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title: ForgeFed Modeling


This document describes the rules and guidelines for representing version control and project management related objects as linked data, using the ForgeFed vocabulary, ActivityStreams 2, and other related vocabularies.


The ForgeFed modeling specification is a set of rules and guidelines which describe version control repository and project management related objects and properties, and specify how to represent them as JSON-LD objects (and linked data in general) using the ForgeFed vocabulary and related vocabularies and ontologies. Using these modeling rules consistently across implementations and instances allows to have a common language spoken across networks of software forges, project management apps and more.

The ForgeFed vocabulary specification defines a dedicated vocabulary of forge-related terms, and the modeling specification uses these terms, along with terms that already exist in ActivityPub or elsewhere and can be reused for forge federation.

The ForgeFed behavior specification provides instructions for using Activities, and which Activities and properties to use, to represent forge events, and describes the side-effects these Activities should have. The objects used as inputs and outputs of behavior descriptions there are defined here in the modeling specification.


To represent a named set of changes committed into a repository's history, use the ForgeFed Commit type. Such a committed change set is called e.g. a commit in Git, and a patch in Darcs.


  • type: "Commit"
  • context: The Repository that this commit belongs to
  • attributedTo: The commit author; if their actor URI is unknown, it MAY be their email address as a mailto URI
  • created: A value of type xsd:dateTime (i.e. an ISO 8601 datetime value) specifying the time at which the commit was written by its author
  • committedBy: The entity that committed the commit's changes into their local copy of the repo, before the commit was pushed; if their actor URI is unknown, it MAY be their email address as a mailto URI
  • committed: The time the commit was committed by its committer
  • hash: The hash identifying the commit, e.g. the commit SHA1 hash in Git; the patch info SHA1 hash in Darcs
  • summary: The commit's one-line title as HTML-escaped plain text; if the commit title and description are a single commit message string, then the title is the 1st line of the commit message
  • description: A JSON object with a mediaType field and a content field, where mediaType SHOULD be "text/plain" and content is the commit's possibly-multi-line description; if the commit title and description are a single commit message string, then the description is everything after the 1st line of the commit message (possibly with leading whitespace stripped)


    "@context": [
    "id": "",
    "type": "Commit",
    "context": "",
    "attributedTo": "",
    "created": "2019-07-11T12:34:56Z",
    "committedBy": "",
    "committed": "2019-07-26T23:45:01Z",
    "hash": "109ec9a09c7df7fec775d2ba0b9d466e5643ec8c",
    "summary": "Add an installation script, fixes issue #89",
    "description": {
        "mediaType": "text/plain",
        "content": "It's about time people can install it on their computers!"


To represent a repository branch, use the ForgeFed Branch type. It can be a real built-in version control system branch (such as a Git branch) or a copy of the repo used as a branch (e.g. in Darcs, which doesn't implement branches, and the way to have branches is to keep multiple versions of the repo).


  • type: "Branch"
  • context: The Repository that this branch belongs to
  • name: The user given name of the branch, e.g. "master"
  • ref: The unique identifier of the branch within the repo, e.g. "refs/heads/master"
  • team: If the branch has its own access/authority/visibility settings, this can be a Collection of the actors who have push/edit access to the branch


    "@context": [
    "id": "",
    "type": "Branch",
    "context": "",
    "name": "master",
    "ref": "refs/heads/master"


To represent a version control repository, use the ForgeFed Repository type.


  • type: "Repository"
  • name: The user given name of the repository, e.g. "My cool repo"
  • cloneUri: The endpoint from which the content of the repository can be obtained via the native protocol (Git, Hg, etc.)
  • attributedTo: The actor(s) in charge of the repository, e.g. a person or an organization; if their actor URI is unknown, it MAY be their email address as a mailto URI
  • published: The time the repository was created on the server
  • summary: A one-line user provided description of the repository, as HTML, e.g. "<p>A command-line tool that does cool things</p>"
  • team: Collection of actors who have management/push access to the repository, or the subset of them who is available and wants to be contacted/notified/responsible on repo access related activities/requests
  • forks: OrderedCollection of repositories that are forks of this repository
  • ticketsTrackedBy: The ticket tracker that tracks tickets for this repository, this can be the repository itself if it manages its own tickets
  • sendPatchesTo: The actor that tracks patches for this repository, this can be the repository itself if it manages its own patches and merge requests. For example it may be some external tracker or service, or the user or team to whom the repository belongs.


    "@context": [
    "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim",
    "cloneUri": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim.git",
    "type": "Repository",
    "publicKey": {
        "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim#main-key",
        "owner": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim",
        "publicKeyPem": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhki....."
    "inbox": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim/inbox",
    "outbox": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim/outbox",
    "followers": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim/followers",
    "team": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim/team",
    "ticketsTrackedBy": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim",
    "sendPatchesTo": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim",
    "name": "Tree Growth 3D Simulation",
    "attributedTo": "",
    "summary": "<p>Tree growth 3D simulator for my nature exploration game</p>"


To represent an event of Commits being pushed to a Repository, use a ForgeFed Push activity.


  • type: "Push"
  • actor: The entity (person, bot, etc.) that pushed the commits
  • context: The Repository to which the push was made
  • target: The specific repo history tip onto which the commits were added, this is either a Branch (for VCSs that have branches) or a Repository (for VCSs that don't have branches, only a single history line). If it's a branch, it MUST be a branch belonging to the repository specified by context. And if it's a repository, it MUST be identical to the one specified by context.
  • hashBefore: Repo/branch/tip hash before adding the new commits
  • hashAfter: Repo/branch/tip hash after adding the new commits
  • object: An OrderedCollection of the Commits being pushed, in reverse chronological order. The items (or orderedItems) property of the collection MUST contain either the whole list of commits being pushed, or a prefix i.e. continuous subset from the beginning of the list (therefore the latest commits). earlyItems MAY be used for listing a suffix i.e. continuous subset from the end (therefore the earliest commits).


    "@context": [
    "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/outbox/E26bE",
    "type": "Push",
    "actor": "https://dev.example/aviva",
    "to": [
    "context": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life",
    "target": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/branches/master",
    "hashBefore": "017cbb00bc20d1cae85f46d638684898d095f0ae",
    "hashAfter": "be9f48a341c4bb5cd79ae7ab85fbf0c05d2837bb",
    "object": {
        "totalItems": 2,
        "type": "OrderedCollection",
        "orderedItems": [
                "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/commits/be9f48a341c4bb5cd79ae7ab85fbf0c05d2837bb",
                "type": "Commit",
                "attributedTo": "https://dev.example/aviva",
                "context": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life",
                "hash": "be9f48a341c4bb5cd79ae7ab85fbf0c05d2837bb",
                "created": "2019-12-02T16:07:32Z",
                "summary": "Add widget to alter simulation speed"
                "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/commits/fa37fe100a8b1e69933889c5bf3caf95cd3ae1e6",
                "type": "Commit",
                "attributedTo": "https://dev.example/aviva",
                "context": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life",
                "hash": "fa37fe100a8b1e69933889c5bf3caf95cd3ae1e6",
                "created": "2019-12-02T15:51:52Z",
                "summary": "Set window title correctly, fixes issue #7"


To represent a work item in a project, use the ForgeFed Ticket type.

TODO decide on ticket categories/subtypes and update below

TODO decide on property for titles, update below

TODO properly document history or remove it from example


  • type: "Ticket"
  • context: The TicketTracker or PatchTracker to which this ticket belongs
  • attributedTo: The actor (person, bot, etc.) who submitted the ticket
  • summary: The ticket's one-line title, as HTML-escaped plain text
  • content, mediaType: The ticket's (possibly multi-line) detailed description text, in rendered form
  • source: Source form of the ticket's description
  • published: The time the ticket submission was accepted (which may not be the same as the time the ticket was submitted)
  • followers: Collection of the followers of the ticket, actors who want to be notified on activity related to the ticket
  • team: Collection of project team members who have responsibility for work on this ticket and want to be notified on activities related to it
  • replies: Collection of direct comments made on the ticket (but not comments made on other comments on the ticket)
  • dependants: Collection of Tickets which depend on this ticket
  • dependencies: Collection of Tickets on which this ticket depends
  • isResolved: Whether the work on this ticket is done
  • resolvedBy: If the work on this ticket is done, who marked the ticket as resolved, or which activity did so
  • resolved: When the ticket has been marked as resolved


    "@context": [
    "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/issues/107",
    "type": "Ticket",
    "context": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life",
    "attributedTo": "https://forge.example/luke",
    "summary": "Window title is empty",
    "content": "<p>When I start the simulation, window title disappears suddenly</p>",
    "mediaType": "text/html",
    "source": {
        "mediaType": "text/markdown; variant=Commonmark",
        "content": "When I start the simulation, window title disappears suddenly",
    "published": "2019-11-04T07:00:04.465807Z",
    "followers": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/issues/107/followers",
    "team": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/issues/107/team",
    "replies": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/issues/107/discussion",
    "history": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/issues/107/activity",
    "dependants": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/issues/107/rdeps",
    "dependencies": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/issues/107/deps",
    "isResolved": true,
    "resolvedBy": "https://code.example/martin",
    "resolved": "2020-02-07T06:45:03.281314Z"


To represent a comment, e.g. a comment on a ticket or a merge request, use the ActivityPub Note type.


  • type: "Note"
  • attributedTo: The author of the comment
  • context: The topic of the discussion, e.g. a ticket or a merge request. It MUST be provided.
  • inReplyTo: The entity on which this comment replies. MUST be provided. If the comment is made directly on the discussion topic, then inReplyTo MUST be identical to context. Otherwise, set inReplyTo to the comment to which this comment replies. In that case both comments MUST have an identical context.
  • content, mediaType, source: The comment text, in rendered form and in source form


    "@context": "",
    "id": "https://forge.example/luke/comments/rD05r",
    "type": "Note",
    "attributedTo": "https://forge.example/luke",
    "context": "https://dev.example/aviva/game-of-life/merge-requests/19",
    "inReplyTo": "https://dev.example/aviva/comments/E9AGE",
    "mediaType": "text/html",
    "content": "<p>Thank you for the review! I'll submit a correction ASAP</p>",
    "source": {
        "mediaType": "text/markdown; variant=Commonmark",
        "content": "Thank you for the review! I'll submit a correction ASAP"
    "published": "2019-11-06T20:49:05.604488Z"

Access Control


To offer some actor access to a shared resource (such as a repository or a ticket tracker), use an ActivityPub Invite activity.


  • type: "Invite"
  • actor: The entity (person, bot, etc.) that is offering access
  • instrument: The role or permission specifying which operations on the resource are being allowed
  • target: The resource, access to which is being given (for example, a repository)
  • object: The actor who is being gives access to the resource
  • capability: A previously published Grant, giving the actor permission to invite more actors to access the resource


    "@context": [
    "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/outbox/B47d3",
    "type": "Invite",
    "actor": "https://dev.example/aviva",
    "to": [
    "instrument": "https://roles.example/maintainer",
    "target": "",
    "object": "",
    "capability": ""


To request access to a shared resource, use an ActivityPub Join activity.


  • type: "Join"
  • actor: The entity (person, bot, etc.) that is requesting access
  • instrument: The role or permission specifying which operations on the resource are being requested
  • object: The resource, access to which is being given (for example, a repository)
  • capability: (optional) A previously published Grant, giving the actor permission to gain access to the resource without the approval of another actor. If capability isn't provided, the resource won't grant access before someone with adequate access approves the Join request.


    "@context": [
    "id": "",
    "type": "Join",
    "actor": "",
    "to": [
    "instrument": "https://roles.example/maintainer",
    "object": "",
    "capability": ""


To give some actor access to a shared resource, use a ForgeFed Grant activity.


  • type: "Grant"
  • actor: The entity (person, bot, etc.) that is giving access
  • object: The role or permission specifying which operations on the resource are being allowed
  • context: The resource, access to which is being given (for example, a repository)
  • target: The actor who is being gives access to the resource
  • fulfills: The activity that triggered the sending of the Grant, such as a related Invite (another example: if Alice Creates a new repository, the repository may automatically send back a Grant giving Alice admin access, and this Grant's fulfills refers to the Create that Alice sent)
  • result: A URI that can be used later for verifying that the given access is still approved, thus allowing the actor granting the access to revoke it


    "@context": [
    "id": "",
    "type": "Grant",
    "actor": "",
    "to": [
    "object": "https://roles.example/maintainer",
    "context": "",
    "target": "",
    "fulfills": "https://dev.example/aviva/outbox/B47d3"