123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154 |
- /* eslint no-console:0 */
- "use strict";
- const fs = require("fs");
- const childProcess = require("child_process");
- const opts = require("commander")
- .option("-s, --spacing",
- "Print mismatches involving spacing commands")
- .parse(process.argv);
- require('babel-register')({plugins: ["transform-es2015-modules-commonjs"]});
- const symbols = require("../src/symbols").default;
- const keys = Object.keys(symbols.math);
- keys.sort();
- const types = [
- "mathord", "op", "bin", "rel", "open", "close", "punct", "inner",
- "spacing", "accent", "textord",
- ];
- process.nextTick(writeTexFile);
- function writeTexFile() {
- const tex = fs.createWriteStream("symgroups.tex");
- tex.on("finish", typeset);
- tex.write("\\documentclass{article}\n" +
- "\\usepackage{textcomp,amsmath,amssymb,gensymb}\n" +
- "\\begin{document}\n" +
- "\\showboxbreadth=\\maxdimen\\showboxdepth=\\maxdimen\n\n");
- keys.forEach(function(key, idx) {
- const sym = symbols.math[key];
- const type = types.indexOf(sym.group) + 1;
- tex.write("$" + idx + "+" + key + "+" + type + "\\showlists$\n\n");
- });
- tex.end("\\end{document}\n");
- }
- function typeset() {
- const proc = childProcess.spawn(
- "pdflatex", ["--interaction=nonstopmode", "symgroups"],
- {stdio: "ignore"});
- proc.on("exit", function(code, signal) {
- if (signal) {
- throw new Error("pdflatex terminated by signal " + signal);
- }
- fs.readFile("symgroups.log", "ascii", evaluate);
- }).on("error", function(err) {
- throw err;
- });
- }
- /* Consider the symbol "\sim" as an example. At the time of this
- * writing, it has index 431 in our list, and is of group "rel" which
- * is the fourth of the types listed above. So we construct an input line
- * $431+\sim+4\showlists$ and receive corresponding output
- *
- * ### math mode entered at line 870
- * \mathord
- * .\fam0 4
- * \mathord
- * .\fam0 3
- * \mathord
- * .\fam0 2
- * \mathbin
- * .\fam0 +
- * \mathrel
- * .\fam2 '
- * \mathbin
- * .\fam0 +
- * \mathord
- * .\fam0 4
- * ### horizontal mode entered at line 870
- *
- * This is what we parse, using some regular expressions.
- */
- // Extract individual blocks, from switch to math mode up to switch back.
- const reMM = /^### math mode entered.*\n([^]*?)###/mg;
- // Identify the parts separated by the plus signs
- const reParts = /([^]*^\.\\fam0 \+\n)([^]+)(\\mathbin\n\.+\\fam0 \+[^]*)/m;
- // Variation of the above in case we have nothing between the plus signs
- const reEmpty = /^\.\\fam0 \+\n\\mathbin\n\.\\fam0 \+/m;
- // Match any printed digit in the first or last of these parts
- const reDigit = /^\.\\fam0 ([0-9])/mg;
- // Match the atom type, i.e. "\mathrel" in the above example
- const reAtom = /\\([a-z]+)/;
- function evaluate(err, log) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- let match;
- let nextIndex = 0;
- while ((match = reMM.exec(log)) !== null) {
- const list = match[1];
- match = reParts.exec(list);
- if (!match) {
- match = reEmpty.exec(list);
- if (match) {
- console.log(keys[nextIndex] + " (index " + nextIndex +
- ") in LaTeX apparently " +
- "doesn't contribute to the output.\n");
- nextIndex++;
- continue;
- }
- console.error("Can't split this into parts:");
- console.error(list);
- process.exit(2);
- }
- const idx = extractDigits(match[1]);
- const atom = match[2];
- const katexType = types[extractDigits(match[3]) - 1] || "???";
- match = reAtom.exec(atom);
- if (!match) {
- console.error("Failed to find atom type");
- console.error(atom);
- console.error(list);
- process.exit(3);
- }
- const latexType = match[1];
- if (katexType !== latexType && "math" + katexType !== latexType &&
- (katexType !== "textord" || latexType !== "mathord") &&
- (katexType !== "spacing" || opts.spacing)) {
- console.log(keys[idx] + " (index " + idx + ") has '" + katexType +
- "' in KaTeX, but LaTeX uses '" + latexType + "':");
- console.log(atom);
- }
- if (nextIndex !== idx) {
- console.error("Index " + nextIndex + " not found in log");
- process.exit(4);
- }
- nextIndex = idx + 1;
- }
- if (nextIndex !== keys.length) {
- console.error("Processed " + nextIndex +
- " out of " + keys.length + " symbols");
- process.exit(4);
- }
- }
- function extractDigits(str) {
- let match;
- let res = "";
- while ((match = reDigit.exec(str)) !== null) {
- res += match[1];
- }
- return +res;
- }