123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331 |
- #| -*-Scheme-*-
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994,
- 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
- 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Massachusetts
- Institute of Technology
- This file is part of MIT/GNU Scheme.
- MIT/GNU Scheme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
- your option) any later version.
- MIT/GNU Scheme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with MIT/GNU Scheme; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
- USA.
- |#
- ;;;; Richardson Extrapolation of a sequence, represented as a stream.
- (declare (usual-integrations))
- ;;; Assumption: The sequence is the values of a function at successive
- ;;; reciprocal powers of 2. The function is assumed to be analytic in
- ;;; a region around h=0 with a power-series expansion. The first
- ;;; non-constant term of the series has power p and successive terms
- ;;; are separated by powers of q.
- (define (make-zeno-sequence R h)
- (cons-stream (R h) (make-zeno-sequence R (/ h 2))))
- (define (accelerate-zeno-sequence seq p)
- (let* ((2^p (expt 2 p)) (2^p-1 (- 2^p 1)))
- (map-streams (lambda (Rh Rh/2)
- (/ (- (* 2^p Rh/2) Rh)
- 2^p-1))
- seq
- (tail seq))))
- (define (make-zeno-tableau seq p q)
- (define (sequences seq order)
- (cons-stream seq
- (sequences (accelerate-zeno-sequence seq order)
- (+ order q))))
- (sequences seq p))
- (define (first-terms-of-zeno-tableau tableau)
- (map-stream head tableau))
- (define (richardson-sequence seq p q)
- (first-terms-of-zeno-tableau (make-zeno-tableau seq p q)))
- (define (stream-limit s tolerance . optionals)
- (let ((M (default-lookup 'MAXTERMS -1 optionals))
- (ok? (default-lookup 'CONVERGENCE-TEST close-enuf? optionals)))
- (let loop ((s s) (count 2))
- ;;(write-line 'main-loop)
- (let* ((h1 (head s)) (t (tail s)) (h2 (head t)))
- ;;(write-line (list count h1 h2))
- (cond ((ok? h1 h2 tolerance) h2)
- ((and (positive? M) (>= count M))
- ((default-lookup 'IFFAIL
- (lambda args
- (error "STREAM-LIMIT not reached" M))
- optionals)
- 'stream-limit
- 'not-converged
- M
- h1
- h2))
- (else (loop t (+ count 1))))))))
- (define (richardson-limit f start-h ord inc tolerance . opts)
- (apply stream-limit
- (richardson-sequence (make-zeno-sequence f start-h)
- ord
- inc)
- tolerance
- opts))
- #|
- ;;; Archimedean computation of Pi.
- (define (refine-by-doubling s)
- (/ s (sqrt (+ 2 (sqrt (- 4 (square s)))))))
- (define (stream-of-iterates next value)
- (cons-stream value (stream-of-iterates next (next value))))
- (define side-lengths
- (stream-of-iterates refine-by-doubling (sqrt 2)))
- (define side-numbers
- (stream-of-iterates (lambda (n) (* 2 n)) 4))
- (define (semi-perimeter length-of-side number-of-sides)
- (* (/ number-of-sides 2) length-of-side))
- (define archimedean-pi-sequence
- (map-streams semi-perimeter side-lengths side-numbers))
- (print-stream archimedean-pi-sequence 24)
- 2.8284271247461903
- 3.0614674589207183
- 3.1214451522580524
- 3.1365484905459393
- 3.140331156954753
- 3.141277250932773
- 3.1415138011443013
- 3.141572940367092
- 3.14158772527716
- 3.1415914215112
- 3.141592345570118
- 3.141592576584873
- 3.1415926343385636
- 3.141592648776986
- 3.1415926523865916
- 3.1415926532889933
- 3.1415926535145937
- 3.141592653570994
- 3.141592653585094
- 3.141592653588619
- 3.1415926535895
- 3.1415926535897203
- 3.1415926535897754
- 3.141592653589789
- ;Value: ...
- |#
- #|
- (print-stream (richardson-sequence archimedean-pi-sequence 2 2) 7)
- 2.8284271247461903
- 3.1391475703122276
- 3.1415903931299374
- 3.141592653286045
- 3.1415926535897865
- 3.141592653589793
- 3.1415926535897936
- ;Value: ...
- (guess-ord-and-inc archimedean-pi-sequence)
- ;Value: (2. 2.)
- |#
- (define ord-estimate-stream
- (let ((log2 (log 2)))
- (lambda (s)
- (let* ((s0 (head s)) (st (tail s))
- (s1 (head st)) (s2 (head (tail st))))
- (cons-stream (/ (log (abs (/ (- s0 s1) (- s1 s2))))
- log2)
- (ord-estimate-stream st))))))
- (define (guess-integer-convergent s)
- (let* ((s0 (head s)) (st (tail s))
- (s1 (head st)) (s2 (head (tail st))))
- (let* ((N (round s0))
- (e2 (magnitude (- s2 N)))
- (e1 (magnitude (- s1 N)))
- (e0 (magnitude (- s0 N))))
- (if (and (<= e2 e1) (<= e1 e0))
- N
- (guess-integer-convergent st)))))
- (define (guess-ord-inc-etc s) ;tries to return { ord inc inc inc ... }
- (let ((psequence (ord-estimate-stream s)))
- (cons-stream (guess-integer-convergent psequence)
- (guess-ord-inc-etc psequence))))
- (define (guess-ord-and-inc s)
- (let ((g (guess-ord-inc-etc s)))
- ;; ... and if we make it this far ...
- (list (head g) (head (tail g)))))
- ;;; For example, we can make a Richardson extrapolation to get the
- ;;; first derivative of a function to a required tolerance.
- (define richardson-derivative
- (let ((log2 (log 2.)))
- (define* (rderiv f tolerance #:optional plausible-h)
- (define (the-richardson-derivative x)
- (let ((h
- (if (default-object? plausible-h)
- (if (zero? x)
- 0.1
- (* 0.5 (magnitude x)))
- plausible-h)))
- (let* ((delta (- (f (+ x h)) (f (- x h))))
- (roundoff (* *machine-epsilon*
- (+ 1 (floor (magnitude (/ (f x)
- (if (zero? delta)
- 1
- delta)))))))
- (n (floor (/ (log (/ tolerance roundoff)) log2))))
- (richardson-limit (lambda (dx)
- (/ (- (f (+ x dx))
- (f (- x dx)))
- (* 2 dx)))
- h
- 2
- 2
- tolerance
- 'MAXTERMS (+ n 1)))))
- the-richardson-derivative)
- rderiv))
- (define richardson-second-derivative
- (let ((log4 (log 4)))
- (lambda (f tolerance)
- (lambda (x)
- (let* ((plausible-h (* 0.5 (magnitude x)))
- (h (if (zero? plausible-h) 0.1 plausible-h))
- (2fx (* 2 (f x)))
- (delta (+ (f (+ x h h)) (- 2fx) (f (- x h h))))
- (roundoff (* *machine-epsilon*
- (+ 1 (floor (magnitude (/ 2fx
- (if (zero? delta)
- 1
- delta)))))))
- (n (floor (/ (log (/ tolerance roundoff)) log4))))
- (richardson-limit (lambda (h)
- (/ (+ (f (+ x h h))
- (* -2 (f x))
- (f (- x h h)))
- (* 4 h h)))
- h
- 2
- 2
- tolerance
- 'MAXTERMS (+ n 1)))))))
- ;;; Romberg integration is the result of a Richardson extrapolation
- ;;; of the trapezoid method.
- (define (romberg-quadrature f a b tolerance)
- (define (trapezoid-sums f a b)
- (define (next-S S n)
- (let* ((h (/ (- b a) 2 n))
- (fx (lambda (i) (f (+ a (* (+ i i -1) h))))))
- (+ (/ S 2) (* h (sigma fx 1 n)))))
- (define (S-and-n-stream S n)
- (cons-stream (list S n)
- (S-and-n-stream (next-S S n) (* n 2))))
- (let* ((h (- b a))
- (S (* (/ h 2) (+ (f a) (f b)))))
- (map-stream car (S-and-n-stream S 1))))
- (stream-limit
- (richardson-sequence (trapezoid-sums f a b)
- 2
- 2)
- tolerance))
- ;;; Given a sequence (stream) of abscissas and ordinates for a function,
- ;;; the following procedure constructs a sequence of constant terms of
- ;;; polynomials that interpolate the successive initial segments of the
- ;;; given sequences.
- ;;; This is done by incrementally constructing a Neville-like tableau
- ;;; for the interpolating polynomials, specialized for argument 0.
- (define polynomial-extrapolation
- (letrec ((pt-lp
- (lambda (xs ys xstate ystate)
- (let ((x (head xs)))
- (letrec ((poly-lp
- (lambda (y xstate ystate)
- (if (null? ystate)
- (list y)
- (cons y
- (poly-lp (/ (- (* y (car xstate))
- (* x (car ystate)))
- (- (car xstate) x))
- (cdr xstate)
- (cdr ystate)))))))
- (let ((new (poly-lp (head ys) xstate ystate)))
- (cons-stream (car (last-pair new))
- (pt-lp (tail xs)
- (tail ys)
- (cons x xstate)
- new))))))))
- (lambda (abscissas ordinates)
- (pt-lp abscissas ordinates '() '()))))
- ;;; Given a sequence (stream) of abscissas and ordinates for a function,
- ;;; the following procedure constructs a sequence of constant terms of
- ;;; rational functions that interpolate the successive initial segments
- ;;; of the given sequences.
- ;;; This is done by incrementally constructing a Bulirsch-Stoer tableau
- ;;; for the interpolating rational functions, specialized for argument 0.
- (define rational-extrapolation
- (letrec ((pt-lp
- (lambda (xs ys xstate ystate)
- (let ((x (head xs)))
- (letrec ((rat-lp
- (lambda (y xstate ystate z)
- (if (null? ystate)
- (list y)
- (let ((u (* (/ (car xstate) x)
- (- (car ystate) z))))
- (cons y
- (rat-lp
- (/ (+ (* y (- u (car ystate)))
- (* z (car ystate)))
- (- u (- y z)))
- (cdr xstate)
- (cdr ystate)
- (car ystate))))))))
- (let ((new (rat-lp (head ys) xstate ystate 0)))
- (cons-stream (car (last-pair new))
- (pt-lp (tail xs)
- (tail ys)
- (cons x xstate)
- new))))))))
- (lambda (abscissas ordinates)
- (pt-lp abscissas ordinates '() '()))))