123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130 |
- extends Area2D
- class_name Display
- enum State {
- }
- @onready var parent = get_parent()
- const speed : float = Globals.tile_size * 9
- const jump_height : float = Globals.tile_size * 2.25
- const jump_velocity : float = -sqrt(jump_height * 2 * Globals.gravity)
- var display : Sprite2D
- var noise : Sprite2D
- var player : Sprite2D
- var cracked_display : Sprite2D
- var index : Label
- @export var state : State : set = _set_state
- static var box_count = 0
- static var numbers_displayed = false
- var current_box_index = 0
- static func reset() -> void:
- box_count = 0
- numbers_displayed = false
- func _set_state(new_state: State) -> void:
- state = new_state
- #workaround for onready setters
- if not is_inside_tree():
- await ready
- match new_state:
- State.EMPTY:
- display.visible = true
- noise.visible = false
- player.visible = false
- cracked_display.visible = false
- input_pickable = true
- State.PLAYER:
- display.visible = true
- noise.visible = false
- player.visible = true
- cracked_display.visible = false
- input_pickable = false
- State.NOISE:
- display.visible = true
- noise.visible = true
- player.visible = false
- cracked_display.visible = false
- input_pickable = false
- State.CRACKED:
- display.visible = true
- noise.visible = false
- player.visible = false
- cracked_display.visible = true
- input_pickable = false
- func _ready() -> void:
- EventBus.player_moving_to_box.connect(move_to_box)
- display = $Sprites/Display
- noise = $Sprites/Noise
- player = $Sprites/Player
- cracked_display = $Sprites/CrackedDisplay
- index = $Sprites/Index
- if state == State.EMPTY or state == State.PLAYER:
- box_count += 1
- current_box_index = box_count
- index.text = str(current_box_index)
- func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void:
- if state != State.PLAYER:
- return
- if numbers_displayed:
- return
- if Input.is_action_just_pressed("player_jump") and parent.is_on_floor():
- parent.velocity.y = jump_velocity
- var direction := Input.get_axis("player_left", "player_right")
- if direction:
- parent.velocity.x = direction * speed
- parent.getting_force = true
- else:
- parent.getting_force = false
- func move_to_box(box : Display) -> void:
- if state == State.PLAYER:
- if box.index.visible:
- box.index.visible = false
- index.visible = true
- state = State.EMPTY
- parent.velocity.x = 0
- box.state = State.PLAYER
- func _on_input_event(_viewport, event: InputEvent, _shape) -> void:
- if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed:
- EventBus.player_moving_to_box.emit(self)
- func _on_area_entered(_area: Area2D) -> void:
- if state == State.EMPTY:
- state = State.NOISE
- elif state == State.PLAYER:
- state = State.NOISE
- await get_tree().create_timer(0.5).timeout
- SceneManager.change_to_scene("CURRENT")
- func _on_area_exited(_area: Area2D) -> void:
- if state == State.NOISE:
- state = State.EMPTY
- func _unhandled_key_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
- event = event as InputEventKey
- if event.keycode == KEY_TAB and event.is_pressed() and !event.is_echo():
- if state == State.EMPTY:
- index.visible = !index.visible
- if OS.get_keycode_string(event.keycode) == str(current_box_index):
- if state == State.EMPTY:
- EventBus.player_moving_to_box.emit(self)