There are two ways to get the sources used by Dragora:
Normally we obtain the sources from original sites (upstream).
Full address of sources files are in the "SOURCELIST.txt" file. A copy of these files can be found via RSYNC at rsync://
Please, check our mirrors.
Download all the sources from the list, one by one:
wget -c -i SOURCELIST.txt
If your wget(1) implementation lacks '-i', try with:
cat SOURCELIST.txt | wget -c -
rsync -rvaiz --progress rsync:// .
Note, if you are upgrading an (already) out-of-date sources directory and want to make it clear, add the following options:
rsync -rvaiz --progress --delete-delay \
rsync:// .
The command and options above will preserve the file while deletes any previous source.
The tarballs will be stored on the current working directory.
Download all the sources from the list.
Use the RSYNC protocol to download missing sources.
Remember to check if everything is OK. To check the integrity of all the tarballs using sha256sum(1), type:
sha256sum --quiet --check *.sha256