Lagrangian.scm 22 KB

  1. #| -*-Scheme-*-
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  19. |#
  20. ;;;; Variational Mechanics
  21. ;;; Caution... This file is case sensitive!
  22. ;;; However, there are alternative names for the actual data types.
  23. (define coordinate-tuple up)
  24. (define velocity-tuple up)
  25. (define acceleration-tuple up)
  26. (define momentum-tuple down)
  27. ;;; Lagrangian mechanics requires a configuration
  28. ;;; space Q, and a function L:RxQxQ' --> R
  29. ;;; Mechanical systems have state at each instant. The state is the
  30. ;;; information required, along with the equations of motion, to
  31. ;;; determine the future of the system.
  32. ;;; At every instant a system has a kinematic state, which has the
  33. ;;; time, the configuration, and the rate of change of the
  34. ;;; configuration. Lagrangian mechanics is formulated in terms of
  35. ;;; the kinematic state.
  36. ;;; Kinematic states and their derivatives are represented as Scheme
  37. ;;; vectors, with components time, configuration, and derivatives.
  38. (define (->local t q qdot . derivs)
  39. (apply vector t q qdot derivs))
  40. (define ->state ->local)
  41. (define ->L-state ->local)
  42. (define (state->n-dof state)
  43. (let ((q (vector-ref state 1)))
  44. (if (up? q)
  45. (s:length q)
  46. 1)))
  47. ;;; Selectors are provided for the components of a state.
  48. (define (state->t state)
  49. (if (not (and (vector? state) (fix:> (vector-length state) 0)))
  50. (error "Cannot extract time from" state))
  51. (ref state 0))
  52. (define (state->q state)
  53. (if (not (and (vector? state) (fix:> (vector-length state) 1)))
  54. (error "Cannot extract coordinate from" state))
  55. (ref state 1))
  56. (define (state->qdot state)
  57. (if (not (and (vector? state) (fix:> (vector-length state) 2)))
  58. (error "Cannot extract velocity from" state))
  59. (ref state 2))
  60. (define (state->qddot state)
  61. (if (not (and (vector? state) (fix:> (vector-length state) 3)))
  62. (error "Cannot extract acceleration from" state))
  63. (ref state 3))
  64. (define time state->t)
  65. (define coordinate state->q)
  66. (define velocity state->qdot)
  67. (define acceleration state->qddot)
  68. (define coordinates state->q)
  69. (define velocities state->qdot)
  70. (define accelerations state->qddot)
  71. (define Q state->q)
  72. (define Qdot state->qdot)
  73. (define Qdotdot state->qddot)
  74. (define (literal-Lagrangian-state n-dof)
  75. (up (literal-number (generate-uninterned-symbol 't))
  76. (s:generate n-dof 'up
  77. (lambda (i)
  78. (literal-number (generate-uninterned-symbol 'x))))
  79. (s:generate n-dof 'up
  80. (lambda (i)
  81. (literal-number (generate-uninterned-symbol 'v))))))
  82. ;;;; Chapter 1
  83. ;;; Paths in the configuration manifold are functions that give a
  84. ;;; configuration for each time. From such a path we can construct a
  85. ;;; path in the kinematic state space. If such a path is described
  86. ;;; in terms of generalized coordinates, we have
  87. #|
  88. (define (path->state-path q)
  89. (lambda (t)
  90. (->local t
  91. (q t)
  92. ((D q) t))))
  93. |#
  94. (define* (path->state-path q #:optional n)
  95. (if (default-object? n)
  96. (set! n 3)
  97. (assert (fix:> n 1)))
  98. (lambda (t)
  99. (list->vector
  100. (cons t
  101. (cons (g:apply q (list t)) ; FBE: (q t) -> (g:apply q (list t))
  102. (let lp ((i (fix:- n 2)) (fi (D q)))
  103. (if (fix:= i 0)
  104. '()
  105. (cons (fi t)
  106. (lp (- i 1)
  107. (D fi))))))))))
  108. (define Gamma path->state-path)
  109. #|
  110. ;;; Another way to make Gamma
  111. (define* ((path->state-path q #:optional n) t)
  112. (if (default-object? n) (set! n 3))
  113. (list->vector
  114. (stream-head
  115. (cons-stream t
  116. (cons-stream (q t)
  117. (map-stream (lambda (e) (((expt D e) q) t))
  118. natural-number-stream)))
  119. n)))
  120. |#
  121. #|
  122. ;;; Can we do it this way? No...
  123. ;;; We don't know number of degrees of freedom when we build state vector.
  124. (define (path->state q)
  125. (->local identity
  126. q
  127. (D q)))
  128. |#
  129. ;;; A Lagrangian is an example of an L-function.
  130. ;;; An L-function takes a scalar argument and 2 vector arguments
  131. ;;; (t, q, q-dot). An L-function produces a scalar result.
  132. (define (make-Lagrangian kinetic-energy potential-energy)
  133. (- kinetic-energy potential-energy))
  134. #|
  135. (define ((L-free-particle mass) local)
  136. (let ((v (velocity local)))
  137. (* 1/2 mass (square v))))
  138. (show-expression
  139. ((L-free-particle 'm)
  140. (->local 't
  141. (coordinate-tuple 'x 'y 'z)
  142. (velocity-tuple 'xdot 'ydot 'zdot))))
  143. (+ (* 1/2 m (expt xdot 2))
  144. (* 1/2 m (expt ydot 2))
  145. (* 1/2 m (expt zdot 2)))
  146. (show-expression
  147. ((compose
  148. (L-free-particle 'm)
  149. (Gamma (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'x)
  150. (literal-function 'y)
  151. (literal-function 'z))))
  152. 't))
  153. (+ (* 1/2 (expt ((D x) t) 2) m)
  154. (* 1/2 (expt ((D y) t) 2) m)
  155. (* 1/2 (expt ((D z) t) 2) m))
  156. |#
  157. ;;; Given a Lagrangian, we can obtain Lagrange's equations of motion.
  158. ;;; FBE: start
  159. ;; (define* ((Lagrange-equations Lagrangian #:optional dissipation-function) q)
  160. ;; (let ((state-path (Gamma q)))
  161. ;; (if (default-object? dissipation-function)
  162. ;; (- (D (compose ((partial 2) Lagrangian) state-path))
  163. ;; (compose ((partial 1) Lagrangian) state-path))
  164. ;; (- (D (compose ((partial 2) Lagrangian) state-path))
  165. ;; (compose ((partial 1) Lagrangian) state-path)
  166. ;; (- (compose ((partial 2) dissipation-function) state-path))))))
  167. (define* (Lagrange-equations Lagrangian #:optional dissipation-function)
  168. (lambda (q)
  169. (let ((state-path (Gamma q)))
  170. (if (default-object? dissipation-function)
  171. (- (D (compose ((partial 2) Lagrangian) state-path))
  172. (compose ((partial 1) Lagrangian) state-path))
  173. (- (D (compose ((partial 2) Lagrangian) state-path))
  174. (compose ((partial 1) Lagrangian) state-path)
  175. (- (compose ((partial 2) dissipation-function) state-path)))))))
  176. ;;; FBE end
  177. #|
  178. (define ((Lagrange-equations Lagrangian) q)
  179. (let ((local-path (Gamma q)))
  180. (- (D (compose ((partial 2) Lagrangian) local-path))
  181. (compose ((partial 1) Lagrangian) local-path))))
  182. |#
  183. #|
  184. (define (test-path t)
  185. (coordinate-tuple (+ (* 'a t) 'a0)
  186. (+ (* 'b t) 'b0)
  187. (+ (* 'c t) 'c0)))
  188. (print-expression
  189. (((Lagrange-equations (L-free-particle 'm))
  190. test-path)
  191. 't))
  192. (down 0 0 0)
  193. (show-expression
  194. (((Lagrange-equations (L-free-particle 'm))
  195. (literal-function 'x))
  196. 't))
  197. (* m (((expt D 2) x) t))
  198. ;;; For example, consider the Harmonic oscillator with
  199. ;;; spring constant, k, and mass, m.
  200. (define ((L-harmonic m k) local)
  201. (let ((q (coordinate local))
  202. (v (velocity local)))
  203. (- (* 1/2 m (square v))
  204. (* 1/2 k (square q)))))
  205. (show-expression
  206. (((Lagrange-equations (L-harmonic 'm 'k))
  207. (literal-function 'x))
  208. 't))
  209. (+ (* k (x t)) (* m (((expt D 2) x) t)))
  210. (show-expression
  211. (((Lagrange-equations (L-harmonic 'm 'k))
  212. (lambda (t) (* 'a (cos (+ (* 'omega t) 'phi)))))
  213. 't))
  214. (+ (* a k (cos (+ (* omega t) phi)))
  215. (* -1 a m (expt omega 2) (cos (+ (* omega t) phi))))
  216. |#
  217. #|
  218. (define ((L-uniform-acceleration m g) local)
  219. (let ((q (coordinate local))
  220. (v (velocity local)))
  221. (let ((y (ref q 1)))
  222. (- (* 1/2 m (square v)) (* m g y)))))
  223. (show-expression
  224. (((Lagrange-equations
  225. (L-uniform-acceleration 'm 'g))
  226. (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'x)
  227. (literal-function 'y)))
  228. 't))
  229. (down (* m (((expt D 2) x) t))
  230. (+ (* g m) (* m (((expt D 2) y) t))))
  231. (define ((L-central-rectangular m V) local)
  232. (let ((q (coordinate local))
  233. (v (velocity local)))
  234. (- (* 1/2 m (square v))
  235. (V (sqrt (square q))))))
  236. (show-expression
  237. (((Lagrange-equations
  238. (L-central-rectangular 'm (literal-function 'V)))
  239. (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'x) (literal-function 'y)))
  240. 't))
  241. (down
  242. (+ (* m (((expt D 2) x) t))
  243. (/ (* ((D V) (sqrt (+ (expt (x t) 2) (expt (y t) 2)))) (x t))
  244. (sqrt (+ (expt (x t) 2) (expt (y t) 2)))))
  245. (+ (* m (((expt D 2) y) t))
  246. (/ (* ((D V) (sqrt (+ (expt (x t) 2) (expt (y t) 2)))) (y t))
  247. (sqrt (+ (expt (x t) 2) (expt (y t) 2))))))
  248. |#
  249. #|
  250. ;;; Consider planar motion in a central force field, with an arbitrary
  251. ;;; potential, U, depending only on the radius. The generalized
  252. ;;; coordinates are polar.
  253. (define ((L-central-polar m V) local)
  254. (let ((q (coordinate local))
  255. (qdot (velocity local)))
  256. (let ((r (ref q 0))
  257. (phi (ref q 1))
  258. (rdot (ref qdot 0))
  259. (phidot (ref qdot 1)))
  260. (- (* 1/2 m
  261. (+ (square rdot)
  262. (square (* r phidot))) )
  263. (V r)))))
  264. (show-expression
  265. (((Lagrange-equations
  266. (L-central-polar 'm (literal-function 'V)))
  267. (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'r)
  268. (literal-function 'phi)))
  269. 't))
  270. (down
  271. (+ (* -1 m (r t) (expt ((D phi) t) 2))
  272. (* m (((expt D 2) r) t))
  273. ((D V) (r t)))
  274. (+ (* 2 m ((D r) t) (r t) ((D phi) t))
  275. (* m (((expt D 2) phi) t) (expt (r t) 2))))
  276. |#
  277. #|
  278. ;;; Coupled harmonic oscillators.
  279. (define ((L-coupled-harmonic m k) state)
  280. (let ((q (coordinate state))
  281. (qdot (velocity state)))
  282. (- (* 1/2 qdot m qdot)
  283. (* 1/2 q k q))))
  284. (show-expression
  285. (((Lagrange-equations
  286. (L-coupled-harmonic (down (down 'm_1 0) (down 0 'm_2))
  287. (down (down 'k_1 'c) (down 'c 'k_2))))
  288. (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'x)
  289. (literal-function 'y)))
  290. 't))
  291. (down (+ (* c (y t)) (* k_1 (x t)) (* m_1 (((expt D 2) x) t)))
  292. (+ (* c (x t)) (* k_2 (y t)) (* m_2 (((expt D 2) y) t))))
  293. |#
  294. #|
  295. ;;; Pendulum of mass m2 and length b, hanging from a support of mass
  296. ;;; m1 that is free to move horizontally (from Groesberg, Advanced
  297. ;;; Mechanics, p. 72)
  298. (define ((L-sliding-pend m1 m2 b g) state)
  299. (let ((q (coordinate state))
  300. (qdot (velocity state)))
  301. (let* ((x (ref q 0))
  302. (xdot (ref qdot 0))
  303. (theta (ref q 1))
  304. (thetadot (ref qdot 1))
  305. (rel-pend-vel
  306. (* b thetadot (velocity-tuple (cos theta) (sin theta))))
  307. (pend-vel (+ rel-pend-vel (velocity-tuple xdot 0)))
  308. (Tpend (* 1/2 m2 (square pend-vel)))
  309. (Tsupport (* 1/2 m1 (square xdot)))
  310. (V (- (* m2 g b (cos theta)))))
  311. (+ Tpend Tsupport (- V)))))
  312. (show-expression
  313. (((Lagrange-equations (L-sliding-pend 'm_1 'm_2 'b 'g))
  314. (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'x)
  315. (literal-function 'theta)))
  316. 't))
  317. (down
  318. (+ (* -1 b m_2 (sin (theta t)) (expt ((D theta) t) 2))
  319. (* b m_2 (((expt D 2) theta) t) (cos (theta t)))
  320. (* m_1 (((expt D 2) x) t))
  321. (* m_2 (((expt D 2) x) t)))
  322. (+ (* (expt b 2) m_2 (((expt D 2) theta) t))
  323. (* b g m_2 (sin (theta t)))
  324. (* b m_2 (((expt D 2) x) t) (cos (theta t)))))
  325. ;;; Nicer treatment
  326. (define ((F-sliding-pend l) state)
  327. (let ((q (coordinate state)))
  328. (let ((x (ref q 0))
  329. (theta (ref q 1)))
  330. (up (up x 0)
  331. (up (+ x (* l (sin theta)))
  332. (* -1 l (cos theta)))))))
  333. (define ((2-free m1 m2 g) state)
  334. (let ((v1 (ref (velocity state) 0))
  335. (v2 (ref (velocity state) 1))
  336. (h1 (ref (coordinate state) 0 1))
  337. (h2 (ref (coordinate state) 1 1)))
  338. (- (+ (* 1/2 m1 (square v1))
  339. (* 1/2 m2 (square v2)))
  340. (+ (* m1 g h1)
  341. (* m2 g h2)))))
  342. (define (L-sliding-pend m1 m2 l g)
  343. (compose (2-free m1 m2 g)
  344. (F->C (F-sliding-pend l))))
  345. (show-expression
  346. (((Lagrange-equations
  347. (L-sliding-pend 'm_1 'm_2 'b 'g))
  348. (up (literal-function 'x)
  349. (literal-function 'theta)))
  350. 't))
  351. (down
  352. (+ (* -1 b m_2 (sin (theta t)) (expt ((D theta) t) 2))
  353. (* b m_2 (((expt D 2) theta) t) (cos (theta t)))
  354. (* m_1 (((expt D 2) x) t))
  355. (* m_2 (((expt D 2) x) t)))
  356. (+ (* (expt b 2) m_2 (((expt D 2) theta) t))
  357. (* b g m_2 (sin (theta t)))
  358. (* b m_2 (cos (theta t)) (((expt D 2) x) t))))
  359. |#
  360. #|
  361. ;;; Consider a simple pendulum with Rayleigh dissipation:
  362. (define ((L-pendulum g m l) state)
  363. (let ((theta (coordinate state))
  364. (thetadot (velocity state)))
  365. (+ (* 1/2 m (square (* l thetadot)))
  366. (* g m l (cos theta)))))
  367. (define ((Rayleigh-dissipation k) state)
  368. (let ((qdot (velocity state)))
  369. (* qdot k qdot)))
  370. (show-expression
  371. (((Lagrange-equations (L-pendulum 'g 'm 'l)
  372. (Rayleigh-dissipation 'k))
  373. (literal-function 'theta))
  374. 't))
  375. (+ (* 2 k ((D theta) t))
  376. (* g l m (sin (theta t)))
  377. (* (expt l 2) m (((expt D 2) theta) t)))
  378. |#
  379. #|
  380. ;;; Can group coordinates. Procedures don't care.
  381. (define ((L-two-particle m1 m2) local)
  382. (let ((x (coordinate local))
  383. (v (velocity local))
  384. (V (literal-function 'V (-> (X (^ Real 2) (^ Real 2)) Real))))
  385. (let ((x1 (ref x 0)) (x2 (ref x 1))
  386. (v1 (ref v 0)) (v2 (ref v 1)))
  387. (- (+ (* 1/2 m1 (square v1))
  388. (* 1/2 m2 (square v2)))
  389. (V x1 x2)))))
  390. (show-expression
  391. (((Lagrange-equations (L-two-particle 'm_1 'm_2))
  392. (coordinate-tuple
  393. (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'x_1) (literal-function 'y_1))
  394. (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'x_2) (literal-function 'y_2))))
  395. 't))
  396. (down
  397. (down
  398. (+ (* m_1 (((expt D 2) x_1) t))
  399. (((partial 0 0) V) (up (x_1 t) (y_1 t)) (up (x_2 t) (y_2 t))))
  400. (+ (* m_1 (((expt D 2) y_1) t))
  401. (((partial 0 1) V) (up (x_1 t) (y_1 t)) (up (x_2 t) (y_2 t)))))
  402. (down
  403. (+ (* m_2 (((expt D 2) x_2) t))
  404. (((partial 1 0) V) (up (x_1 t) (y_1 t)) (up (x_2 t) (y_2 t))))
  405. (+ (* m_2 (((expt D 2) y_2) t))
  406. (((partial 1 1) V) (up (x_1 t) (y_1 t)) (up (x_2 t) (y_2 t))))))
  407. |#
  408. ;;; For integrating Lagrange's equations we need them in a form which
  409. ;;; has the highest derivative isolated.
  410. ;;; The following is an explicit solution for the second-derivative
  411. ;;; from Lagrange's equations, based on the operator form above:
  412. #|
  413. (define (Lagrangian->acceleration Lagrangian)
  414. (let ((P ((partial 2) Lagrangian))
  415. (F ((partial 1) Lagrangian)))
  416. (let ((dP/dq ((partial 1) P))
  417. (dP/dqdot ((partial 2) P))
  418. (dP/dt ((partial 0) P))
  419. (qdot state->qdot))
  420. (/ (- F (+ (* dP/dq qdot) dP/dt))
  421. dP/dqdot))))
  422. (define (Lagrangian->acceleration L)
  423. (let ((P ((partial 2) L))
  424. (F ((partial 1) L)))
  425. (/ (- F
  426. (+ ((partial 0) P)
  427. (* ((partial 1) P) velocity)))
  428. ((partial 2) P))))
  429. (define ((Lagrangian->acceleration L) state)
  430. (let ((P ((partial 2) L))
  431. (F ((partial 1) L)))
  432. (* (s:inverse (velocity state)
  433. (((partial 2) P) state)
  434. (velocity state))
  435. ((- F
  436. (+ ((partial 0) P)
  437. (* ((partial 1) P) velocity)))
  438. state))))
  439. |#
  440. #|
  441. ;;; Note: the inverse may have a determinant of zero.
  442. ;;; FBE start
  443. (define* (Lagrangian->acceleration L #:optional dissipation-function)
  444. (lambda (state)
  445. (if (default-object? dissipation-function)
  446. (let ((P ((partial 2) L))
  447. (F ((partial 1) L)))
  448. (* (s:inverse (velocity state)
  449. (((partial 2) P) state)
  450. (velocity state))
  451. ((- F
  452. (+ ((partial 0) P)
  453. (* ((partial 1) P) velocity)))
  454. state)))
  455. (let ((P ((partial 2) L))
  456. (F ((partial 1) L))
  457. (Diss ((partial 2) dissipation-function)))
  458. (* (s:inverse (velocity state)
  459. (((partial 2) P) state)
  460. (velocity state))
  461. ((- (- F Diss)
  462. (+ ((partial 0) P)
  463. (* ((partial 1) P) velocity)))
  464. state))))))
  465. ;;; FBE end
  466. ;;; FBE start
  467. (define* ((Lagrangian->acceleration L #:optional dissipation-function) state)
  468. (if (default-object? dissipation-function)
  469. (let ((P ((partial 2) L))
  470. (F ((partial 1) L)))
  471. (let ((minv
  472. (s:inverse (velocity state)
  473. (((partial 2) P) state)
  474. (velocity state))))
  475. (* minv
  476. ((- F
  477. (+ ((partial 0) P)
  478. (* ((partial 1) P) velocity)))
  479. state))))
  480. (let ((P ((partial 2) L))
  481. (F ((partial 1) L))
  482. (Diss ((partial 2) dissipation-function)))
  483. (let ((minv
  484. (s:inverse (velocity state)
  485. (((partial 2) P) state)
  486. (velocity state))))
  487. (* minv
  488. ((- (- F Diss)
  489. (+ ((partial 0) P)
  490. (* ((partial 1) P) velocity)))
  491. state))))))
  492. |#
  493. ;;; FBE start
  494. (define* (Lagrangian->acceleration L #:optional dissipation-function)
  495. (lambda (state)
  496. (let ((P ((partial 2) L))
  497. (F ((partial 1) L)))
  498. (if (default-object? dissipation-function)
  499. (solve-linear-left (((partial 2) P) state)
  500. ((- F
  501. (+ ((partial 0) P)
  502. (* ((partial 1) P) velocity)))
  503. state))
  504. (solve-linear-left (((partial 2) P) state)
  505. ((- (- F
  506. ((partial 2) dissipation-function))
  507. (+ ((partial 0) P)
  508. (* ((partial 1) P) velocity)))
  509. state))))))
  510. ;;; FBE end
  511. #|
  512. ;;; Thus, for example, we can obtain the general form of the vector
  513. ;;; of accelerations as a function of the positions, and velocities:
  514. (show-expression
  515. ((Lagrangian->acceleration (L-sliding-pend 'm_1 'm_2 'b 'g))
  516. (->local 't
  517. (coordinate-tuple 'x 'theta)
  518. (velocity-tuple 'xdot 'thetadot))))
  519. (up
  520. (+
  521. (/ (* b m_2 (expt thetadot 2) (sin theta))
  522. (+ (* m_2 (expt (sin theta) 2)) m_1))
  523. (/ (* g m_2 (sin theta) (cos theta))
  524. (+ (* m_2 (expt (sin theta) 2)) m_1)))
  525. (+
  526. (/ (* -1 m_2 (expt thetadot 2) (sin theta) (cos theta))
  527. (+ (* m_2 (expt (sin theta) 2)) m_1))
  528. (/ (* -1 g m_1 (sin theta))
  529. (+ (* b m_2 (expt (sin theta) 2)) (* b m_1)))
  530. (/ (* -1 g m_2 (sin theta))
  531. (+ (* b m_2 (expt (sin theta) 2)) (* b m_1)))))
  532. |#
  533. ;;; Lagrange equations in first-order form.
  534. (define* ((Lagrange-equations-1 L) q v)
  535. (let ((local-path (qv->local-path q v)))
  536. (- (D local-path)
  537. (compose (local-state-derivative L)
  538. local-path))))
  539. (define* ((local-state-derivative L) local)
  540. (->local 1
  541. (velocity local)
  542. ((Lagrangian->acceleration L) local)))
  543. (define Lagrange-equations-first-order
  544. Lagrange-equations-1)
  545. (define* ((qv->local-path q v) t)
  546. (->local t (q t) (v t)))
  547. #|
  548. (define ((Lagrange-equations-1 L) q v)
  549. (let ((local-path (qv->local-path q v)))
  550. (- (D local-path)
  551. (->local 1
  552. (compose velocity local-path)
  553. (compose (Lagrangian->acceleration L)
  554. local-path)))))
  555. |#
  556. #|
  557. (show-expression
  558. (((Lagrange-equations-1 (L-harmonic 'm 'k))
  559. (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'x)
  560. (literal-function 'y))
  561. (velocity-tuple (literal-function 'v_x)
  562. (literal-function 'v_y)))
  563. 't))
  564. (up 0
  565. (up (+ ((D x) t) (* -1 (v_x t))) (+ ((D y) t) (* -1 (v_y t))))
  566. (up (+ (/ (* k (x t)) m) ((D v_x) t)) (+ (/ (* k (y t)) m) ((D v_y) t))))
  567. |#
  568. #|
  569. (define (Lagrangian->state-derivative L)
  570. (let ((acceleration (Lagrangian->acceleration L)))
  571. (lambda (state)
  572. (up
  573. 1
  574. (velocity state)
  575. (acceleration state)))))
  576. |#
  577. (define* (Lagrangian->state-derivative L #:optional dissipation-function)
  578. (if (default-object? dissipation-function)
  579. (let ((acceleration (Lagrangian->acceleration L)))
  580. (lambda (state)
  581. (up
  582. 1
  583. (velocity state)
  584. (acceleration state))))
  585. (let ((acceleration (Lagrangian->acceleration L dissipation-function)))
  586. (lambda (state)
  587. (up
  588. 1
  589. (velocity state)
  590. (acceleration state))))))
  591. #|
  592. (print-expression
  593. ((Lagrangian->state-derivative (L-pendulum 'g 'm 'l)
  594. (Rayleigh-dissipation 'k))
  595. (up 't 'theta 'thetadot)))
  596. (up 1
  597. thetadot
  598. (+ (/ (* -1 g (sin theta)) l)
  599. (/ (* -2 k thetadot) (* (expt l 2) m))))
  600. |#
  601. ;;; Given a Lagrangian, we can make an energy function on (t, Q, Qdot).
  602. (define (Lagrangian->energy L)
  603. (let ((P ((partial 2) L)))
  604. (- (* P velocity) L)))
  605. ;;; On a trajectory there may be power lost (if dissipation)
  606. ;;; The following produces the power lost.
  607. (define* ((Lagrangian->power-loss L) q)
  608. (D (compose (Lagrangian->energy L)
  609. (Gamma q))))
  610. #|
  611. ;;; Alternatively
  612. (define ((Lagrangian->power-loss L) q)
  613. (- (* ((Lagrange-equations L) q) (D q))
  614. (compose ((partial 0) L)
  615. (Gamma q))))
  616. |#
  617. #|
  618. ;;; For example, on a specified trajectory, we can compute the energy,
  619. ;;; which turns out to be T+V.
  620. (show-expression
  621. ((compose
  622. (Lagrangian->energy (L-central-polar 'm (literal-function 'U)))
  623. (Gamma
  624. (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'r) (literal-function 'phi))))
  625. 't))
  626. (+ (* 1/2 m (expt (r t) 2) (expt ((D phi) t) 2))
  627. (* 1/2 m (expt ((D r) t) 2))
  628. (U (r t)))
  629. ;;; In fact, we can see how the energy is conserved:
  630. (show-expression
  631. (((Lagrangian->power-loss (L-central-polar 'm (literal-function 'U)))
  632. (coordinate-tuple (literal-function 'r) (literal-function 'phi)))
  633. 't))
  634. (+ (* m (((expt D 2) phi) t) ((D phi) t) (expt (r t) 2))
  635. (* m (expt ((D phi) t) 2) (r t) ((D r) t))
  636. (* m (((expt D 2) r) t) ((D r) t))
  637. (* ((D U) (r t)) ((D r) t)))
  638. ;;; This last expression is (nontrivially!) zero on any trajectory
  639. ;;; which satisfies Lagrange's equations.
  640. |#
  641. #|
  642. ;;; Note, this can be implemented in terms of T-CURVILINEAR.
  643. (define ((T3-spherical m) local)
  644. (let ((t (time local))
  645. (q (coordinate local))
  646. (qdot (velocity local)))
  647. (let ((r (ref q 0))
  648. (theta (ref q 1))
  649. (phi (ref q 2))
  650. (rdot (ref qdot 0))
  651. (thetadot (ref qdot 1))
  652. (phidot (ref qdot 2)))
  653. (* 1/2 m
  654. (+ (square rdot)
  655. (square (* r thetadot))
  656. (square (* r (sin theta) phidot)))))))
  657. (define (L3-central m Vr)
  658. (define (Vs local)
  659. (let ((r (ref (coordinate local) 0)))
  660. (Vr r)))
  661. (- (T3-spherical m) Vs))
  662. (show-expression
  663. (((partial 1) (L3-central 'm (literal-function 'V)))
  664. (->local 't
  665. (coordinate-tuple 'r 'theta 'phi)
  666. (velocity-tuple 'rdot 'thetadot 'phidot))))
  667. (down
  668. (+ (* m r (expt phidot 2) (expt (sin theta) 2))
  669. (* m r (expt thetadot 2))
  670. (* -1 ((D V) r)))
  671. (* m (expt r 2) (expt phidot 2) (cos theta) (sin theta))
  672. 0)
  673. (show-expression
  674. (((partial 2) (L3-central 'm (literal-function 'V)))
  675. (->local 't
  676. (coordinate-tuple 'r 'theta 'phi)
  677. (velocity-tuple 'rdot 'thetadot 'phidot))))
  678. (down (* m rdot)
  679. (* m (expt r 2) thetadot)
  680. (* m (expt r 2) phidot (expt (sin theta) 2)))
  681. |#