ((t1 (runtime)))
  223. (old-univariate-interpolate-values xs fs
  224. (lambda (old-result)
  225. (pp (list 'new-failed-old-won xs fs old-result)))
  226. (lambda ()
  227. (let ((t2 (runtime)))
  228. ;;(pp (list '* (- t1 t0) (- t2 t1)))
  229. )
  230. 'both-failed))))))))
  231. (let lp ((i 100000))
  232. (if (fix:= i 0)
  233. 'done
  234. (begin (check 30)
  235. (lp (fix:- i 1)))))
  236. ;;; Increase failure rate to about 40% for size 30 problems.
  237. (set! *interpolate-size* 1000)
  238. |#