bessel.scm 15 KB

  1. #| -*-Scheme-*-
  2. Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
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  4. 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Massachusetts
  5. Institute of Technology
  6. This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
  7. MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  8. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  9. the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
  10. your option) any later version.
  11. MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  12. WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. General Public License for more details.
  15. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  16. along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
  17. Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
  18. USA.
  19. |#
  20. ;;;; Bessel functions of integer order.
  21. ;;; This file may be compiled with the Scheme compiler.
  22. ;;; It does not depend upon any other code to work.
  23. (declare (usual-integrations))
  24. #|
  25. ;;; The following three are redundant with nscmutils/kernel/udefs
  26. (define pi/4 (atan 1 1))
  27. (define pi/2 (* 2 pi/4))
  28. (define pi (* 4 pi/4))
  29. |#
  30. (define 2/pi (/ 1 2 pi/4))
  31. (define 3pi/4 (* 3 pi/4))
  32. ;;; Utilities for special functions
  33. (define (round-to-even x)
  34. (let ((xn (inexact->exact (round x))))
  35. (if (odd? xn)
  36. (fix:+ xn 1)
  37. xn)))
  38. (define (poly-by-coeffs->value x . coeffs)
  39. (let lp ((coeffs coeffs))
  40. (if (null? (cdr coeffs))
  41. (car coeffs)
  42. (+ (car coeffs)
  43. (* x
  44. (lp (cdr coeffs)))))))
  45. ;;; From John F. Hart,, Computer Approximations, QA297.C64 1968
  46. ;;; These are all good to at least 15 digits.
  47. (define (bessj0 x)
  48. (let ((ax (magnitude x)))
  49. (if (< ax 8.0)
  50. (let ((y (* x x))) ;Jzero 5845
  51. (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  52. +.1859623176218978035283999449e+18
  53. -.4414582939181598183458448718e+17
  54. +.2334489171877869744571586698e+16
  55. -.4776555944267358775465713161e+14
  56. +.4621722250317180263694186830e+12
  57. -.2271490439553603267422190396e+10
  58. +.5513584564770752154116759317e+7
  59. -.5292617130384557364907747176e+4)
  60. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  61. +.1859623176218977331294574009e+18
  62. +.2344750013658996756881142774e+16
  63. +.1501546244976975197238575580e+14
  64. +.6439867453513325627846468877e+11
  65. +.2042514835213435736159365899e+9
  66. +.4940307949181397241772754336e+6
  67. +.8847203675617550401186701293e+3
  68. +.1e+1)))
  69. (let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))
  70. (y (* z z))
  71. (xx (- ax pi/4))
  72. (p0 ;Pzero 6546
  73. (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  74. +.8554822541506661710252074e+4
  75. +.8894437532960619440762804e+4
  76. +.2204501043965180428995069e+4
  77. +.1286775857487141932988510e+3
  78. +.9004793474802880316384000e+0)
  79. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  80. +.8554822541506662842462151e+4
  81. +.8903836141709595355210343e+4
  82. +.2214048851914710419825683e+4
  83. +.1308849004999238828351090e+3
  84. +.1e+1)))
  85. (q0 ;Qzero 6946
  86. (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  87. -.37510534954957111594836e+2
  88. -.46093826814625174976377e+2
  89. -.13990976865960680088016e+2
  90. -.10497327982345548331260e+1
  91. -.93525953294031893049e-2)
  92. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  93. +.2400674237117267479318819e+4
  94. +.2971983745208491990065486e+4
  95. +.921566975526530895082307e+3
  96. +.74428389741411178824152e+2
  97. +.1e1))))
  98. (* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
  99. (- (* (cos xx) p0)
  100. (* z (sin xx) q0)))))))
  101. (define (bessj1 x)
  102. (let ((ax (magnitude x)))
  103. (if (< ax 8.0) ;Jone 6045
  104. (let ((y (* x x)))
  105. (/ (* x
  106. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  107. +.695364226329838502166085207e+8
  108. -.8356785487348914291918495672e+7
  109. +.3209027468853947029888682298e+6
  110. -.58787877666568200462723094e+4
  111. +.6121876997356943874446879769e+2
  112. -.3983107983952332023421699105e+0
  113. +.1705769264349617107854016566e-2
  114. -.4910599276555129440130592573e-5
  115. +.9382193365140744507653268479e-8
  116. -.1107352224453730633782671362e-10
  117. +.63194310317443161294700346e-14))
  118. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  119. +.139072845265967685120764336e+9
  120. +.6705346835482299302199750802e+6
  121. +.1284593453966301898121332163e+4
  122. +.1e+1)))
  123. (let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))
  124. (y (* z z))
  125. (xx (- ax 3pi/4))
  126. (p1 ;Pone 6747
  127. (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  128. +.1290918471896188077350689e+5
  129. +.1309042051103506486292571e+5
  130. +.313275295635506951011069e+4
  131. +.17431379748379024599685e+3
  132. +.122850537643590432633e+1)
  133. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  134. +.1290918471896187879332737e+5
  135. +.1306678308784402036110575e+5
  136. +.310928141677002883350924e+4
  137. +.16904721775008609992033e+3
  138. +.1e+1)))
  139. (q1 ;Qone 7147
  140. (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  141. ;+.14465282874995208675225e+3 ;This line or the next is in error
  142. +.14465282874995208765225e+3
  143. +.1744291689092425885102e+3
  144. +.5173653281836591636536e+2
  145. +.379944537969806734901e+1
  146. +.36363466476034710809e-1)
  147. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  148. +.308592701333231723110639e+4
  149. +.373434010601630179517765e+4
  150. +.11191098527047487025919e+4
  151. +.8522392064341340397334e+2
  152. +.1e+1)))
  153. (ans
  154. (* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
  155. (- (* (cos xx) p1)
  156. (* z (sin xx) q1)))))
  157. (if (< x 0.0)
  158. (- ans)
  159. ans)))))
  160. ;;; Although this is implemented with the usual recurrences, it is
  161. ;;; very subtle.
  162. (define (bessj n x)
  163. (let ((acc 40) (bigno 1.0e10) (bigni 1.0e-10))
  164. (cond ((fix:= n 0) (bessj0 x))
  165. ((fix:= n 1) (bessj1 x))
  166. ((= x 0.0) 0.0)
  167. ((< x 0.0)
  168. (if (even? n) (bessj n (- x)) (- (bessj n (- x)))))
  169. ((fix:< n 0)
  170. (if (even? n) (bessj (- n) x) (- (bessj (- n) x))))
  171. (else
  172. (let* ((ax (magnitude x)) (tox (/ 2.0 ax)))
  173. (if (> ax n)
  174. (let lp ((j 1) (bjm (bessj0 ax)) (bj (bessj1 ax)))
  175. (if (fix:= j n)
  176. (if (and (< x 0.0) (odd? n)) (- bj) bj)
  177. (lp (fix:+ j 1)
  178. bj
  179. (- (* j tox bj) bjm))))
  180. (let ((m (round-to-even (+ n (sqrt (* acc n)))))
  181. (bj 1.0) (bjp 0.0) (ans 0.0) (sum 0.0))
  182. (let lp ((j m))
  183. (if (fix:= j 0)
  184. (let ((ans (/ ans (- (* 2.0 sum) bj))))
  185. (if (and (< x 0.0) (odd? n)) (- ans) ans))
  186. (let ((bjm (- (* j tox bj) bjp)))
  187. (set! bjp bj)
  188. (set! bj bjm)
  189. (if (> (magnitude bj) bigno)
  190. (begin (set! bj (* bj bigni))
  191. (set! bjp (* bjp bigni))
  192. (set! ans (* ans bigni))
  193. (set! sum (* sum bigni))))
  194. (if (odd? j)
  195. (set! sum (+ sum bj)))
  196. (if (fix:= j n)
  197. (set! ans bjp))
  198. (lp (fix:- j 1))))))))))))
  199. #|
  200. ;;; Assymptotic formulae, for testing:
  201. (define (fact n)
  202. (if (< n 2)
  203. 1
  204. (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
  205. (define (bessj:0<x<<n n x)
  206. (/ (expt (/ x 2) n) (fact n)))
  207. (define (bessj:n<<x n x)
  208. (* (sqrt (/ 2 pi x))
  209. (cos (- x (* pi/2 n) pi/4))))
  210. |#
  211. (define (bessy0 x)
  212. (let ((ax (magnitude x)))
  213. (if (< ax 8.0)
  214. (let* ((y (* x x)) ;Yzero 6243
  215. (r0
  216. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  217. -.122848349966864707119444888e+8 ;p00
  218. +.2950673961329634647867906439e+8 ;p01
  219. -.2540763578168434015208700066e+7 ;p02
  220. +.7768806299511773765193176993e+5 ;p03
  221. -.1193299661108745921129349868e+4 ;p04
  222. +.10753556131901778914962135e+2 ;p05
  223. -.6186687126256085875960782886e-1 ;p06
  224. +.2379830688791742855598085169e-3 ;p07
  225. -.6227852796374134180786140767e-6 ;p08
  226. +.1091804574277522610752537393e-8 ;p09
  227. -.119120749069566983004259626e-11 ;p10
  228. +.6321369945552678896098605e-15 ;p11
  229. ))
  230. (s0
  231. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  232. +.1664514914558198835968659363e+9 ;q00
  233. +.75939734950276133884153062e+6 ;q01
  234. +.137072109013171838997378226e+4 ;q02
  235. +1.0 ;q03
  236. )))
  237. (+ (/ r0 s0)
  238. (* 2/pi (bessj0 x) (log x))))
  239. (let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))
  240. (y (* z z))
  241. (xx (- ax pi/4))
  242. (p0 ;Pzero 6546
  243. (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  244. +.8554822541506661710252074e+4
  245. +.8894437532960619440762804e+4
  246. +.2204501043965180428995069e+4
  247. +.1286775857487141932988510e+3
  248. +.9004793474802880316384000e+0)
  249. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  250. +.8554822541506662842462151e+4
  251. +.8903836141709595355210343e+4
  252. +.2214048851914710419825683e+4
  253. +.1308849004999238828351090e+3
  254. +.1e+1)))
  255. (q0 ;Qzero 6946
  256. (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  257. -.37510534954957111594836e+2
  258. -.46093826814625174976377e+2
  259. -.13990976865960680088016e+2
  260. -.10497327982345548331260e+1
  261. -.93525953294031893049e-2)
  262. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  263. +.2400674237117267479318819e+4
  264. +.2971983745208491990065486e+4
  265. +.921566975526530895082307e+3
  266. +.74428389741411178824152e+2
  267. +.1e1))))
  268. (* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
  269. (+ (* (sin xx) p0)
  270. (* z (cos xx) q0)))))))
  271. (define (bessy1 x)
  272. (let ((ax (magnitude x)))
  273. (if (< ax 8.0)
  274. (let* ((y (* x x)) ;Yone 6442
  275. (r0
  276. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  277. -.2493247725431151099221863985e+8 ;p00
  278. +.678814979608784027013965029e+7 ;p01
  279. -.3418758685257648961162234201e+6 ;p02
  280. +.731876663732252704384675659e+4 ;p03
  281. -.8477929772037826827977473917e+2 ;p04
  282. +.5973109455969101918912869725e+0 ;p05
  283. -.2723714918114737334647812804e-2 ;p06
  284. +.8253358475754237969740284405e-5 ;p07
  285. -.1645797675540583390670878295e-7 ;p08
  286. +.2013974632712911344982964612e-10 ;p09
  287. -.118503924369772697029706524e-13 ;p10
  288. ))
  289. (s0
  290. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  291. +.1271694748306711445338693265e+9 ;q00
  292. +.6291245810783959009675422035e+6 ;q01
  293. +.1241151964683171602676430057e+4 ;q02
  294. +1.0 ;q03
  295. )))
  296. (+ (/ (* x r0) s0)
  297. (* 2/pi
  298. (- (* (bessj1 x) (log x))
  299. (/ 1.0 x)))))
  300. (let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))
  301. (y (* z z))
  302. (xx (- ax 3pi/4))
  303. (p1 ;Pone 6747
  304. (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  305. +.1290918471896188077350689e+5
  306. +.1309042051103506486292571e+5
  307. +.313275295635506951011069e+4
  308. +.17431379748379024599685e+3
  309. +.122850537643590432633e+1)
  310. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  311. +.1290918471896187879332737e+5
  312. +.1306678308784402036110575e+5
  313. +.310928141677002883350924e+4
  314. +.16904721775008609992033e+3
  315. +.1e+1)))
  316. (q1 ;Qone 7147
  317. (/ (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  318. +.14465282874995208675225e+3
  319. +.1744291689092425885102e+3
  320. +.5173653281836591636536e+2
  321. +.379944537969806734901e+1
  322. +.36363466476034710809e-1)
  323. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  324. +.308592701333231723110639e+4
  325. +.373434010601630179517765e+4
  326. +.11191098527047487025919e+4
  327. +.8522392064341340397334e+2
  328. +.1e+1))))
  329. (* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
  330. (+ (* (sin xx) p1)
  331. (* z (cos xx) q1)))))))
  332. #|
  333. ;;; These coefficients are from Numerical Recipes... not so good... 7digits.
  334. (define (bessy0 x)
  335. (let ((ax (magnitude x)))
  336. (if (< ax 8.0)
  337. (let* ((y (* x x))
  338. (r0
  339. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  340. -2957821389.0
  341. +7062834065.0
  342. -512359803.6
  343. +10879881.29
  344. -86327.92757
  345. +228.4622733))
  346. (s0
  347. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  348. +40076544269.0
  349. +745249964.8
  350. +7189466.438
  351. +47447.26470
  352. +226.1030244
  353. +1.0)))
  354. (+ (/ r0 s0)
  355. (* 2/pi (bessj0 x) (log x))))
  356. (let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))
  357. (y (* z z))
  358. (xx (- ax pi/4))
  359. (p0
  360. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  361. +1.0
  362. -0.1098628627e-2
  363. +0.2734510407e-4
  364. -0.2073370639e-5
  365. +0.2093887211e-6))
  366. (q0
  367. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  368. -0.1562499995e-1
  369. +0.1430488765e-3
  370. -0.6911147651e-5
  371. +0.7621095161e-6
  372. -0.934945152e-7)))
  373. (* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
  374. (+ (* (sin xx) p0)
  375. (* z (cos xx) q0)))))))
  376. (define (bessy1 x)
  377. (let ((ax (magnitude x)))
  378. (if (< ax 8.0)
  379. (let* ((y (* x x))
  380. (r0
  381. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  382. -0.4900604943e13
  383. +0.1275274390e13
  384. -0.5153438139e11
  385. +0.7349264551e9
  386. -0.4237922726e7
  387. +0.8511937935e4))
  388. (s0
  389. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  390. +0.2499580570e14
  391. +0.4244419664e12
  392. +0.3733650367e10
  393. +0.2245904002e8
  394. +0.1020426050e6
  395. +0.3549632885e3
  396. +1.0)))
  397. (+ (/ (* x r0) s0)
  398. (* 2/pi
  399. (- (* (bessj1 x) (log x))
  400. (/ 1.0 x)))))
  401. (let* ((z (/ 8.0 ax))
  402. (y (* z z))
  403. (xx (- ax 3pi/4))
  404. (p0
  405. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  406. +1.0
  407. +0.183105e-2
  408. -0.3516396496e-4
  409. +0.2457520174e-5
  410. -0.240337019e-6))
  411. (q0
  412. (poly-by-coeffs->value y
  413. +0.04687499995
  414. -0.2002690873e-3
  415. +0.8449199096e-5
  416. -0.88228987e-6
  417. +0.105787412e-6)))
  418. (* (sqrt (/ 2/pi ax))
  419. (+ (* (sin xx) p0)
  420. (* z (cos xx) q0)))))))
  421. |#
  422. (define (bessy n x)
  423. (cond ((fix:= n 0) (bessy0 x))
  424. ((fix:= n 1) (bessy1 x))
  425. ((not (> x 0))
  426. (error "Argument out of range -- Bessel Y" n x))
  427. ((fix:< n 0)
  428. (if (even? n) (bessy (- n) x) (- (bessy (- n) x))))
  429. (else
  430. (let lp ((i 1) (yn (bessy1 x)) (yn-1 (bessy0 x)))
  431. (if (fix:= i n)
  432. yn
  433. (lp (fix:+ i 1)
  434. (- (/ (* 2 i yn) x) yn-1)
  435. yn))))))
  436. (define (bessh n x)
  437. (+ (bessj n x) (* +i (bessy n x))))
  438. #|
  439. (define (bessh:n<<x n x)
  440. (* (sqrt (/ 2 pi z))
  441. (exp (* +i (- z (* pi/2 n) pi/4)))))
  442. |#
  443. #|
  444. ;;; Consistency check based on Wronskian:
  445. ;;; J_{n+1}(x) Y_n(x) - J_n(x) Y_{n+1}(x) = 2/(pi x)
  446. (define (bessel-check n x)
  447. (/ (- (* (bessj (+ n 1) x) (bessy n x))
  448. (* (bessj n x) (bessy (+ n 1) x))
  449. (/ 2 (* pi x)))
  450. (/ 2 (* pi x))))
  451. (let lp ((x .0001) (worstx 0.0) (relerr 0.0))
  452. (if (> x 20)
  453. (list `(worst-x ,worstx relative-error ,relerr))
  454. (let ((err (bessel-check 0 x)))
  455. (if (> (magnitude err) (magnitude relerr))
  456. (lp (+ x .0001) x err)
  457. (lp (+ x .0001) worstx relerr)))))
  458. ;Value: ((worst-x 7.950999999994808 relative-error -1.1214144656680372e-13))
  459. ;;; Interestingly, there appears to be a problem just below 8.0, because
  460. ;;; except near here the errors are close to roundoff noise.
  461. (define win
  462. (frame 7.90 8.00 -2e-13 2e-13))
  463. (plot-function win
  464. (lambda (x)
  465. (bessel-check 0 x))
  466. 7.90
  467. 8.0
  468. 0.000001)
  469. (graphics-clear win)
  470. (graphics-close win)
  471. (define win
  472. (frame 0.0 20.0 -2e-13 2e-13))
  473. (plot-function win
  474. (lambda (x)
  475. (bessel-check 0 x))
  476. 0.1
  477. 20.0
  478. 0.0001)
  479. ;;; Graph is stored in bessel-error.jpg
  480. (define (foo z) ;Approx to J0 9.1.18 A&S
  481. (/ (integrate-closed-closed
  482. (lambda (theta)
  483. (cos (* z (sin theta))))
  484. 0.0
  485. pi
  486. 1e-16)
  487. pi))
  488. (define win
  489. (frame 0.0 20.0 -2e-15 2e-15))
  490. |#