matrices.scm 28 KB

  1. #| -*-Scheme-*-
  2. Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
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  5. Institute of Technology
  6. This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
  7. MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  8. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  9. the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
  10. your option) any later version.
  11. MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  12. WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. General Public License for more details.
  15. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  16. along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
  17. Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
  18. USA.
  19. |#
  20. ;;;; Matrices
  21. (declare (usual-integrations))
  22. (define (m:type m) matrix-type-tag)
  23. (define (m:type-predicate m) matrix-quantity?)
  24. ;;; The matrix type is a structural type, providing a means of
  25. ;;; combining other objects. In this system an explicit matrix is a
  26. ;;; tagged array. An array is represented as a scheme vector of rows,
  27. ;;; where each row is a scheme vector of elements.
  28. #|
  29. (*matrix* (nrows . ncols)
  30. #( #( a11 a12 ...)
  31. #( a21 a22 ...)
  32. ...))
  33. |#
  34. (define (tag-matrix nrows ncols array)
  35. (list matrix-type-tag (cons nrows ncols) array))
  36. (define (m:num-rows matrix)
  37. (caadr matrix))
  38. (define (m:num-cols matrix)
  39. (cdadr matrix))
  40. (define (matrix->array matrix)
  41. (caddr matrix))
  42. (define (array->matrix array)
  43. (assert (and (vector? array) (vector-forall vector? array))
  44. "Not an array -- ARRAY->MATRIX" array)
  45. (let ((nrows (num-rows array)) (ncols (num-cols array)))
  46. (assert
  47. (vector-forall (lambda (row) (fix:= (vector-length row) ncols))
  48. array)
  49. "Not all rows have same length -- ARRAY->MATRIX" array)
  50. (tag-matrix nrows ncols array)))
  51. (define (m:dimension mat)
  52. (assert (matrix? mat) "Not a matrix -- DIMENSION" mat)
  53. (let ((d (m:num-rows mat)))
  54. (assert (fix:= d (m:num-cols mat))
  55. "Not a square matrix -- DIMENSION" mat)
  56. d))
  57. (define (matrix-size mat)
  58. (assert (matrix? mat) "Not a matrix -- SIZE" mat)
  59. (fix:* (m:num-rows mat) (m:num-cols mat)))
  60. ;;; Single columns or rows are often important.
  61. (define (column-matrix? m)
  62. (and (matrix? m)
  63. (fix:= (m:num-cols m) 1)))
  64. (define (row-matrix? m)
  65. (and (matrix? m)
  66. (fix:= (m:num-rows m) 1)))
  67. ;;; Sometimes Scheme vectors need to be coerced to matrices
  68. (define (vector->row-matrix v)
  69. (assert (vector? v))
  70. (tag-matrix 1 (vector-length v) (vector v)))
  71. ;;; FBE start: move assertion
  72. (define (vector->column-matrix v)
  73. ;; (assert (vector? v))
  74. (define (vector->column-array v)
  75. (make-initialized-vector (vector-length v)
  76. (lambda (i)
  77. (vector (vector-ref v i)))))
  78. (assert (vector? v))
  79. (tag-matrix (vector-length v) 1 (vector->column-array v)))
  80. (define (row-matrix . args)
  81. (vector->row-matrix (apply vector args)))
  82. (define (column-matrix . args)
  83. (vector->column-matrix (apply vector args)))
  84. ;;; We may need to extract a scheme vector from a matrix
  85. (define (column-matrix->vector m)
  86. (assert (column-matrix? m))
  87. (nth-col (matrix->array m) 0))
  88. (define (row-matrix->vector m)
  89. (assert (row-matrix? m))
  90. (nth-row (matrix->array m) 0))
  91. (define (m:nth-row m n)
  92. (nth-row (matrix->array m) n))
  93. (define (m:nth-col m n)
  94. (nth-col (matrix->array m) n))
  95. (define (m:diagonal m)
  96. (let ((rows (m:dimension m)))
  97. (make-initialized-vector rows
  98. (lambda (i) (matrix-ref m i i)))))
  99. (define (literal-matrix name nrows ncols)
  100. (m:generate nrows ncols
  101. (lambda (i j)
  102. (string->symbol
  103. (string-append (symbol->string name)
  104. "^"
  105. (number->string i)
  106. "_"
  107. (number->string j))))))
  108. #|
  109. (literal-matrix 'A 2 3)
  110. #|
  111. (matrix-by-rows (list A^0_0 A^0_1 A^0_2)
  112. (list A^1_0 A^1_1 A^1_2))
  113. |#
  114. |#
  115. (define (literal-column-matrix name nrows)
  116. (m:generate nrows 1
  117. (lambda (i j)
  118. (string->symbol
  119. (string-append (symbol->string name)
  120. "^"
  121. (number->string i))))))
  122. (define (literal-row-matrix name ncols)
  123. (m:generate 1 ncols
  124. (lambda (i j)
  125. (string->symbol
  126. (string-append (symbol->string name)
  127. "_"
  128. (number->string j))))))
  129. ;;; We need to be able to enter matrices easily, in a variety of
  130. ;;; ways.
  131. (define (up->column-matrix v)
  132. (assert (up? v))
  133. (vector->column-matrix (up->vector v)))
  134. (define (column-matrix->up m)
  135. (assert (column-matrix? m))
  136. (vector->up (nth-col (matrix->array m) 0)))
  137. (define (down->row-matrix v)
  138. (assert (down? v))
  139. (vector->row-matrix (down->vector v)))
  140. (define (row-matrix->down m)
  141. (assert (row-matrix? m))
  142. (vector->down (nth-row (matrix->array m) 0)))
  143. (define (matrix-by-rows . rows)
  144. (matrix-by-row-list rows))
  145. (define (matrix-by-row-list rows)
  146. (assert (and (not (null? rows)) (list? (car rows))))
  147. (let ((nrows (length rows)))
  148. (let ((ncols (length (car rows))))
  149. (assert (for-all? (cdr rows)
  150. (lambda (row)
  151. (and (list? row) (fix:= ncols (length row))))))
  152. (m:generate nrows ncols
  153. (lambda (i j)
  154. (list-ref (list-ref rows i) j))))))
  155. (define (matrix-by-cols . cols)
  156. (matrix-by-col-list cols))
  157. (define (matrix-by-col-list cols)
  158. (assert (and (not (null? cols)) (list (car cols))))
  159. (let ((ncols (length cols)))
  160. (let ((nrows (length (car cols))))
  161. (assert (for-all? (cdr cols)
  162. (lambda (col)
  163. (and (list? col) (fix:= nrows (length col))))))
  164. (m:generate nrows ncols
  165. (lambda (i j)
  166. (list-ref (list-ref cols j) i))))))
  167. ;;; Sometimes we need to make a modified matrix
  168. (define (matrix-with-substituted-row A i V)
  169. (tag-matrix (m:num-rows A) (m:num-cols A)
  170. (vector-with-substituted-coord (matrix->array A) i V)))
  171. (define (matrix-ref m i j)
  172. (vector-ref (vector-ref (matrix->array m) i) j))
  173. (define m:ref matrix-ref)
  174. (define (m:generate nrows ncols proc)
  175. (tag-matrix nrows ncols (generate-array nrows ncols proc)))
  176. (define matrix:generate m:generate)
  177. (define (m:transpose m)
  178. (m:generate (m:num-cols m) (m:num-rows m)
  179. (lambda (i j) (matrix-ref m j i))))
  180. (define* ((m:elementwise f) . matrices)
  181. (assert (and (not (null? matrices))
  182. (for-all? matrices matrix?)))
  183. (let ((nrows (m:num-rows (car matrices)))
  184. (ncols (m:num-cols (car matrices))))
  185. (assert (for-all? (cdr matrices)
  186. (lambda (m)
  187. (and (fix:= (m:num-rows m) nrows)
  188. (fix:= (m:num-cols m) ncols)))))
  189. (m:generate nrows ncols
  190. (lambda (i j)
  191. (g:apply f
  192. (map (lambda (m)
  193. (matrix-ref m i j))
  194. matrices))))))
  195. (define matrix:elementwise m:elementwise)
  196. ;;; Submatrices are often used -- here we extract one
  197. (define (m:submatrix A lowrow hirow+1 lowcol hicol+1)
  198. (m:generate (fix:- hirow+1 lowrow) (fix:- hicol+1 lowcol)
  199. (lambda (i j)
  200. (matrix-ref A (fix:+ i lowrow) (fix:+ j lowcol)))))
  201. ;;; A minor is a submatrix obtained from a given matrix
  202. ;;; by dropping a given row and column.
  203. (define (m:minor m i j)
  204. (m:generate (fix:- (m:num-rows m) 1)
  205. (fix:- (m:num-cols m) 1)
  206. (lambda (a b)
  207. (matrix-ref m
  208. (if (fix:< a i)
  209. a
  210. (fix:+ a 1))
  211. (if (fix:< b j)
  212. b
  213. (fix:+ b 1))))))
  214. (define (m:zero? matrix)
  215. (assert (matrix? matrix) "Not a matrix -- ZERO?" matrix)
  216. (let ((m (m:num-rows matrix))
  217. (n (m:num-cols matrix))
  218. (mat (matrix->array matrix)))
  219. (let rowlp ((i 0))
  220. (if (fix:= i m)
  221. #t
  222. (let collp ((j 0))
  223. (if (fix:= j n)
  224. (rowlp (fix:+ i 1))
  225. (if (g:zero? (array-ref mat i j))
  226. (collp (fix:+ j 1))
  227. #f)))))))
  228. (define* (m:make-zero n #:optional m)
  229. (let ((m (if (default-object? m) n m)))
  230. (m:generate n m (lambda (i j) :zero))))
  231. (define (m:zero-like m)
  232. (let ((z (g:zero-like (matrix-ref m 0 0))))
  233. (m:generate (m:num-rows m) (m:num-cols m)
  234. (lambda (i j) z))))
  235. (define (m:make-identity n)
  236. (m:generate n n
  237. (lambda (i j)
  238. (if (fix:= i j) :one :zero))))
  239. (define (m:identity? matrix)
  240. (assert (matrix? matrix)
  241. "Not a matrix -- IDENTITY?" matrix)
  242. (let ((dim (m:num-rows matrix))
  243. (mat (matrix->array matrix)))
  244. (and (fix:= dim (m:num-cols matrix))
  245. (let rowlp ((i 0))
  246. (if (fix:= i dim)
  247. #t
  248. (let collp ((j 0))
  249. (if (fix:= j dim)
  250. (rowlp (fix:+ i 1))
  251. (if (fix:= i j)
  252. (if (g:one? (array-ref mat i j))
  253. (collp (fix:+ j 1))
  254. #f)
  255. (if (g:zero? (array-ref mat i j))
  256. (collp (fix:+ j 1))
  257. #f)))))))))
  258. (define (m:one-like m)
  259. (m:make-identity (m:dimension m)))
  260. (define (m:identity-like m)
  261. (m:make-identity (m:dimension m)))
  262. (define (m:make-diagonal diag)
  263. ;; From a scheme vector DIAG.
  264. (let ((n (vector-length diag)))
  265. (m:generate n n
  266. (lambda (i j)
  267. (if (fix:= i j)
  268. (vector-ref diag i)
  269. :zero)))))
  270. (define (diagonal? matrix)
  271. (assert (matrix? matrix) "Not a matrix -- DIAGONAL?" matrix)
  272. (let ((dim (m:num-rows matrix))
  273. (mat (matrix->array matrix)))
  274. (and (fix:= dim (m:num-cols matrix))
  275. (let rowlp ((i 0))
  276. (if (fix:= i dim)
  277. #t
  278. (let collp ((j 0))
  279. (if (fix:= j dim)
  280. (rowlp (fix:+ i 1))
  281. (if (fix:= i j)
  282. (collp (fix:+ j 1))
  283. (if (g:zero? (array-ref mat i j))
  284. (collp (fix:+ j 1))
  285. #f)))))))))
  286. (define (matrix=matrix m1 m2)
  287. (assert (and (matrix? m1) (matrix? m2)))
  288. (and (fix:= (m:num-rows m1) (m:num-rows m2))
  289. (fix:= (m:num-cols m1) (m:num-cols m2))
  290. (vector-forall
  291. (lambda (row1 row2)
  292. (vector-forall g:= row1 row2))
  293. (matrix->array m1) (matrix->array m2))))
  294. (define (matrix-binary-componentwise binop matrix1 matrix2)
  295. (assert (and (matrix? matrix1) (matrix? matrix2))
  296. "Not a matrix -- addition" (list binop matrix1 matrix2))
  297. (let ((nrows (m:num-rows matrix1))
  298. (ncols (m:num-cols matrix1))
  299. (m1 (matrix->array matrix1))
  300. (m2 (matrix->array matrix2)))
  301. (assert (and (fix:= nrows (m:num-rows matrix2))
  302. (fix:= ncols (m:num-cols matrix2)))
  303. "Matrices of unequal size -- addition"
  304. (list binop matrix1 matrix2))
  305. (tag-matrix nrows ncols
  306. (make-initialized-vector nrows
  307. (lambda (i)
  308. (let ((m1row (vector-ref m1 i))
  309. (m2row (vector-ref m2 i)))
  310. (make-initialized-vector ncols
  311. (lambda (j)
  312. (binop (vector-ref m1row j)
  313. (vector-ref m2row j))))))))))
  314. (define (matrix+matrix matrix1 matrix2)
  315. (matrix-binary-componentwise g:+ matrix1 matrix2))
  316. (define (matrix-matrix matrix1 matrix2)
  317. (matrix-binary-componentwise g:- matrix1 matrix2))
  318. (define (matrix*matrix matrix1 matrix2)
  319. (assert (and (matrix? matrix1) (matrix? matrix2))
  320. "Not a matrix -- *" (list matrix1 matrix2))
  321. (let ((m1r (m:num-rows matrix1))
  322. (m1c (m:num-cols matrix1))
  323. (m2r (m:num-rows matrix2))
  324. (m2c (m:num-cols matrix2))
  325. (m1 (matrix->array matrix1))
  326. (m2 (matrix->array matrix2)))
  327. (assert (fix:= m1c m2r)
  328. "Matrix sizes do not match -- MATRIX*MATRIX"
  329. (list m1 m2))
  330. (let ((m1cm1 (fix:- m1c 1)))
  331. (m:generate m1r m2c
  332. (lambda (i j)
  333. (let ((r1i (vector-ref m1 i)))
  334. (g:sigma (lambda (k)
  335. (g:* (vector-ref r1i k)
  336. (array-ref m2 k j)))
  337. 0
  338. m1cm1)))))))
  339. (define (m:square a)
  340. (matrix*matrix a a))
  341. (define (m:expt M n)
  342. (assert (matrix? M) "Not a matrix -- EXPT")
  343. (cond ((or (not (integer? n)) (inexact? n))
  344. (error "Only integer powers allowed -- M:EXPT"))
  345. ((fix:< n 0)
  346. (m:expt (m:invert M) (fix:- 0 n)))
  347. ((fix:zero? n)
  348. (m:make-identity (m:num-rows M)))
  349. (else
  350. (let loop ((count n))
  351. (cond ((fix:= count 1) M)
  352. ((even? count)
  353. (let ((a (loop (fix:quotient count 2))))
  354. (matrix*matrix a a)))
  355. (else
  356. (matrix*matrix M
  357. (loop (fix:- count 1)))))))))
  358. (define (matrix*scalar matrix k)
  359. (assert (and (matrix? matrix) (scalar? k))
  360. "Not matrix*scalar" (list matrix k))
  361. (let ((m (matrix->array matrix)))
  362. (m:generate (m:num-rows matrix) (m:num-cols matrix)
  363. (lambda (i j) (g:* (array-ref m i j) k)))))
  364. (define (scalar*matrix k matrix)
  365. (assert (and (matrix? matrix) (scalar? k))
  366. "Not matrix*scalar" (list matrix k))
  367. (let ((m (matrix->array matrix)))
  368. (m:generate (m:num-rows matrix) (m:num-cols matrix)
  369. (lambda (i j) (g:* k (array-ref m i j))))))
  370. (define (m:scale k)
  371. (lambda (m) (scalar*matrix k m)))
  372. (define (m:outer-product v1 v2)
  373. (assert (and (column-matrix? v1) (row-matrix? v2)))
  374. (matrix*matrix v1 v2))
  375. (define (m:inner-product v1 v2)
  376. (assert (and (row-matrix? v1) (column-matrix? v2)))
  377. (matrix-ref (matrix*matrix v1 v2) 0 0))
  378. (define (matrix/matrix m1 m2)
  379. (matrix*matrix m1 (m:invert m2)))
  380. ;;; Cleaning up some useful hacks
  381. (define (matrix*up m v)
  382. (column-matrix->up
  383. (matrix*matrix m
  384. (up->column-matrix v))))
  385. (define (down*matrix v m)
  386. (row-matrix->down
  387. (matrix*matrix (down->row-matrix v)
  388. m)))
  389. #| ;;; Unnecessary, since up tuples are vectors
  390. (define (matrix*vector m v)
  391. (column-matrix->vector
  392. (matrix*matrix m
  393. (vector->column-matrix v))))
  394. |#
  395. (define (matrix*vector m v) (matrix*up m v))
  396. ;;; Dangerous, should not be generic.
  397. (define (vector*matrix v m)
  398. (row-matrix->vector
  399. (matrix*matrix (vector->row-matrix v)
  400. m)))
  401. (define (matrix/scalar m k)
  402. (matrix*scalar m (g:invert k)))
  403. (define (scalar/matrix k m)
  404. (scalar*matrix k (m:invert m)))
  405. (define (matrix=scalar m c)
  406. (matrix=matrix m
  407. (scalar*matrix c
  408. (m:make-identity (m:num-rows m)))))
  409. (define (scalar=matrix c m)
  410. (matrix=matrix (scalar*matrix c
  411. (m:make-identity (m:num-rows m)))
  412. m))
  413. (define (matrix+scalar m c)
  414. (matrix+matrix m
  415. (scalar*matrix c
  416. (m:make-identity (m:num-rows m)))))
  417. (define (scalar+matrix c m)
  418. (matrix+matrix (scalar*matrix c
  419. (m:make-identity (m:num-rows m)))
  420. m))
  421. (define (matrix-scalar m c)
  422. (matrix-matrix m
  423. (scalar*matrix c
  424. (m:make-identity (m:num-rows m)))))
  425. (define (scalar-matrix c m)
  426. (matrix-matrix (scalar*matrix c
  427. (m:make-identity (m:num-rows m)))
  428. m))
  429. (define (m:trace matrix)
  430. (assert (matrix? matrix) "Not a matrix -- TRACE")
  431. (let ((rows (m:num-rows matrix))
  432. (m (matrix->array matrix)))
  433. (assert (fix:= rows (m:num-cols matrix))
  434. "Not a square matrix -- TRACE" matrix)
  435. (g:sigma (lambda (j) (array-ref m j j))
  436. 0
  437. (fix:- rows 1))))
  438. (define (m:conjugate mat)
  439. ((m:elementwise g:conjugate) mat))
  440. (define (m:negate mat)
  441. ((m:elementwise g:negate) mat))
  442. (define (m:dot-product-row r1 r2)
  443. (v:dot-product (row-matrix->vector r1)
  444. (row-matrix->vector r2)))
  445. (define (m:dot-product-column c1 c2)
  446. (v:dot-product (column-matrix->vector c1)
  447. (column-matrix->vector c2)))
  448. (define (m:cross-product-row r1 r2)
  449. (vector->row-matrix
  450. (v:cross-product (row-matrix->vector r1)
  451. (row-matrix->vector r2))))
  452. (define (m:cross-product-column c1 c2)
  453. (vector->column-matrix
  454. (v:cross-product (column-matrix->vector c1)
  455. (column-matrix->vector c2))))
  456. (define (m:exp mat)
  457. (series:value exp-series (list mat)))
  458. (define (m:sin mat)
  459. (series:value sin-series (list mat)))
  460. (define (m:cos mat)
  461. (series:value cos-series (list mat)))
  462. ;;; Kleanthes Konaris determinant routine, slightly edited by GJS
  463. ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------
  464. ;;; (iota 4) --> (0 1 2 3), as in APL.
  465. (define (general-determinant add sub mul easy-zero?)
  466. (let ((zero (add)))
  467. (define (det m)
  468. (let ((cache '()))
  469. (define (c-det row active-column-list)
  470. (if (null? (cdr active-column-list)) ;one active column
  471. (matrix-ref m row (car active-column-list))
  472. (let ((value
  473. (assoc (list row active-column-list) cache)))
  474. (if value
  475. (cadr value) ; cache hit!
  476. (let loop ; cache miss!
  477. ((index 0)
  478. (remaining-columns active-column-list)
  479. (answer zero))
  480. (if (null? remaining-columns)
  481. (begin (set! cache
  482. (cons (list (list row
  483. active-column-list)
  484. answer)
  485. cache))
  486. answer)
  487. (let ((term
  488. (matrix-ref m row (car remaining-columns))))
  489. (if (easy-zero? term)
  490. (loop (fix:+ index 1)
  491. (cdr remaining-columns)
  492. answer)
  493. (let ((contrib
  494. (mul term
  495. (c-det (fix:+ row 1)
  496. (delete-nth index
  497. active-column-list)))))
  498. (if (even? index)
  499. (loop (fix:+ index 1)
  500. (cdr remaining-columns)
  501. (add answer contrib))
  502. (loop (fix:+ index 1)
  503. (cdr remaining-columns)
  504. (sub answer contrib))))))))))))
  505. (c-det 0 (iota (m:dimension m)))))
  506. det))
  507. ;;;; Linear equations solved by Cramer's rule.
  508. ;;; Solves an inhomogeneous system of linear equations, A*X=B,
  509. ;;; where the matrix A and the column matrix B are given.
  510. ;;; It returns the column matrix X.
  511. ;;; Unlike LU decomposition, Cramer's rule generalizes to symbolic solutions.
  512. (define (Cramers-rule add sub mul div zero?)
  513. (let ((det (general-determinant add sub mul zero?)))
  514. (define solve
  515. (lambda (A B)
  516. (assert (and (matrix? A)
  517. (column-matrix? B)
  518. (fix:= (m:dimension A) (m:num-rows B))))
  519. (let ((bv (m:nth-col B 0))
  520. (d (det A))
  521. (At (m:transpose A)))
  522. (vector->column-matrix
  523. (make-initialized-vector (vector-length bv)
  524. (lambda (i)
  525. (div (det (matrix-with-substituted-row At i bv))
  526. d)))))))
  527. solve))
  528. ;;; The following implements the classical adjoint formula for the
  529. ;;; inverse of a matrix. This may be useful for symbolic applications.
  530. (define (classical-adjoint-formula zero one add sub mul div zero?)
  531. (let ((det (general-determinant add sub mul zero?)))
  532. (define (matinv A)
  533. (let ((dim (m:dimension A)))
  534. (if (fix:= dim 1)
  535. (m:generate 1 1
  536. (lambda (i j) (div one (matrix-ref A 0 0))))
  537. (let* ((d (det A)) (-d (sub zero d)))
  538. (m:generate dim dim
  539. (lambda (j i)
  540. (if (even? (+ i j))
  541. (div (det (m:minor A i j)) d)
  542. (div (det (m:minor A i j)) -d))))))))
  543. matinv))
  544. (define (easy-zero? x)
  545. (cond ((number? x) (zero? x))
  546. ;; Perhaps some form of easy simplification here?
  547. ;; e.g. substitution of numbers for literals,
  548. ;; and testing for zero result.
  549. (else #f)))
  550. (define matinv-general
  551. (classical-adjoint-formula :zero :one g:+ g:- g:* g:/ easy-zero?))
  552. (define solve-general
  553. (Cramers-rule g:+ g:- g:* g:/ easy-zero?))
  554. (define determinant-general
  555. (general-determinant g:+ g:- g:* easy-zero?))
  556. ;;;LU decomposer, etc, must use correct arithmetic
  557. (define matinv-numerical)
  558. (define solve-numerical)
  559. (define determinant-numerical)
  560. ;;; FBE: make a parameter
  561. (define numerical? (make-parameter #f))
  562. (define (m:invert A)
  563. (if (numerical?) (matinv-numerical A) (matinv-general A)))
  564. (define (m:solve A b)
  565. (if (numerical?) (solve-numerical A b) (solve-general A b)))
  566. (define (m:determinant A)
  567. (if (numerical?) (determinant-numerical A) (determinant-general A)))
  568. (define (m:rsolve b A)
  569. (cond ((up? b)
  570. (column-matrix->up
  571. (m:solve A (up->column-matrix b))))
  572. ((column-matrix? b)
  573. (m:solve A b))
  574. ((down? b)
  575. (row-matrix->down
  576. (m:transpose
  577. (m:solve (m:transpose A)
  578. (m:transpose (down->row-matrix b))))))
  579. ((row-matrix? b)
  580. (m:transpose
  581. (m:solve (m:transpose A)
  582. (m:transpose b))))
  583. (else (error "I don't know how to solve:" b A))))
  584. (define (m:solve-linear A b)
  585. (m:rsolve b A))
  586. (define* (set-numerical! #:optional matinv solve determinant)
  587. (numerical? #t)
  588. (if (not (default-object? matinv)) (set! matinv-numerical matinv))
  589. (if (not (default-object? solve)) (set! solve-numerical solve))
  590. (if (not (default-object? determinant)) (set! determinant-numerical determinant))
  591. 'thank-you)
  592. (define (set-symbolic!)
  593. (numerical? #f)
  594. 'thank-you)
  595. (define (m:apply matrix args)
  596. (m:generate (m:num-rows matrix) (m:num-cols matrix)
  597. (lambda (i j)
  598. (g:apply (matrix-ref matrix i j)
  599. args))))
  600. (define (m:arity mat)
  601. (let ((n (m:num-rows mat)) (m (m:num-cols mat)))
  602. (let rowlp ((i 0) (a *at-least-zero*))
  603. (if (fix:= i n)
  604. a
  605. (let collp ((j 0) (a a))
  606. (if (fix:= j m)
  607. (rowlp (fix:+ i 1) a)
  608. (let ((b
  609. (joint-arity a
  610. (g:arity (matrix-ref mat i j)))))
  611. (if b
  612. (collp (fix:+ j 1) b)
  613. #f))))))))
  614. (define (m:partial-derivative matrix varspecs)
  615. ((m:elementwise
  616. (lambda (f)
  617. (generic:partial-derivative f varspecs)))
  618. matrix))
  619. (define (m:inexact? m)
  620. (vector-exists (lambda (v)
  621. (vector-exists g:inexact? v))
  622. (matrix->array m)))
  623. (define %kernel-matrices-dummy-1
  624. (begin
  625. (assign-operation 'type m:type matrix?)
  626. (assign-operation 'type-predicate m:type-predicate matrix?)
  627. (assign-operation 'arity m:arity matrix?)
  628. (assign-operation 'inexact? m:inexact? matrix?)
  629. (assign-operation 'zero-like m:zero-like matrix?)
  630. (assign-operation 'one-like m:one-like matrix?)
  631. (assign-operation 'identity-like m:identity-like matrix?)
  632. (assign-operation 'zero? m:zero? matrix?)
  633. (assign-operation 'identity? m:identity? matrix?)
  634. (assign-operation 'negate m:negate matrix?)
  635. (assign-operation 'invert m:invert square-matrix?)
  636. (assign-operation 'conjugate m:conjugate matrix?)
  637. (assign-operation 'exp m:exp square-matrix?)
  638. (assign-operation 'sin m:sin square-matrix?)
  639. (assign-operation 'cos m:cos square-matrix?)
  640. (assign-operation '= matrix=matrix matrix? matrix?)
  641. (assign-operation '= matrix=scalar square-matrix? scalar?)
  642. (assign-operation '= scalar=matrix scalar? square-matrix?)
  643. (assign-operation '+ matrix+matrix matrix? matrix?)
  644. (assign-operation '+ matrix+scalar square-matrix? scalar?)
  645. (assign-operation '+ scalar+matrix scalar? square-matrix?)
  646. (assign-operation '- matrix-matrix matrix? matrix?)
  647. (assign-operation '- matrix-scalar square-matrix? scalar?)
  648. (assign-operation '- scalar-matrix scalar? square-matrix?)
  649. (assign-operation '* matrix*matrix matrix? matrix?)
  650. (assign-operation '* matrix*scalar matrix? scalar?)
  651. (assign-operation '* scalar*matrix scalar? matrix?)
  652. (assign-operation '* down*matrix down? matrix?)
  653. (assign-operation '* matrix*up matrix? up?)
  654. (assign-operation '/ matrix/scalar matrix? scalar?)
  655. (assign-operation '/ scalar/matrix scalar? square-matrix?)
  656. (assign-operation '/ m:rsolve column-matrix? square-matrix?)
  657. (assign-operation '/ m:rsolve up? square-matrix?)
  658. (assign-operation '/ m:rsolve down? square-matrix?)
  659. (assign-operation '/ m:rsolve row-matrix? square-matrix?)
  660. (assign-operation '/ matrix/matrix matrix? square-matrix?)
  661. (assign-operation 'dot-product m:dot-product-row row-matrix? row-matrix?)
  662. (assign-operation 'dot-product m:dot-product-column column-matrix? column-matrix?)
  663. (assign-operation 'outer-product m:outer-product column-matrix? row-matrix?)
  664. (assign-operation 'cross-product m:cross-product-row row-matrix? row-matrix?)
  665. (assign-operation 'cross-product m:cross-product-column column-matrix? column-matrix?)
  666. (assign-operation 'expt m:expt square-matrix? exact-integer?)
  667. (assign-operation 'partial-derivative
  668. m:partial-derivative
  669. matrix? any?)
  670. (assign-operation 'apply m:apply matrix? any?)
  671. (assign-operation 'determinant m:determinant square-matrix?)
  672. (assign-operation 'trace m:trace square-matrix?)
  673. (assign-operation 'transpose m:transpose matrix?)
  674. (assign-operation 'dimension m:dimension square-matrix?)
  675. (assign-operation 'dimension m:num-rows column-matrix?)
  676. (assign-operation 'dimension m:num-cols row-matrix?)
  677. (assign-operation 'solve-linear m:solve-linear square-matrix? column-matrix?)
  678. (assign-operation 'solve-linear m:solve-linear square-matrix? up?)
  679. (assign-operation 'solve-linear m:solve-linear square-matrix? row-matrix?)
  680. (assign-operation 'solve-linear m:solve-linear square-matrix? down?)))
  681. ;;; Abstract matrices generalize matrix quantities.
  682. (define (abstract-matrix symbol)
  683. (make-literal abstract-matrix-type-tag symbol))
  684. (define (am:arity v)
  685. ;; Default is matrix of numbers.
  686. (get-property v 'arity *at-least-zero*))
  687. (define (am:zero-like m)
  688. (let ((z (abstract-matrix (list 'zero-like m))))
  689. (add-property! z 'zero #t)
  690. z))
  691. (define (am:one-like m)
  692. (let ((z (abstract-matrix (list 'one-like m))))
  693. (add-property! z 'one #t)
  694. z))
  695. (define (am:id-like m)
  696. (let ((z (abstract-matrix (list 'identity-like m))))
  697. (add-property! z 'one #t)
  698. z))
  699. (define* (make-matrix-combination operator #:optional reverse?)
  700. (if (default-object? reverse?)
  701. (lambda operands
  702. (make-combination abstract-matrix-type-tag
  703. operator operands))
  704. (lambda operands
  705. (make-combination abstract-matrix-type-tag
  706. operator (reverse operands)))))
  707. (define %kernel-matrices-dummy-2
  708. (begin
  709. (assign-operation 'type m:type abstract-matrix?)
  710. (assign-operation 'type-predicate m:type-predicate abstract-matrix?)
  711. (assign-operation 'arity am:arity abstract-matrix?)
  712. (assign-operation 'inexact? (has-property? 'inexact) abstract-matrix?)
  713. (assign-operation 'zero-like am:zero-like abstract-matrix?)
  714. (assign-operation 'zero? (has-property? 'zero) abstract-matrix?)
  715. (assign-operation 'one? (has-property? 'one) abstract-matrix?)
  716. (assign-operation 'identity? (has-property? 'one) abstract-matrix?)
  717. (assign-operation
  718. 'negate (make-matrix-combination 'negate) abstract-matrix?)
  719. (assign-operation
  720. 'invert (make-matrix-combination 'invert) square-abstract-matrix?)
  721. (assign-operation
  722. 'conjugate (make-matrix-combination 'conjugate) abstract-matrix?)
  723. (assign-operation
  724. 'exp (make-matrix-combination 'exp) square-abstract-matrix?)
  725. (assign-operation
  726. 'sin (make-matrix-combination 'sin) square-abstract-matrix?)
  727. (assign-operation
  728. 'cos (make-matrix-combination 'cos) square-abstract-matrix?)
  729. ;(assign-operation
  730. ; '= matrix=matrix abstract-matrix? abstract-matrix?)
  731. (assign-operation
  732. '+ (make-matrix-combination '+) abstract-matrix? abstract-matrix?)
  733. (assign-operation
  734. '+ (make-matrix-combination '+) matrix? abstract-matrix?)
  735. (assign-operation
  736. '+ (make-matrix-combination '+ 'r) abstract-matrix? matrix?)
  737. (assign-operation
  738. '+ (make-matrix-combination '+) scalar? square-abstract-matrix?)
  739. (assign-operation
  740. '+ (make-matrix-combination '+ 'r) square-abstract-matrix? scalar?)
  741. (assign-operation
  742. '- (make-matrix-combination '-) abstract-matrix? abstract-matrix?)
  743. (assign-operation
  744. '- (make-matrix-combination '-) matrix? abstract-matrix?)
  745. (assign-operation
  746. '- (make-matrix-combination '-) abstract-matrix? matrix?)
  747. (assign-operation
  748. '- (make-matrix-combination '-) scalar? square-abstract-matrix?)
  749. (assign-operation
  750. '- (make-matrix-combination '-) square-abstract-matrix? scalar?)
  751. (assign-operation
  752. '* (make-matrix-combination '*) abstract-matrix? abstract-matrix?)
  753. (assign-operation
  754. '* (make-matrix-combination '*) matrix? abstract-matrix?)
  755. (assign-operation
  756. '* (make-matrix-combination '*) abstract-matrix? matrix?)
  757. (assign-operation
  758. '* (make-matrix-combination '*) scalar? abstract-matrix?)
  759. (assign-operation
  760. '* (make-matrix-combination '* 'r) abstract-matrix? scalar?)
  761. (assign-operation
  762. '/ (make-matrix-combination '/) abstract-matrix? square-abstract-matrix?)
  763. (assign-operation
  764. '/ (make-matrix-combination '/) matrix? square-abstract-matrix?)
  765. (assign-operation
  766. '/ (make-matrix-combination '/) abstract-matrix? square-matrix?)
  767. (assign-operation
  768. '/ (make-matrix-combination '/) scalar? square-abstract-matrix?)
  769. (assign-operation
  770. '/ (make-matrix-combination '/) abstract-matrix? scalar?)
  771. (assign-operation
  772. '/ (make-matrix-combination '/) vector-quantity? square-abstract-matrix?)
  773. (assign-operation
  774. 'expt (make-matrix-combination 'expt) square-abstract-matrix? exact-integer?)
  775. (assign-operation
  776. 'partial-derivative
  777. (make-matrix-combination 'partial-derivative)
  778. abstract-matrix? any?)))
  779. ;(assign-operation 'apply m:apply abstract-matrix? any?)