rcf.scm 13 KB

  1. #| -*-Scheme-*-
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  6. This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
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  19. |#
  20. ;;;; Rational Forms constructed over polynomials
  21. (declare (usual-integrations))
  22. (define rcf-tag '*RCF*)
  23. (define (ratform? object)
  24. (and (pair? object)
  25. (eq? (car object) rcf-tag)))
  26. (define (make-ratform n d)
  27. (list rcf-tag n d))
  28. (define ratform-numerator cadr)
  29. (define ratform-denominator caddr)
  30. (define rcf:zero poly:zero)
  31. (define rcf:one poly:one)
  32. (define (rcf:zero? q)
  33. (and (not (ratform? q)) (poly:zero? q)))
  34. (define (rcf:one? q)
  35. (and (not (ratform? q)) (poly:one? q)))
  36. (define (rcf:arity q)
  37. (define (check-same-arity p1 p2)
  38. (let ((a1 (poly:arity p1)) (a2 (poly:arity p2)))
  39. (cond ((fix:= a1 0) a2)
  40. ((fix:= a2 0) a1)
  41. ((fix:= a1 a2) a1)
  42. (else
  43. (error "Unequal arities in RCF" q)))))
  44. (cond ((ratform? q)
  45. (check-same-arity (ratform-numerator q)
  46. (ratform-denominator q)))
  47. ((pcf? q) (poly:arity q))
  48. (else (error "Wrong type -- RCF:ARITY" q))))
  49. #|
  50. (define (make-rcf n d)
  51. (cond ((poly:zero? d)
  52. (error "Zero denominator -- MAKE-RCF" n d))
  53. ((or (poly:zero? n) (poly:one? d)) n)
  54. ((number? d) (poly:* (/ 1 d) n))
  55. (else
  56. (let ((dn (poly:leading-base-coefficient d)))
  57. (if (poly:one? dn)
  58. (make-ratform n d)
  59. (make-ratform (poly:normalize-by n dn)
  60. (poly:normalize-by d dn)))))))
  61. |#
  62. (define (make-rcf n d)
  63. (cond ((poly:zero? d)
  64. (error "Zero denominator -- MAKE-RCF" n d))
  65. ((or (poly:zero? n) (poly:one? d)) n)
  66. (else
  67. (let ((b ((set->list numbers)
  68. ((union-sets numbers)
  69. (poly/base-coefficients n)
  70. (poly/base-coefficients d)))))
  71. (let ((c (* (reduce-left lcm base/one
  72. (map denominator
  73. (filter ratnum? b)))
  74. (sgn (poly:leading-base-coefficient d)))))
  75. (if (base/one? c)
  76. (make-ratform n d)
  77. (make-ratform (poly:* n c)
  78. (poly:* d c))))))))
  79. (define (rcf:rcf? object)
  80. (or (ratform? object) (pcf? object)))
  81. (define (rcf:pcf? object)
  82. (and (not (ratform? object)) (pcf? object)))
  83. (define (rcf:= q r)
  84. (if (ratform? q)
  85. (if (ratform? r)
  86. (and (poly:= (ratform-numerator q) (ratform-numerator r))
  87. (poly:= (ratform-denominator q) (ratform-denominator r)))
  88. (if (pcf? r)
  89. #f
  90. (error "Wrong type -- RCF:=" r)))
  91. (if (ratform? r)
  92. (if (pcf? q)
  93. #f
  94. (error "Wrong type -- RCF:=" q))
  95. (poly:= q r))))
  96. ;;; The notation here is from Knuth (p. 291).
  97. ;;; In various places we take the gcd of two polynomials
  98. ;;; and then use quotient to reduce those polynomials.
  99. (define (rcf:+ u/u* v/v*)
  100. (rcf:binary-operator u/u* v/v*
  101. poly:+
  102. (lambda (u v v*)
  103. (if (poly:zero? u)
  104. v/v*
  105. (make-rcf (poly:+ (poly:* u v*) v) v*)))
  106. (lambda (u u* v)
  107. (if (poly:zero? v)
  108. u/u*
  109. (make-rcf (poly:+ u (poly:* u* v)) u*)))
  110. (lambda (u u* v v*)
  111. (if (poly:= u* v*)
  112. (let* ((n (poly:+ u v)) (g (poly:gcd u* n)))
  113. (if (poly:one? g)
  114. (make-rcf n u*)
  115. (make-rcf (poly:quotient n g) (poly:quotient u* g))))
  116. (let ((d1 (poly:gcd u* v*)))
  117. (if (poly:one? d1)
  118. (make-rcf (poly:+ (poly:* u v*) (poly:* u* v))
  119. (poly:* u* v*))
  120. (let* ((u*/d1 (poly:quotient u* d1))
  121. (t (poly:+ (poly:* u (poly:quotient v* d1))
  122. (poly:* u*/d1 v))))
  123. (if (poly:zero? t)
  124. rcf:zero
  125. (let ((d2 (poly:gcd t d1)))
  126. (if (poly:one? d2)
  127. (make-rcf t (poly:* u*/d1 v*))
  128. (make-rcf
  129. (poly:quotient t d2)
  130. (poly:* u*/d1
  131. (poly:quotient v* d2)))))))))))))
  132. (define (rcf:- u/u* v/v*)
  133. (rcf:binary-operator u/u* v/v*
  134. poly:-
  135. (lambda (u v v*)
  136. (if (poly:zero? u)
  137. (make-ratform (poly:negate v) v*)
  138. (make-rcf (poly:- (poly:* u v*) v) v*)))
  139. (lambda (u u* v)
  140. (if (poly:zero? v)
  141. u/u*
  142. (make-rcf (poly:- u (poly:* u* v)) u*)))
  143. (lambda (u u* v v*)
  144. (if (poly:= u* v*)
  145. (let* ((n (poly:- u v)) (g (poly:gcd u* n)))
  146. (if (poly:one? g)
  147. (make-rcf n u*)
  148. (make-rcf (poly:quotient n g) (poly:quotient u* g))))
  149. (let ((d1 (poly:gcd u* v*)))
  150. (if (poly:one? d1)
  151. (make-rcf (poly:- (poly:* u v*) (poly:* u* v))
  152. (poly:* u* v*))
  153. (let* ((u*/d1 (poly:quotient u* d1))
  154. (t (poly:- (poly:* u (poly:quotient v* d1))
  155. (poly:* u*/d1 v))))
  156. (if (poly:zero? t)
  157. rcf:zero
  158. (let ((d2 (poly:gcd t d1)))
  159. (if (poly:one? d2)
  160. (make-rcf t (poly:* u*/d1 v*))
  161. (make-rcf
  162. (poly:quotient t d2)
  163. (poly:* u*/d1
  164. (poly:quotient v* d2)))))))))))))
  165. (define (rcf:negate v/v*)
  166. (if (ratform? v/v*)
  167. (make-ratform (poly:negate (ratform-numerator v/v*))
  168. (ratform-denominator v/v*))
  169. (poly:negate v/v*)))
  170. (define (rcf:* u/u* v/v*)
  171. (rcf:binary-operator u/u* v/v*
  172. poly:*
  173. (lambda (u v v*)
  174. (cond ((poly:zero? u) rcf:zero)
  175. ((poly:one? u) v/v*)
  176. (else
  177. (let ((d (poly:gcd u v*)))
  178. (if (poly:one? d)
  179. (make-rcf (poly:* u v) v*)
  180. (make-rcf (poly:* (poly:quotient u d) v)
  181. (poly:quotient v* d)))))))
  182. (lambda (u u* v)
  183. (cond ((poly:zero? v) rcf:zero)
  184. ((poly:one? v) u/u*)
  185. (else
  186. (let ((d (poly:gcd u* v)))
  187. (if (poly:one? d)
  188. (make-rcf (poly:* u v) u*)
  189. (make-rcf (poly:* u (poly:quotient v d))
  190. (poly:quotient u* d)))))))
  191. (lambda (u u* v v*)
  192. (let ((d1 (poly:gcd u v*))
  193. (d2 (poly:gcd u* v)))
  194. (if (poly:one? d1)
  195. (if (poly:one? d2)
  196. (make-rcf (poly:* u v) (poly:* u* v*))
  197. (make-rcf (poly:* u (poly:quotient v d2))
  198. (poly:* (poly:quotient u* d2) v*)))
  199. (if (poly:one? d2)
  200. (make-rcf (poly:* (poly:quotient u d1) v)
  201. (poly:* u* (poly:quotient v* d1)))
  202. (make-rcf (poly:* (poly:quotient u d1)
  203. (poly:quotient v d2))
  204. (poly:* (poly:quotient u* d2)
  205. (poly:quotient v* d1)))))))))
  206. (define (rcf:square q)
  207. (if (ratform? q)
  208. (make-ratform (let ((n (ratform-numerator q))) (poly:* n n))
  209. (let ((d (ratform-denominator q))) (poly:* d d)))
  210. (poly:* q q)))
  211. (define (rcf:/ u/u* v/v*)
  212. (rcf:* u/u* (rcf:invert v/v*)))
  213. (define (rcf:invert v/v*)
  214. (make-rcf (rcf:denominator v/v*)
  215. (rcf:numerator v/v*)))
  216. (define (rcf:gcd u/u* v/v*)
  217. (rcf:binary-operator u/u* v/v*
  218. poly:gcd
  219. (lambda (u v v*)
  220. (cond ((poly:zero? u) v/v*)
  221. ((poly:one? u) poly:one)
  222. (else (poly:gcd u v))))
  223. (lambda (u u* v)
  224. (cond ((poly:zero? v) u/u*)
  225. ((poly:one? v) poly:one)
  226. (else (poly:gcd u v))))
  227. (lambda (u u* v v*)
  228. (let ((d1 (poly:gcd u v))
  229. (d2 (poly:gcd u* v*)))
  230. (make-rcf d1 d2)))))
  231. (define (rcf:binary-operator u/u* v/v* int*int int*rat rat*int rat*rat)
  232. (if (ratform? u/u*)
  233. (if (ratform? v/v*)
  234. (rat*rat (ratform-numerator u/u*)
  235. (ratform-denominator u/u*)
  236. (ratform-numerator v/v*)
  237. (ratform-denominator v/v*))
  238. (rat*int (ratform-numerator u/u*)
  239. (ratform-denominator u/u*)
  240. v/v*))
  241. (if (ratform? v/v*)
  242. (int*rat u/u*
  243. (ratform-numerator v/v*)
  244. (ratform-denominator v/v*))
  245. (int*int u/u* v/v*))))
  246. (define (rcf:numerator q)
  247. (cond ((ratform? q) (ratform-numerator q))
  248. ((pcf? q) q)
  249. (else (error "Wrong type -- NUMERATOR" q))))
  250. (define (rcf:denominator q)
  251. (cond ((ratform? q) (ratform-denominator q))
  252. ((pcf? q) poly:one)
  253. (else (error "Wrong type -- DENOMINATOR" q))))
  254. (define (rcf:expt base exponent)
  255. (define (expt-iter x count answer)
  256. (if (fix:zero? count)
  257. answer
  258. (if (even? count)
  259. (expt-iter (rcf:square x) (fix:quotient count 2) answer)
  260. (expt-iter x (fix:-1+ count) (rcf:* x answer)))))
  261. (cond ((not (exact-integer? exponent))
  262. (error "Can only raise a RCF to an exact integer power" base exponent))
  263. ((fix:negative? exponent)
  264. (rcf:invert (expt-iter base (int:negate exponent) rcf:one)))
  265. (else (expt-iter base exponent rcf:one))))
  266. (define (rcf:arg-scale r points)
  267. (if (ratform? r)
  268. (rcf:/ (apply poly:arg-scale (ratform-numerator r) points)
  269. (apply poly:arg-scale (ratform-denominator r) points))
  270. (apply poly:arg-scale r points)))
  271. (define (rcf:arg-shift r points)
  272. (if (ratform? r)
  273. (rcf:/ (apply poly:arg-shift (ratform-numerator r) points)
  274. (apply poly:arg-shift (ratform-denominator r) points))
  275. (apply poly:arg-shift r points)))
  276. (define (rcf:value r points)
  277. (if (ratform? r)
  278. (rcf:/ (apply poly:value (ratform-numerator r) points)
  279. (apply poly:value (ratform-denominator r) points))
  280. (apply poly:value r points)))
  281. ;;; The following only plugs r2 in for the principal indeterminate.
  282. (define (rcf:compose r1 r2)
  283. (if (ratform? r2)
  284. (let ((nr1 (ratform-numerator r1)) (nr2 (ratform-numerator r2))
  285. (dr1 (ratform-denominator r1)) (dr2 (ratform-denominator r2)))
  286. (let ((dn (poly:degree nr1))
  287. (dd (poly:degree dr1))
  288. (narity (fix:+ (poly:arity dr1) 1)))
  289. (let ((nnr1 (poly:extend 1 (poly:principal-reverse nr1)))
  290. (ndr1 (poly:extend 1 (poly:principal-reverse dr1))))
  291. (let ((scales (list (cadr (poly:new-variables narity)) 1)))
  292. (let ((pn (poly:value (poly:principal-reverse
  293. (poly:arg-scale nnr1 scales))
  294. nr2
  295. dr2))
  296. (pd (poly:value (poly:principal-reverse
  297. (poly:arg-scale ndr1 scales))
  298. nr2
  299. dr2)))
  300. (cond ((fix:> dn dd)
  301. (rcf:/ pn (poly:* (poly:expt dr2 (fix:- dn dd)) pd)))
  302. ((fix:< dn dd)
  303. (rcf:/ (poly:* (poly:expt dr2 (fix:- dd dn)) pn) pd))
  304. (else (rcf:/ pn pd))))))))
  305. (rcf:/ (poly:value (ratform-numerator r1) r2)
  306. (poly:value (ratform-denominator r1) r2))))
  307. ;;; FBE: calls 'poly:derivative' with wrong argument count! -> comment out
  308. ;; (define (rcf:derivative r varnum)
  309. ;; (if (ratform? r)
  310. ;; (let ((u (ratform-numerator r)) (v (ratform-denominator r)))
  311. ;; (rcf:/ (poly:- (poly:* (poly:derivative u varnum) v)
  312. ;; (poly:* u (poly:derivative v varnum)))
  313. ;; (poly:* v v)))
  314. ;; (poly:derivative r varnum)))
  315. ;;; I don't know if this stuff is ever important...GJS
  316. (define (assoc-accumulation rat:op poly:op rat:identity)
  317. (define (operate rats)
  318. (cond ((null? rats) rat:identity)
  319. ((null? (cdr rats)) (car rats))
  320. ((ratform? (car rats))
  321. (cond ((ratform? (cadr rats))
  322. (operate (cons (rat:op (car rats) (cadr rats))
  323. (cddr rats))))
  324. ((null? (cddr rats)) (rat:op (car rats) (cadr rats)))
  325. ((not (ratform? (caddr rats)))
  326. (operate (cons (car rats)
  327. (cons (poly:op (cadr rats) (caddr rats))
  328. (cdddr rats)))))
  329. (else
  330. (operate (cons (rat:op (car rats) (cadr rats))
  331. (cddr rats))))))
  332. ((ratform? (cadr rats))
  333. (operate (cons (rat:op (car rats) (cadr rats))
  334. (cddr rats))))
  335. (else
  336. (operate (cons (poly:op (car rats) (cadr rats))
  337. (cddr rats))))))
  338. (lambda rats (operate rats)))
  339. (define +$rcf (assoc-accumulation rcf:+ poly:+ rcf:zero))
  340. (define *$rcf (assoc-accumulation rcf:* poly:* rcf:one))
  341. (define (assoc-inverse-accumulation rat:inv-op rat:op rat:invert poly:op rat:identity)
  342. (let ((direct-op (assoc-accumulation rat:op poly:op rat:identity)))
  343. (define (operate . rats)
  344. (cond ((null? rats) rat:identity)
  345. ((null? (cdr rats)) (rat:invert (car rats)))
  346. (else (rat:inv-op (car rats) (apply direct-op (cdr rats))))))
  347. operate))
  348. (define -$rcf
  349. (assoc-inverse-accumulation rcf:- rcf:+ rcf:negate poly:+ rcf:zero))
  350. (define /$rcf
  351. (assoc-inverse-accumulation rcf:/ rcf:* rcf:invert poly:* rcf:one))
  352. ;;; For simplifier
  353. (define (rcf:->expression p vars)
  354. (if (pcf? p)
  355. (pcf:->expression p vars)
  356. (symb:/ (pcf:->expression (ratform-numerator p) vars)
  357. (pcf:->expression (ratform-denominator p) vars))))
  358. (define* (rcf:expression-> expr cont #:optional less?)
  359. ;; cont = (lambda (ratp vars) ... )
  360. (let ((evars
  361. (sort (list-difference (variables-in expr)
  362. rcf:operators-known)
  363. (if (default-object? less?) variable<? less?))))
  364. (cont ((expression-walker
  365. (pair-up evars
  366. (poly:new-variables (length evars))
  367. rcf:operator-table))
  368. expr)
  369. evars)))
  370. ;;; FBE: missing definition of 'poly->function'
  371. ;; (define (rcf:->lambda p)
  372. ;; (if (pcf? p)
  373. ;; (poly->function p)
  374. ;; (let* ((n (rcf:arity p))
  375. ;; (vars (generate-list-of-symbols 'x n))
  376. ;; (exp (rcf:->expression p vars)))
  377. ;; `(lambda ,vars ,exp))))
  378. (define rcf:operator-table
  379. `((+ ,+$rcf)
  380. (- ,-$rcf)
  381. (* ,*$rcf)
  382. (/ ,/$rcf)
  383. (negate ,rcf:negate)
  384. (invert ,rcf:invert)
  385. (expt ,rcf:expt)
  386. (square ,rcf:square)
  387. (gcd ,rcf:gcd)))
  388. (define rcf:operators-known
  389. (map car rcf:operator-table))