multimin.scm 14 KB

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  19. |#
  20. ;;;; MULTIMIN.SCM -- n-dimensional minimization routines
  21. ;;; 9/22/89 (gjs) reduce->a-reduce
  22. (declare (usual-integrations = + - * /
  23. zero? 1+ -1+
  24. ;; truncate round floor ceiling
  25. sqrt exp log sin cos))
  26. ;;; Nelder-Mead downhill simplex algorithm.
  27. ;;; We have a function, f, defined on points in n-space.
  28. ;;; We are looking for a local minimum of f.
  29. ;;; The central idea -- We have a simplex of n+1 vertices where f is
  30. ;;; known. We want to deform the simplex until it sits on the minimum.
  31. ;;; A simplex is represented as a list of entries, each of which is a
  32. ;;; pair consisting of a vertex and the value of f at that vertex.
  33. (define simplex-size length)
  34. (define simplex-vertex car)
  35. (define simplex-value cdr)
  36. (define simplex-entry cons)
  37. ;;; Simplices are stored in sorted order
  38. (define simplex-highest car)
  39. (define simplex-but-highest cdr)
  40. (define simplex-next-highest cadr)
  41. (define (simplex-lowest s) (car (last-pair s)))
  42. (define (simplex-add-entry entry s)
  43. (let ((fv (simplex-value entry)))
  44. (let loop ((s s))
  45. (cond ((null? s) (list entry))
  46. ((> fv (simplex-value (car s))) (cons entry s))
  47. (else (cons (car s) (loop (cdr s))))))))
  48. (define (simplex-adjoin v fv s)
  49. (simplex-add-entry (simplex-entry v fv) s))
  50. (define (simplex-sort s)
  51. (let lp ((s s) (ans '()))
  52. (if (null? s)
  53. ans
  54. (lp (cdr s) (simplex-add-entry (car s) ans)))))
  55. (define simplex-centroid
  56. (lambda (simplex)
  57. (scalar*vector (/ 1 (simplex-size simplex))
  58. (a-reduce vector+vector
  59. (map simplex-vertex simplex)))))
  60. (define extender
  61. (lambda (p1 p2)
  62. (let ((dp (vector-vector p2 p1)))
  63. (lambda (k)
  64. (vector+vector p1 (scalar*vector k dp))))))
  65. (define (make-simplex point step f)
  66. (simplex-sort
  67. (map (lambda (vertex) (simplex-entry vertex (f vertex)))
  68. (cons point
  69. (let ((n (vector-length point)))
  70. (generate-list n
  71. (lambda (i)
  72. (vector+vector point
  73. (scalar*vector step
  74. (v:make-basis-unit n i))))))))))
  75. (define (stationary? simplex epsilon)
  76. (close-enuf? (simplex-value (simplex-highest simplex))
  77. (simplex-value (simplex-lowest simplex))
  78. epsilon))
  79. (define nelder-wallp? false)
  80. (define (nelder-mead f start-pt start-step epsilon maxiter)
  81. (define shrink-coef 0.5)
  82. (define reflection-coef 2.0)
  83. (define expansion-coef 3.0)
  84. (define contraction-coef-1 1.5)
  85. (define contraction-coef-2 (- 2 contraction-coef-1))
  86. (define (simplex-shrink point simplex)
  87. (let ((pv (simplex-vertex point)))
  88. (simplex-sort
  89. (map (lambda (sp)
  90. (if (eq? point sp)
  91. sp
  92. (let ((vertex ((extender pv (simplex-vertex sp))
  93. shrink-coef)))
  94. (simplex-entry vertex (f vertex)))))
  95. simplex))))
  96. (define (nm-step simplex)
  97. (let ((g (simplex-highest simplex))
  98. (h (simplex-next-highest simplex))
  99. (s (simplex-lowest simplex))
  100. (s-h (simplex-but-highest simplex)))
  101. (let* ((vg (simplex-vertex g)) (fg (simplex-value g))
  102. (fh (simplex-value h)) (fs (simplex-value s))
  103. (extend (extender vg (simplex-centroid s-h))))
  104. (let* ((vr (extend reflection-coef))
  105. (fr (f vr))) ;try reflection
  106. (if (< fr fh) ;reflection successful
  107. (if (< fr fs) ;new minimum
  108. (let* ((ve (extend expansion-coef))
  109. (fe (f ve))) ;try expansion
  110. (if (< fe fs) ;expansion successful
  111. (simplex-adjoin ve fe s-h)
  112. (simplex-adjoin vr fr s-h)))
  113. (simplex-adjoin vr fr s-h))
  114. (let* ((vc (extend (if (< fr fg)
  115. contraction-coef-1
  116. contraction-coef-2)))
  117. (fc (f vc))) ;try contraction
  118. (if (< fc fg) ;contraction successful
  119. (simplex-adjoin vc fc s-h)
  120. (simplex-shrink s simplex))))))))
  121. (define (limit simplex count)
  122. (if nelder-wallp? (write-line (simplex-lowest simplex)))
  123. (if (stationary? simplex epsilon)
  124. (list 'ok (simplex-lowest simplex) count)
  125. (if (fix:= count maxiter)
  126. (list 'maxcount (simplex-lowest simplex) count)
  127. (limit (nm-step simplex) (fix:+ count 1)))))
  128. (limit (make-simplex start-pt start-step f) 0))
  129. ;;;(define (stationary? simplex epsilon)
  130. ;;; (let ((np1 (length simplex)))
  131. ;;; (let* ((mean (/ (a-reduce + (map simplex-value simplex)) np1))
  132. ;;; (variance (/ (a-reduce +
  133. ;;; (map (lambda (e)
  134. ;;; (square (- (simplex-value e) mean)))
  135. ;;; simplex))
  136. ;;; np1)))
  137. ;;; (< variance epsilon))))
  138. ;;; Variable Metric Methods:
  139. ;;; Fletcher-Powell (choice of line search)
  140. ;;; Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (Davidon's line search)
  141. ;;; The following utility procedure returns a gradient function given a
  142. ;;; differentiable function f of a vector of length n. In general, a gradient
  143. ;;; function accepts an n-vector and returns a vector of derivatives. In this
  144. ;;; case, the derivatives are estimated by richardson-extrapolation of a
  145. ;;; central difference quotient, with the convergence tolerance being a
  146. ;;; specified parameter.
  147. (define (generate-gradient-procedure f n tol)
  148. (lambda (x)
  149. (generate-vector
  150. n
  151. (lambda (i)
  152. (richardson-limit
  153. (let ((fi (lambda (t)
  154. (f (vector+vector x
  155. (scalar*vector t
  156. (v:make-basis-unit n i)))))))
  157. (lambda (h) (/ (- (fi h) (fi (- h))) 2 h)))
  158. (max 0.1 (* 0.1 (abs (vector-ref x i)))) ;starting h
  159. 2 ;ord -- see doc for RE.SCM
  160. 2 ;inc
  161. tol)))))
  162. ;;; The following line-minimization procedure is Davidon's original
  163. ;;; recommendation. It does a bracketing search using gradients, and
  164. ;;; then interpolates the straddled minimum with a cubic.
  165. (define (line-min-davidon f g x v est)
  166. (define (t->x t) (vector+vector x (scalar*vector t v)))
  167. (define (linef t) (f (t->x t)))
  168. (define (lineg t) (g (t->x t)))
  169. (define f0 (linef 0))
  170. (define g0 (lineg 0))
  171. (define s0 (/ (- f0 est) -.5 (v:dot-product g0 v)))
  172. (let loop ((t (if (and (positive? s0) (< s0 1)) s0 1))
  173. (iter 0))
  174. (if (> iter 100)
  175. (list 'no-min)
  176. (let ((ft (linef t))
  177. (gt (lineg t)))
  178. (if (or (>= ft f0)
  179. (>= (v:dot-product v gt) 0))
  180. (let* ((vg0 (v:dot-product v g0))
  181. (vgt (v:dot-product v gt))
  182. (z (+ (* 3 (- f0 ft) (/ 1 t)) vg0 vgt))
  183. (w (sqrt (- (* z z) (* vg0 vgt))))
  184. (tstar (* t (- 1 (/ (+ vgt w (- z))
  185. (+ vgt (- vg0) (* 2 w))))))
  186. (fstar (linef tstar)))
  187. (if (< fstar f0)
  188. (list 'ok (t->x tstar) fstar)
  189. (loop tstar (+ iter 1))))
  190. (loop (* t 2) (+ iter 1)))))))
  191. ;;; The following line-minimization procedure is based on Brent's
  192. ;;; algorithm.
  193. (define (line-min-brent f g x v est)
  194. (define (t->x t) (vector+vector x (scalar*vector t v)))
  195. (define (linef t) (f (t->x t)))
  196. (define (lineg t) (g (t->x t)))
  197. (define f0 (linef 0))
  198. (define g0 (lineg 0))
  199. (define s0 (/ (- f0 est) -.5 (v:dot-product g0 v)))
  200. (let loop ((t (if (and (positive? s0) (< s0 1)) s0 1))
  201. (iter 0))
  202. (if (> iter 100)
  203. (list 'no-min)
  204. (let ((ft (linef t))
  205. (gt (lineg t)))
  206. (if (or (>= ft f0)
  207. (>= (v:dot-product v gt) 0))
  208. (let* ((result (brent-min linef 0 t *sqrt-machine-epsilon*))
  209. (tstar (car result))
  210. (fstar (cadr result)))
  211. (list 'ok (t->x tstar) fstar))
  212. (loop (* t 2) (+ iter 1)))))))
  213. ;;; In the following implementation of the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell
  214. ;;; algorithm, f is a function of a single vector argument that returns
  215. ;;; a real value to be minimized, g is the vector-valued gradient and
  216. ;;; x is a (vector) starting point, and est is an estimate of the minimum
  217. ;;; function value. If g is '(), then a numerical approximation is
  218. ;;; substituted using GENERATE-GRADIENT-PROCEDURE. ftol is the convergence
  219. ;;; criterion: the search is stopped when the relative change in f falls
  220. ;;; below ftol.
  221. (define fletcher-powell-wallp? false)
  222. (define (fletcher-powell line-search f g x est ftol maxiter)
  223. (let ((n (vector-length x)))
  224. (if (null? g) (set! g (generate-gradient-procedure
  225. f n (* 1000 *machine-epsilon*))))
  226. (let loop ((H (m:make-identity n))
  227. (x x)
  228. (fx (f x))
  229. (gx (g x))
  230. (count 0))
  231. (if fletcher-powell-wallp? (print (list x fx gx)))
  232. (let ((v (matrix*vector H (scalar*vector -1 gx))))
  233. (if (positive? (v:dot-product v gx))
  234. (begin
  235. (if fletcher-powell-wallp?
  236. (display (list "H reset to Identity at iteration" count)))
  237. (loop (m:make-identity n) x fx gx count))
  238. (let ((r (line-search f g x v est)))
  239. (if (eq? (car r) 'no-min)
  240. (list 'no-min (cons x fx) count)
  241. (let ((newx (cadr r))
  242. (newfx (caddr r)))
  243. (if (close-enuf? newfx fx ftol) ;convergence criterion
  244. (list 'ok (cons newx newfx) count)
  245. (if (fix:= count maxiter)
  246. (list 'maxcount (cons newx newfx) count)
  247. (let* ((newgx (g newx))
  248. (dx (vector-vector newx x))
  249. (dg (vector-vector newgx gx))
  250. (Hdg (matrix*vector H dg))
  251. (A (matrix*scalar
  252. (m:outer-product (vector->column-matrix dx)
  253. (vector->row-matrix dx))
  254. (/ 1 (v:dot-product dx dg))))
  255. (B (matrix*scalar
  256. (m:outer-product (vector->column-matrix Hdg)
  257. (vector->row-matrix Hdg))
  258. (/ -1 (v:dot-product dg Hdg))))
  259. (newH (matrix+matrix H (matrix+matrix A B))))
  260. (loop newH newx newfx newgx (fix:+ count 1)))))))))))))
  261. ;;; The following procedures, DFP and DFP-BRENT, call directly upon
  262. ;;; FLETCHER-POWELL. The first uses Davidon's line search which is
  263. ;;; efficient, and would be the normal choice. The second uses Brent's
  264. ;;; line search, which is less efficient but more reliable.
  265. (define (dfp f g x est ftol maxiter)
  266. (fletcher-powell line-min-davidon f g x est ftol maxiter))
  267. (define (dfp-brent f g x est ftol maxiter)
  268. (fletcher-powell line-min-brent f g x est ftol maxiter))
  269. ;;; The following is a variation on DFP, due (independently, we are told)
  270. ;;; to Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno. It differs in the formula
  271. ;;; used to update H, and is said to be more immune than DFP to imprecise
  272. ;;; line-search. Consequently, it is offered with Davidon's line search
  273. ;;; wired in.
  274. (define bfgs-wallp? false)
  275. (define (bfgs f g x est ftol maxiter)
  276. (let ((n (vector-length x)))
  277. (if (null? g) (set! g (generate-gradient-procedure
  278. f n (* 1000 *machine-epsilon*))))
  279. (let loop ((H (m:make-identity n))
  280. (x x)
  281. (fx (f x))
  282. (gx (g x))
  283. (count 0))
  284. (if bfgs-wallp? (print (list x fx gx)))
  285. (let ((v (matrix*vector H (scalar*vector -1 gx))))
  286. (if (positive? (v:dot-product v gx))
  287. (begin
  288. (if bfgs-wallp?
  289. (display (list "H reset to Identity at iteration" count)))
  290. (loop (m:make-identity n) x fx gx count))
  291. (let ((r (line-min-davidon f g x v est)))
  292. (if (eq? (car r) 'no-min)
  293. (list 'no-min (cons x fx) count)
  294. (let ((newx (cadr r))
  295. (newfx (caddr r)))
  296. (if (close-enuf? newfx fx ftol) ;convergence criterion
  297. (list 'ok (cons newx newfx) count)
  298. (if (fix:= count maxiter)
  299. (list 'maxcount (cons newx newfx) count)
  300. (let* ((newgx (g newx))
  301. (dx (vector-vector newx x))
  302. (dg (vector-vector newgx gx))
  303. (Hdg (matrix*vector H dg))
  304. (dxdg (v:dot-product dx dg))
  305. (dgHdg (v:dot-product dg Hdg))
  306. (u (vector-vector (scalar*vector (/ 1 dxdg) dx)
  307. (scalar*vector (/ 1 dgHdg) Hdg)))
  308. (A (matrix*scalar
  309. (m:outer-product (vector->column-matrix dx)
  310. (vector->row-matrix dx))
  311. (/ 1 dxdg)))
  312. (B (matrix*scalar
  313. (m:outer-product (vector->column-matrix Hdg)
  314. (vector->row-matrix Hdg))
  315. (/ -1 dgHdg)))
  316. (C (matrix*scalar
  317. (m:outer-product (vector->column-matrix u)
  318. (vector->row-matrix u))
  319. dgHdg))
  320. (newH
  321. (matrix+matrix (matrix+matrix H A)
  322. (matrix+matrix B C))))
  323. (loop newH newx newfx newgx (fix:+ count 1)))))))))))))